
I want you to Be Mine

~I want you to be mine! It's just too complicated right now. But you're mine either way. Only mine!~ * * * * * Riccardo Randolph is respected by many and feared by much more. He's the soon to be Alpha of the Randolph pack. A man known to be ruthless and quick on his feet. People asked if his father really trained him or he trained his father because his brutality cannot be compared to that of his father. An alpha has got to be Ruthless, quick, logical, dignified and mated. He has all those right? well, he doesn't have a mate yet. In the not-so-small werewolf community, a man must not become an alpha until he has a mate to rule along side with and keep him in check. After giving up hope of finding a mate at 27, he meets Catriona Lucian in the most unexpected circumstances. The issue here is, Riccardo already has a lover and girlfriend that he has already declared as his mate and Catriona hates the word "mates" due to a past trauma and when the carefree, stubborn girl meets the person the moon goddess has paired her up with "this early" in her life gave her mixed feelings. Do you think they stand a chance together?

Faith_Emmanuel_6454 · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: Alpha Riccardo Randolph

Catriona's pov:

"Oh shoot!" I shouted as I jerked off the bed in haste making me slightly dizzy as I ran down the stairs to the kitchen glancing at the time as I ran. It was 7am and I am in a lot of trouble. I totally forgot to set my alarm. I face palmed myself as I searched round the kitchen to find all my baking items and got right to it

*       *        *         *        *        *

"Oh why me!" I ran as fast as my legs could carry me with two heavy baskets filled with pies and cakes as I rounded the corner, approaching the alpha's office. Alpha Daniel is a man with principles and he always told us, his pack how particular he is about time. I looked at my wrist watch and let out a gasp. It was 9am. I'm so dead! I barged into the alpha's office not even bothering to knock which is a stupid idea by the way. I know, I'm stupid.

"I'm sorry Alpha, I'm late, I..." I trailed off as the most tantalizing scent I've ever perceived in my life hit my nostrils. It smelled like Chocolate and vanilla with a spice of wood. Alpha Daniel must have sprayed something really nice in his office today.

"Catriona, what insolence is this! Don't you see I'm having a very important meeting?!" Oh-oh, the alpha is angry!

"Do not raise your voice at her like that!" Another masculine voice was raised at the other side of the table. His voice was music to my ears. For the first time after I barged into the office, I looked up to the 'important visitors'. I knew this could get me into trouble, you don't look at any alpha directly in the eye especially when you're ranked low in a pack like me and I know he's an alpha because I could feel the power and authority in the atmosphere. All thoughts flew through the window as I saw the most beautiful man I've ever seen. He had very dark hair which was left untamed on his head, he had a sharp jawline and a brown-silver eyes that complimented his features. Gosh! I don't know how to describe people but he is breathtakingly hot! He oozed of power and dominance that could scare of anybody but I strangely found myself bolder and safer in his presence. My breath hitched in my throat when he took his gaze off alpha Daniel and stared at me. His silver orbs stared through my green ones. It was like he could see right through me. His eyes could pierce souls.

"Mate! Mate!" My wolf Aileen chanted at the back of my mind. What?!! That was when it dawned on me. The scent wasn't a spray, it was my mate's.

"I'm sorry Alpha Riccardo, it's just that we were in the middle of an important discussion. She's not supposed to barge in like that". Alpha Daniel narrated all in one breath. I've never seen him this nervous about anything before. Oh and yes, a frickin mate?! This is not happening.

I dropped the baskets on the table, apologized to the alpha and on my way to the door when I heard this cringy voice.

"Rick baby, it's okay. Don't let that ruin your mood". I looked back to see a ugly looking girl with long and sleek blonde hair with big blue doe eyes and full lips- ok fine! She is beautiful, maybe a little- run her dirty hands across his chest.

"She touched mate! Rip her head off!" Woah missy, slow down there, I turned back to the door and dashed out of the office pretending like that didn't affect me.

Wait a minute, doesn't he know we are mates? Why did he have no reaction? Didn't he feel anything? Why didn't he say anything to me and why did he allow that annoying girl to touch him like that?! I screamed in my head as I continued to walk home.

"Why am I even bothered about him? It's not like I will see him again or have anything to do with him."

"Why? He is mate!"

"Shut up Aileen, we are not having a mate okay?" I heard her whimper a little bit as she cut our connection off. Okay, I feel bad a little bit. In as much as I don't want a mate, she needs him. Wolves are attached to their mates easily and need them and crave them as time goes on. Gosh! This was the last thing I wanted in 20 years!


It's short, I know, bear with me please 🥺

3 votes, 5 comments to release the next chapter 🥺😉💖. Please guys!

And, thank you for 106 reads 🥺. It's amazing. I didn't even think I'll get 1. Thank you.

Later, honeybees...