
I want to be the greatest Villain

Dante was considered to be one of the greatest method actors in the world, famous for playing antagonistic characters that became the highlight of most top-grossing movies out there in Hollywood. Everybody loved how the characters he acted as were so well-played and executed. And to Dante, his acting was an art that he was obsessed with, and was willing to take into...Greater heights... But fortunately, or...unfortunately, an accident robbed him of his chance to further improve his role. And just as he was about to curse the gods for doing so, he found himself reborn in a world of fantasy and magic. To Dante, this was like a new canvas, a new stage in which he could have a new start and play the as the villain, just as what he always wanted to...And this time, he'll play as the real thing... And nothing will stop him on his journey to be known as the greatest and deadliest Villain this world has ever seen

Sub_SirMerlin · Fantasy
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27 Chs

The celestial dragon (2)

I was standing atop a liquid plane that seemed to be made of water...

Everything around me was extremely dark, with only the constellations above giving me light. I looked above the sky and saw the ferocious dragon looking down at me, and of course, it still had the soul seeker slowly but surely consuming all of its mana

I looked around and there seems to be no sign of the forest as far as my eyes could see. At some point, I suspected that I was teleported to some sort of location, but the process that the dragon did earlier was all too different from how teleportation usually works so I highly doubt that's the case...

"Devil that has come from the shadows of the night to claim my own head, what is thy name?"

A voice of a woman suddenly echoed throughout my surroundings. I thought that I was hallucinating at one point, but that didn't seem to be the case. I've heard of dragons having the ability to telepathically communicate their thoughts to other creatures...

While this does seem fascinating, I really do find it quite creepy as well...

And speaking of which, her voice as well as her way of talking was really cool. It was authoritative and deep that it literally sent shivers down my spine. I couldn't help but smile at it, because she sounded more like a villain than I do. And there was no way I'd let myself be undone with that...

Using magic, I adjusted my voice to a deeper tone and replied

"Devil? Now that's a bit rude to say to a kid, don't you think?"

The eyes of the dragon widened as it let out a low growl...

"A kid? If one thinks that I am foolish enough to mistake a creature capable of casting such high-level spells, then thou insults me! You may fool the other cretins with this corporeal flesh that thou wears like wretched clothing, but not me...I can sense the evil in thy gaze and the menace behind thy magic, you are no ordinary human, so speak!"

Ahhhh~ She's just hitting all of the good spots. I'm falling in love with her more and more...

It's making me reawaken my early days of acting...Yes, those moments where I would play as a fantasy villain and would speak in a similar manner. I feel so nostalgic...Those are the days that I can truly perform without being restricted by contracts or my own popularity. I honestly couldn't help but chuckle...

"What is it that you found funny?..."

I walked floated closer to the dragon and removed my wooden mask, revealing my wide grin...

"It's nothing really, It's just that you are everything I expected the dragons are to be. Proud, powerful, and very amusing. I haven't had the opportunity to relish in such an intense fight in a long time, so I do hope you'll bring more to the fray"

"I would suggest that thou be not be fueled with arrogance. This domain of mine is the most powerful ace in my arsenal, a spell that has claimed the lives of heroes and gods alike, and soon it would be your graveyard as well...Now do not dodge the question...What is thy name? I shan't ask again "

Ah, I guess she saw through me huh? I figured that I'd let the soul seeker suck out more of her mana while we go talk about the weather or something. But other than that, I'm trying to dodge the question because...I really need more time to think about this...

My villain name is the name that everyone will remember until the end of time. Sure, I'll just destroy this world anyway but that still didn't mean that I just had to give up on making a cool name.

It had to be menacing, mysterious, and fear-inducing. Yet it also had to be a name that people would easily remember. I began to pump my brain with more mana so as to greatly slow down my perception of time, and while I was in this state I began thinking of every possible villain name that I could use

And after an intense internal debate among myself which lasted for three hours (Three seconds in real-time). I finally came up with a name, and now comes the execution. This part is as crucial as coming up with the name itself...

So I have to make sure I do this right!

"...I have many names..."

I spoke as I turned my back towards her. I knew that I probably shouldn't considering she could blast me with her blue beam and I would have no way of defending myself, but this would give me more villain and coolness points so it's worth it I guess...

"They're as plentiful as the stars in the sky or the sands in the sea. The same goes for the faces that I've portrayed in the past. But if you wish to refer to the form that I'm taking now...Then you may call me 'V' "

I turned back to her with a smile on my face...I then intensified the remaining mana that I have left and floated closer toward her. I'm at her striking range now, but I don't really care about that...


"I am the menace that's been lurking in the shadows since the dawn of time, and the manifestation of evil that has been brought down into this world. I have been lying in wait while seeking the perfect chance, and that time has now come. So, are you ready to meet your death just as your ancestors have, dragon?"

"Just as...my ancestors have?...I see. I have already noticed this before, but this arrogance truly knows no bounds. You would do well not to underestimate me, vermin!"

The dragon let out a loud roar which sent me flying back to the ground. It then spread out its wings and flew higher into the sky, and once it was high enough, it looked down on me and began to gather so much mana that I couldn't even believe my eyes...

I didn't even think that a vessel could contain that much raging magical energy

"Nice!...Very impressive! This is turning out to be the best night stroll of my life!"

"Heed my words, V. I am Luna! The elder dragon of the cosmic stars, and a former member of the dragonic council! In ancient times, my name alone spreads fear among you punny mortals, and I will show your pathetic existence why! I will not fall like the others, I will win and pulverize every single part of you so that not even your soul would survive!"

The stars in the sky began to quickly move towards the dragon as a massive ball made up of pure, and intense magical energy began to build up in its mouth. Its entire body seems to be an endless catalyst of magical energy that I couldn't help but be fascinated by it. Even the soul seeker seems to be having a hard time consuming that much energy...

"...And how am I even supposed to survive against something like that?"

I barely have any mana left to sustain the soul seeker, as well as my defenses. And I'm up against a level 9 spell, there's no way I can survive taking that head-on. I thought about teleporting at the right time once she launched it at me, but based on the buildup of magical energy, my guess is that her attack could probably exceed the speeds of light

Which means I have to use 'that' huh?

"I never thought that I'd use my trump card this early in the game, but it's good to test it out now than later"

I clasped my hands to a praying position and knelt down before closing my eyes...

"What is this? Art thou begging for thy petty life? It's useless, I would make sure too-"

Luna widened her eyes upon seeing the malevolent energy that was coming out from me. It was a black fog that was consuming everything that it touched, including her own domain. This really takes a lot out of me, so I really hope whatever you're bringing out is at the same level as this!

"Such power...The same level as the great gods...No wait, it's even stronger?!"

"What's wrong, Luna? Losing your grip?"

"Tch, you arrogant little- I'll show you what true power is!"

Luna intensified the magic that was gathering at her mouth. And upon seeing her do such a thing, I can't help but be worried. l mean, if she made the mass of her attack stronger then I'm positive that even she won't be able to handle the weight of such magic and it'll probably explod-





I saw the sight of the once majestic dragon collapsing from the sky and was headed straight down to the ground. The once bright luster it had on its scales turned dim, and our surroundings slowly began to revert back to the forest where we once were. Luna fell to the ground with a loud thud that shook the earth...

I could only stare at it blankly as I tried to process whatever the hell just happened. Once I was back at my senses, I deactivated my spell and floated down to the ground. Her fall created quite a dust cloud, but once it all settled I saw not the ferocious dragon that I was battling...


Instead, all I saw was a butt-naked woman, with luscious hair that had the same appearance as the starry sky, who was looking at me with contempt...