
I want to be the greatest Villain

Dante was considered to be one of the greatest method actors in the world, famous for playing antagonistic characters that became the highlight of most top-grossing movies out there in Hollywood. Everybody loved how the characters he acted as were so well-played and executed. And to Dante, his acting was an art that he was obsessed with, and was willing to take into...Greater heights... But fortunately, or...unfortunately, an accident robbed him of his chance to further improve his role. And just as he was about to curse the gods for doing so, he found himself reborn in a world of fantasy and magic. To Dante, this was like a new canvas, a new stage in which he could have a new start and play the as the villain, just as what he always wanted to...And this time, he'll play as the real thing... And nothing will stop him on his journey to be known as the greatest and deadliest Villain this world has ever seen

Sub_SirMerlin · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Comrades in villainy

What the hell is this bullshit?

Where was the awe-inspiring, mighty dragon that I was fighting? I don't want this little thing right here, sure, she's beautiful in her own right but she's just all skin and bone. I can't use any of those to create powerful items or cast spells! Come on, don't cockblock me like this, we were in the middle of a climax!

The soul seeker was still beside her and was slowly sucking off the mana from her, and once her eyes, which still had the glint of the starry skies, met mine I immediately knew that this was the very same beast that nearly put me to the coffins earlier

I've heard tales of dragons having the ability to polymorph, but I don't see a reason why Luna would do something like that in the middle of a battle

Was it just to show me her breast and curves or something? I mean, they're honestly a sight to behold, but right now it's just a complete turn-off. I felt nothing but disgust at the fact that the powerful dragon from earlier, was now just a girl who was crawling on the ground and struggling to get up

"What is this wretched form of yours?" I asked while still keeping my 'evil' voice up

"S-Silence...I-I only transformed my vessel to this since I barely had any magic left to retain my original form. Damn this avatar of death!"

Luna spat out as she glared at the gigantic skull that was still sucking out her mana

"So you messed up your most powerful move by adding too much magic beyond your control and now you're forced to revert to this? I must say, I'm quite disappointed that this is how you'll go. It's only a matter of time before the soul seeker completely ends your life..."

"Kgh...If only those maggots from earlier hadn't exhausted me then I would've been able to crush you with my full strength!"

'Those maggots?' Was she talking about the Elite units sent by the capital? I know I'm not one to talk, but comparing them to bugs was quite harsh of her...

But more importantly, she claims that she isn't at full strength huh? In order to save my disappointment, I'd like to believe that this was the case, but from my point of view, it only sounded like she was-

"Making excuses now that you're on the verge of defeat, huh?"

"H-How dare you accuse me of such a thing?!"

"Isn't it the truth though? Even if those mages from the empire did a number of you, If you're truly strong then you wouldn't use something like that as an excuse. Before fighting you, I had quite a lot of encounters with wild monsters so my mana was far from its peak, so does that also mean I could've kicked your ass quicker?"


I merely smiled as I knelt down and began to pat her head

"Just accept the fact that a human was able to beat you despite the massive difference in magic, and go down gracefully"

"S-Silence! And get your filthy hands off me!"

Luna slapped my hands away, but I barely felt any force from it. And by the looks of it, she was quickly running out of breath with each second. The soul seeker was truly a cruel thing. The more mana you have, the faster it will drain it, but once it's nearly out it will slow down its speed for some reason...Causing its target to live a lot longer...

And it doesn't matter what species you are. In this world, dying due to mana exhaustion was one of the most painful ways to go. It will mostly start with a sense of dread dawning upon them, followed by their organs slowly shutting down...

"Ggh?! *Cough*...Ack...Haaaa...Haaaa"

Followed by vomiting of blood, dizziness, and shortness of breath. After a few more minutes her brain's consciousness would quickly shut down, but that doesn't mean that the pain would stop. Until her heart comes to a complete halt, and the blood flow toward the brain is cut, then she'll still experience unimaginable pain...

Which would take approximately half an hour at the very least, considering she's a dragon it might take longer

That must feel like an eternity for them...

"...It's only for a short while, but I've had fun with you. It's sad to see you go like this"

I muttered as I sat beside her

"Ahaha, please spare me your worthless pitty. So what's to be the fate of my body at thy hands? Will you harvest my scales and use them for your worthless weapons and armor? Or maybe you'll take out some of my organs to use as material for some potion? Anything works fine so long as you don't display my body at some museum"

That sounded good actually...I've heard that the party of the former hero once vanquished a dragon and gave them to the Holy lands. I believe they've received approximately ten million coins each? And they've gained the favor of the country...

Buuuttt as tempting as that sounds, money doesn't really do it for me. And I sure as hell don't want to just curry the favor of a country, I want to control them completely with my own hands

"Those are all good guesses. I may do something of the sort to you once you go, but I'm still in the middle of deciding"

"...At least end my suffering while you think about it..."

"Nope~ I'd rather see you suffer more as you pass on"

"You monster..."

"I get that a lot. But don't worry, if you'd prefer to do it yourself then go ahead. I won't stop you"

Luna didn't respond. Her breaths were getting slower and slower, and by now she has lost enough blood that she could barely cough out anything anymore. Her eyes began to lose their luster as she tried to reach for the stars...

"You mortals are just as low as I remember...Greedy, arrogant little things that monopolize everything you can and kill everything that you can't control"

"I think that's fairly normal. 'Survival of the fittest' as they say"

"...We...We helped you, foolish cretins when the world was still young and all of you didn't know a thing. We shielded you when the gods began to lay down their arrogance at you all. We sacrificed our lives so that you all could prosper forward...and we were happy when all we've got from you were mere fruits in baskets and songs that were praising us..."

Tears began to flow down from her eyes as her hand lost its strength and flopped down to the dirt

"But you all got greedy...Tempted by the very things that tried to lay dominion over you and hunted the ones who protected you...I knew from the very start that you creatures were all nothing but trouble...I...I should've destroyed all of you when I had the chance..."

I stared at the sun rising from a distance as her frail sobs assaulted my ears...

"Why didn't you do it?"

"They...They would not listen. They all bore hopes that you would all understand...That you would not betray our side after all you've done. I learned a cruel lesson after that. That no matter how small or weak a creature may be, they could have more of a capacity for evil that far exceeds that of the dragons..."

"I see, so that's why you didn't hesitate when I waltzed into your little home...It's a shame what happened to your kin. Kindness truly is a sad thing, huh?"

"It is...And I promised myself never to show it ever again. I vowed at the corpses of my fallen brethren that I will avenge them by turning this world to a sea of blood that will wash away all of your sins...But that's not gonna happen anytime soon with me like this, huh?"

Her skin started to grow as pale as a sheet...And she began to cough wildly before using whatever strength she had to grab me by the collar...

I thought that she was going to use it to take me down with her, but my hopes were crushed the moment she collapsed to the ground...

"V...You said...*Cough*...Haaaa...You said that you were the evil sent down to this world to destroy it, right?..."

"That I am"

She smiled before coughing wildly once more

"Then at least do this one last act of mercy for me...I don't even care if you're gonna tear me limb from limb and use my body...Just give them hell..."

"...Don't worry...I will..."

I stood up and pointed my wand at her head before gathering whatever mana I had left to finish this. Despite her senses shutting down, she must've felt this and smiled before fully closing her eyes and accepting her fate...

Once ready, I then took a deep breath...




And pointed it at the soul seeker who was at the side


The soul seeker quickly lost its form and soon faded into a black mist that vanished in the air. Luna's eyes widened as she glanced at me with surprise. And to be honest, I can't help but be shocked at my own actions as well...


If I were to be asked whether or not I felt pity for her little sob story, then I felt nothing of the sort

However, I did feel quite touched by her passion!

"Your rage towards this world, your seething hatred for all those who have wronged you. It is as beautiful as your power, and I am completely moved by it! Ahhh, how splendid! I've originally planned on killing you for the fun of it but it would be a complete waste to let you die now!"

I reached out my hand to her and laid out my proposal

"What do you say we join hands, Luna? It seems that both of us have the same goal in mind, as well as the ability to walk our talk. I bet that if I scour the entire world then I could never find someone like you again. With our combined strength, we could build a monolith from the darkness that would cast a shadow upon this world and serve as a beacon of destruction and despair for everyone to look at in horror!"

Since she wasn't taking my hands, I forcefully pulled up her weak body and touched her by the cheeks, forcibly pulling her face close to mine

"O-Ow, W-What do you think you're-"

"Be mine, Luna. We will be comrades in villainy and I'll make sure to bring upon the retribution that you desire in this world..."

For the first time, I saw fear in her eyes as she looks at me

"W-What if I refuse? And do you really think we'll be friends just because you spared my life? Are you really so conceited as to not think that I'll betray you along the line if we work together?"

"We'll cross that bridge if we get there. And if that happens then I'll just turn you into a wand"

"You really are insane..."

"So what'll be your answer, Luna? Die here and now, or join me in our path to destruction. The choice is yours..."

Luna seemed to hesitate in her response at first, but after a while, she met my gaze and shook my hand

"Fine...I-I'll do it"

"Fantastic! Ahhhh, I've always dreamed of having my first henchman ever since I was a baby and I'm glad that it was you. Just watch, Luna. It may be small now but we'll build our organization from the ashes and soon our name would spread far and wide..."

I could only smile as my expectations of the future grew bright...

"Yes, on this day and on this rock. With our shaking of hands, this was when our organization was born...And I think I'll call it...Hehe, this is a good one"

"What is it?"

"...The Chaos brigade..."

And just like that, the evil organization that was lurking in the depths, and would soon plunge the world into an era of destruction was born...