
I Wake Up In a Dumpster Thousands of Years Later!

Yu Yan escape from a certain star sea and found earth before life came to be. Out of boredom, he found the first human. In his nap, he opened a miniature domain, spreading the existence of cultivation. And so, he continues to sleep, and in his sleep, he dreamed of the world! [ Ding Dong!] [After thousands of years of napping, Host has reached the requirement to bind the system!] [All-job experience system activated. A new job will be activated every month. Completing the given mission in the system will allow you to receive the ultimate reward, assisting the host in becoming increasingly powerful!] [Job class: Streamer!] [Please receive the Streamer Registration Gift Pack, 5 million low grade spiritual stone! Immortal-Grade Camera! Immortal-Grade Microphone! Bilibili account!] [Mission: Gain your first follower!] ------------------------------------- Author's note: Participating in Fantasy Carnival, I will be releasing 1chapter/day, 7ch/week, with random bonus chapter every week! All chapters will be edited, expect changes! Thank you, and I appreciate all the reader that enjoy the story, please leave a comment/review, and vote with your stone if you like the story! Note: Covers not mine, if you'd like it to be removed, message me!

Lonesome_Fish · Fantasy
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43 Chs

The Star Palace, and Song Yang (2)

"Zang Xu dares to come to me for help with that insignificant planet? How amusing," he sneered, his voice dripping with arrogance. His eyes narrowed as he continued, "A half-step nascent soul cultivator lost to a mere Golden Core? Pathetic. What a waste of time!"

"Not to mention, traveling several star systems just to tame a little backwater planet is not worth it." He dislike traveling through different star system due to the chaotic spatial storm that is unpredictable in the vast expanse of the universe, which is difficult to detect and deal with.

This is also why most cultivator who travel through space tends to be at least at the Nascent Soul Realm, after all, without understanding of natural laws, it is easy to be pulled in by a spontaneous spatial storm, resulting in your body and soul being scattered!

This is the peril that comes with attempting to traverse the vast universe blindly!

As for those below the nascent soul, they can only rely on the assistance of a space shuttle to travel through the vast expanse, albeit at a slower speed. This slower speed also applies to Nascent Soul cultivator who had to keep an eye out on the spatial storm if they were traveling by flight.

The servant lowered his hand, inwardly cursing, before letting out an amiable smile," Manager Zu is wiling to reward Sir Lang with a space shuttle along with a hundred thousand low grade spirit stone as long as this matter is complete in a swift fashion."

Lang Ya paused his hand midair for a split moment, almost spilling the cup of tea, before letting out a sneer filled with contempt," A space shuttle and one hundred thousand low-grade spirit stone?"

Hearing this, the servant shook his head, remembering manager Zu's words, then raised two fingers," Two hundred thousand low-grade spirit stone." He said.

Lang Ya's eyes narrowed as he considered the offer, his mind calculating the potential benefits and risks of accepting the mission. Finally, he placed down his cup of tea with a deliberate clink and leaned back in his chair.

"Very well. I accept the mission, but make it three hundred thousand low-grade spirit stone and a higher-grade space shuttle. If you want results, you have to invest in quality." His voice dripped with arrogance, as if he was doing them a favor by agreeing to take on the task.

The servant's face fell, but he knew better than to argue with Lang Ya. "I will relay your request to Manager Zu," he said with a forced smile, before quickly bowing and scurrying away.

At this moment, Lang Ya slid his lips into a smile, letting out a laugh," Manager Zu and I are good friends, how can I not give him assistance in needed time?" He placed the cup of hot tea down on the table, then continued.

"Tell Manager Zu that I will be heading toward this planet today!"

"As for the space shuttle, I already have my own, I trust that manager Zu is a man of business and won't forget his payment."

For him, the space shuttle was not as valuable as the spirit stone. After all, he already had a space shuttle for traveling through the vast expanse. Cultivation cost money!

He was just a vagrant cultivator, therefore, he desire cultivation resources more than anything else.

"Thank you, Esteemed Lang for your assistance." The servant said as he bowed and retreated outside the inn's shop.

After he leaves, Lang Sa inwardly cheered,' A space shuttle and two hundred thousand low-grade spirit stone? This money may as well be falling from a tree if it's only dealing with a few golden cores!' Then picked up the cup of tea, gulping it down in one motion, and stood up, leaving behind a piece of spirit stone as payment.


At the same time, in the Ghost Valley Mountain, three figure were seated on the peak of the blood fiend mountain.

"Yan Feng, are you sure the patriarch of the Song family is gravely injured?" Mo San tapped on the spruce wood table, and looked toward Yan Feng, who looked like an old man portrait by his white hair, long beard, and traditional style of fashion.

"He should still be injured. I have probed the Song family using my own channel, they have sealed up their island like a turtle on its last leg..."

Blood Prince, Xing Yue smirked," That's right, I have tested the water for almost seventy years, and not once was there news of that bastard Song Yin!"

Even though Yang Feng guessed that the Patriarch of the Song's family was injured, there was some lingering hesitation on his face, and especially more so on Mo San's face.

After all, Song Yin's might and means, alone with his display of power during that great battle eighty years ago was too stunning and heaven shattering!

They thought the outer god who summon wind and call rain was a true immortal, yet Song Yin could contend with that being and even severely injure him!

This battle struck them into fearing Song Yin, resulting in the current circumstance in which Xing Yue were able to convince the head of the two ancient family to go against the powerful Song family.

One has to know that Song Yin, and the Song Family maintain their influence in the background, rarely displaying their cards, which is why the world is very much unaware of their capability.

In fact, most would not even classify the Song Family as one of the five ancient family.

But the circumstances that year forced the Song Family out of their shell who struck with great might!

As for the outer gods? They showed no intention on fighting them, but rather, more interested in the Song's family, therefore, Xing Yue weren't worries that the outer gods would turn on them.

At this moment, Xing Yue curled his lips and mysteriously smiled," Song Yin is definitely injured and weakened! I can say that much with confidence."

"My insider source is very trustworthy, you can be assured of that much!"

Although Mo San and Yan Feng possess great status and power on the surface being the head of one of the five family, they couldn't hold a candle to Song Yin from the Song's Family.

What made them raised their brows however, is who are the insider in the Song's family for Xing Yue to say it with so much confidence?


Somewhere even further away from Taizhou planet, on a remote planet with cultivation being nonexistent as most people seem to practice martial art, external and internal.

In a small city on the south street, a fair, blossoming lady was taking a stroll outside.

Each step cause waves on the salesman, merchant, martial artist, and even children.

Her crimson dressed covered her neck, crowning down toward her waist, then curved down to her feet which was a strange sight among the people who wore linen fabric, which was rough to touched, and not as pleasant to look at.

When everyone was dressed in gray, green, silver, or even black, she was a blazing red sun that light the bustling street.

She is Song Yang!

"This cotton sugar candy is pretty tasty don't you think?" She beamed, letting out a smile that was captivating to the crowd as she speaks to the person walking next to her.

Her smile had a strange, more mature charm to it compare to Tulan who was always stern, straight, and cold toward other people, of course this does not include Yu Yan.

"It's not too bad." He chuckled, raising his straight brows, then gobble down the remaining candy she gave him before stretching his back and reminded," That Song Zheng is really persistent, he has chased us all the way to the Scarlet Coral Sea."

"Song Zheng? He is just a weak little Yin King, why is he trying so hard to chase after us?"

"Miss Yang, don't forget he has taken a liking to you, if not for that, do you think he would even bother crossing the Star Sea just to chase after us?" He sighed, to which Song Yang innocently pouted, causing waves to bounce," It's not my fault I'm beautiful! Why don't we play with him for a bit before we visit the Milk Way River then?"

"Milky Way River? Isn't that the River that you wanted me to establish a branch of Song's family?"

"That's right, after little Yan ran away from the Purple Swallow Sea that year, I have been searching for his whereabouts for hundreds of years now, I wanted to use this family to bait my chance if they coincidentally met, but mainly, I want to establish my own force in order to obtain independence from that old geezer!"

"What about the Purple Bane-Lightning Golden Bamboo?" He indifferently asked.

"Bah. They're meant to be gifts for little Yan, if those Song's lost it, so be it, I can just find him another gift!" She waved it off with her hand, before adding," However, if I find that they were stolen from my hand, then it's a different story!" Then stopped her feet in front of stall steaming with the aroma of spices and seasoning.

"Would some unlucky fool happened to steal my little Yan's gifts?" She looked at Song Fu, waving her hands up and down, to which he shook his head," Which moron would dare to steal from a True Yang's Emperor?"

"Miss, would you like to try our specialty, Steam Pork Bun?" The stall owner smiles widely, wave his arms and hurriedly welcomed Song Yang with enthusiasm, seeing another customer.

Once again, seeing the lady in front of him instantly beamed at the sight of buns, he helplessly pity Song Zheng in his heart,' Miss, you are torturing this little Zheng, making him believe you are within sight, yet the next second, you are out of grasp while you are leisurely eating and taking a stroll in some mortal city. This sort of torture, which man can endure it?'

If people learned that a True Yang Emperor was messing with a True Yin King, what would their reaction be?

The odds of a True Yin King chasing, and actually catching up to a True Yang Emperor was as high as a pig attempting to ascend the heavenly gate!

At the same time, Song Zheng, who had just entered the Scarlet Coral Sea sneezed, looking around confused," Which bastard is cursing my name behind my back!?"