
I Unlocked Beast Language and Became a Bigshot After My Rebirth!

Xia Xin was reborn with a System and returned to the eve of her parents' death! In her previous life, her parents died instantly in a car accident on the highway due to a property dispute. In this new life, Xia Xin successfully changed the fate of her entire family! Xia Xin was initially already loved by animals, and her ability to communicate with them was further awakened after her rebirth. In the zoo, she became friends with the animals. Even large animals behaved like docile kittens in front of her. On the African savannah, she encountered magnificent lions, and in the vast ocean, she danced with sharks. Xia Xin's life was thriving in no time, and major media outlets lined up to interview her. Numerous celebrities came to the zoo to record variety shows. In a game segment on a show, a male superstar and a female guest faced each other to measure their heartbeats, and his heart remained calm and unaffected. But the moment Xia Xin appeared, the previously stable heartbeat of the superstar skyrocketed. That night, the door of the hotel room next to the superstar suddenly opened, and Xia Xin and a man walked out together. Flames of jealousy ignited in the superstar's eyes. However, Xia Xin pulled him back into the room and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him in a domineering manner. The man's expression instantly changed, and his intense jealousy vanished. The irritable top star quickly transformed into an affectionate companion. Xia Xin smirked, thinking that this man was too easily appeased as a single kiss was enough to calm him down. She was genuinely worried that other little vixens would successfully seduce him. The man lowered his gaze, looked at her as if he could read her mind, and thought, 'Who else but you would have this power over me?'

Mountain Springs · Urban
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200 Chs

Sun Hu did not express his doubts and instead showed a polite smile. After a slight nod, he introduced himself, "I see. By the way, my name is Sun Hu, and I'm Jing Mo's manager."

After they got acquainted, Sun Hu did not disturb Xia Xin's dog-walking and made way for her to pass.

Once Xia Xin left, Sun Hu immediately took out his phone. He had initially wanted to message Jing Mo and ask him about this situation, but he thought this was a rare opportunity. 

Sun Hu wanted to bring up the matter in front of Jing Mo and see how he would react because Sun Hu was fed up with Jing Mo's poker face.


For the next few days, Xia Xin's dog walking went smoothly. Aside from Bobo being lively and running around a lot, pulling her along, there were no unbearable issues.

However, something interesting happened during one of their walks.

On the second day of dog walking, Xia Xin decided to change the route to see some new scenery, so she took a different path. Along that road, there were many food stalls, and among them was one selling baked buns. The business was booming, and the buns were generously filled and crispy.

When Xia Xin brought the two dogs to the baked buns stall, Layle stopped in its tracks and gazed at the buns.

Xia Xin stopped as well and used her eyes to ask Layle if it wanted to taste a bun. She received an affirmative response.

Xia Xin bought a bun for Layle and was about to continue walking with the two dogs. However, her other dog's leash was stuck suddenly. She saw Bobo staring at the bun in Layle's mouth, then looking at the bun stall, and finally directing its gaze at Xia Xin. Its eyes clearly showed grievance and dissatisfaction saying, "Aren't you getting one for me?"

Xia Xin was speechless. With Jing Mo's financial situation, Bobo must usually eat the best dog food. She could not understand how Bobo suddenly was tempted by the bun Layle was eating.

But Xia Xin could not ignore Bobo's eyes, so she ended up buying another bun for it.

The bun stall owner looked at Xia Xin, who had just bought two buns for her dogs, with a complicated expression.

Realizing something, Xia Xin bought herself another bun, took a bite, and praised, "Boss, your buns are delicious!"

Seeing the bun stall owner relax, Xia Xin breathed a sigh of relief.

So, with one person and two dogs each enjoying their bun, they continued walking.

Xia Xin thought that the matter would end there. However, on the third day, when she took Bobo and Layle out, Bobo insisted on going to the bun stall, tugging on the leash.

Xia Xin was shocked and thought, 'Is that for real? Bobo has fallen in love with buns?'

Jing Mo had told Xia Xin that Bobo was quite picky when it came to food.

Helpless, Xia Xin took Bobo and Layle to the bun stall again and bought three buns this time.

The stall owner was much more enthusiastic this time, thinking that both Xia Xin and her dogs could not resist the charm of his buns. He kindly selected the three best-baked buns for Xia Xin.

While it was not a big deal that Bobo had taken a liking to the buns from this stall, Xia Xin suddenly thought of something, 'I had only agreed to walk Jing Mo's dog for a week. After that, if Bobo still wanted buns, what would he do? Should I ask the owner to personally deliver the buns to Jing Mo's house?'

But Xia Xin had already asked, and the stall owner did not offer delivery services. To eat the buns, one had to come to the shop personally.

With a glimmer of hope, Xia Xin hoped that Bobo would forget the taste of the buns after a week and fall in love with its various imported and precious dog food again.

A week passed, and Xia Xin completed her task. Jing Mo even sent her a message to thank her for her help over these past few days.

Xia Xin thought that the matter was over and that she and Jing Mo would probably have no further interactions.

However, to her surprise, after the night without walking Bobo, she received a message from Jing Mo the next morning, [Sorry, Bobo was acting strangely last night. It refused to eat anything and kept looking towards the door. What's wrong with it?]

After seeing that message, Xia Xin was shocked and felt helpless and guilty. She had kindly helped Jing Mo walk his dog, but she did not expect that it would lead to such an issue.

Xia Xin speculated that Bobo probably wanted the buns. After all, it had eaten them continuously for several days and seemed to like them.

Feeling somewhat guilty, Xia Xin replied to Jing Mo's message, [When I took it out before, it wanted to eat the buns from Vernicia Street. I bought some for it, and it ate them for several days. Could it be... it still wants more?"