
I Unlocked Beast Language and Became a Bigshot After My Rebirth!

Xia Xin was reborn with a System and returned to the eve of her parents' death! In her previous life, her parents died instantly in a car accident on the highway due to a property dispute. In this new life, Xia Xin successfully changed the fate of her entire family! Xia Xin was initially already loved by animals, and her ability to communicate with them was further awakened after her rebirth. In the zoo, she became friends with the animals. Even large animals behaved like docile kittens in front of her. On the African savannah, she encountered magnificent lions, and in the vast ocean, she danced with sharks. Xia Xin's life was thriving in no time, and major media outlets lined up to interview her. Numerous celebrities came to the zoo to record variety shows. In a game segment on a show, a male superstar and a female guest faced each other to measure their heartbeats, and his heart remained calm and unaffected. But the moment Xia Xin appeared, the previously stable heartbeat of the superstar skyrocketed. That night, the door of the hotel room next to the superstar suddenly opened, and Xia Xin and a man walked out together. Flames of jealousy ignited in the superstar's eyes. However, Xia Xin pulled him back into the room and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him in a domineering manner. The man's expression instantly changed, and his intense jealousy vanished. The irritable top star quickly transformed into an affectionate companion. Xia Xin smirked, thinking that this man was too easily appeased as a single kiss was enough to calm him down. She was genuinely worried that other little vixens would successfully seduce him. The man lowered his gaze, looked at her as if he could read her mind, and thought, 'Who else but you would have this power over me?'

Mountain Springs · Urban
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200 Chs

A Misunderstanding

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After entering the house, Xia Xin was greeted by a minimalist black-and-white interior design. If not for the large husky lying in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, she might have thought that no one lived there.

'It's so plain…' Xia Xin thought.

Xia Xin herself enjoyed buying various little things. After moving into her rented apartment, she decorated it with lots of decorative paintings, lace curtains, and floor ornaments, making her home vibrant and colorful, in stark contrast to Jing Mo's place.

Xia Xin could not help but wonder if Jing Mo would find her decorations too flashy.

Bobo seemed very surprised by Xia Xin's arrival and rushed toward her as she entered. It spun around Xia Xin while making excited barks.

Xia Xin heard it say, "No way! Did that jerk manage to win you over? I can't believe he did it. Wow, are you planning to move in and live with us?"

Xia Xin was speechless at what was Bobo thinking. She could not help but wonder if Bobo thought she and Jing Mo were together. Somehow, Xia Xin finally believed that the husky's thought process was truly something to admire.

Xia Xin did not respond to Bobo's words. Up until now, Bobo did not know she could communicate with animals, and Xia Xin had no intention of revealing it for now.

In fact, unless necessary, Xia Xin would not actively communicate with animals. She felt that the ability to communicate with animals through the Beast Language System was already against the laws of nature, so it was better to use it cautiously.

Seeing the dog leash on the table in the living room, Xia Xin assumed it was left there by Jing Mo. She picked up the leash and put it on Bobo, preparing to take it for a walk.

At that moment, Bobo started chatting with Layle, who was cowering in the corner, using the same arrogant tone as before.

However, Xia Xin had already done some work on Layle's mindset before coming to Jing Mo's place, so the current Layle was not affected by Bobo's arrogant behavior. Moreover, after spending these days with Xia Xin, Layle had become more certain that it wouldn't be abandoned again and had gained a sense of security, making it immune to Bobo's words.

In Layle's eyes, Bobo was just a rather annoying dog. It did not care whether Bobo liked it or acknowledged it. The most important person in its heart was Xia Xin. As long as Xia Xin liked it, it would be the happiest dog in the world.

Xia Xin walked towards the door with the two dogs and suddenly heard a sound. The door in front of her was slowly pushed open.

Xia Xin was startled, thinking it was Jing Mo returning. However, upon closer inspection, she saw a man in his thirties entering the house. He had a handsome appearance, a refined temperament, and a hint of shrewdness in his eyes.

Sun Hu pushed open the door and was startled to see a woman and two dogs standing there. For a moment, he even thought he had entered the wrong house. He widened his eyes in shock, his first thought was, 'Did Jing Mo secretly in love with someone else behind my back? Has he finally opened up?'

As Jing Mo's manager, Sun Hu did not actually oppose Jing Mo dating. In his opinion, Jing Mo was not pursuing the idol celebrity route but was instead following the path of a talented actor. Therefore, it was perfectly reasonable for him to be in a relationship.

Jing Mo had a reserved and aloof personality, having endured too much in his heart. Sun Hu really hoped that someone could enter Jing Mo's heart and understand the real him.

''Has that person finally appeared? Was it the woman in front of him?' Sun Hu thought. 

Sun Hu observed Xia Xin and felt like he had seen her somewhere before.

"You... Aren't you..." Sun Hu pondered for a while before finally remembering, "You're the panda caretaker, right?"

Xia Xin did not expect herself to become so well-known. She smiled modestly, "Yes, I'm Xia Xin. I came to help Mr. Jing walk the dogs. I already informed him beforehand."

Sun Hu nodded with understanding and looked down at Bobo. He was astonished to see the usually uncontrollable Bobo now behaving so well, showing no resistance at all. He could not help but wonder, 'Is Bobo behaving so well because it knows Xia Xin will become the lady of the house?'

Seeing the complexity in Sun Hu's eyes, Xia Xin guessed that he might have misunderstood something. She took the initiative to explain, "Actually, I'm just here to help Mr. Jing. He has helped me before, and he's a really warm-hearted person."

'Warm-hearted?' Sun Hu thought as he looked at Xia Xin with a strange expression.

'I had known Jing Mo for so many years, but why have I never seen that side of him?' Sun Hu thought. He had even suspected that Jing Mo had emotional barriers and could not express human emotions normally.