
I, the Only Superhuman on Earth

Xi Gu discovered he had awakened a superpower. It wasn't particularly impressive; he just became one percent stronger than the day before. Therefore, after ten days, his strength had increased by 0.1 times; after a hundred days, he was 2.7 times stronger, and after a thousand days, he possessed the strength of 20,959 of his former self; and by the time three thousand days had passed... ... If one became the sole superhuman in the world, with an invincible body, power to stir tsunamis, speed surpassing sound, then what would one desire? Status? Power? Wealth? Beauty? However, for Xi Gu — his greatest wish was to make this mundane world perpetually more interesting, continually adding layers of intrigue. **This is a translation** 14-21 chs / week

ADA99 · Urban
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29 Chs

Words of the Mighty

"Master... Did I do the right thing?"

In his bathroom, Yang Luo inquired of that distant, mighty presence.

He couldn't perceive the connection he once felt with the 'Temple Master'."

Yet, deep within, he had a premonition - that entity was aware of, and could see, everything he did.

It was like the omnipotent deity in religious beliefs, always watching, always knowing.

"I killed those three... Wang Ruo and his sister, and Huang Cheng."

"Even though I understand Wang Ruo's difficulties, I also know that killing is a sin. But at that moment... my killing intent was overwhelming."

"…If Wang Ruo was merely a remorseless villain, maybe I wouldn't have felt the urge. But seeing him care for his family, making himself out to be the victim, it became unbearable."

"How could my past sufferings be dismissed like that?!"

"The rage I felt hearing his words was even more potent than when I was betrayed. "

"…Master, I know that by societal standards, his actions might be justified. But I took their lives. No morals, no law, no other reason can justify what I did… "

"…So, was I wrong?"


Outside Qingxia city, in a secluded house.

Xi Gu lounged on a sofa.

Beside him, two mythical beasts, Grey Shadow was happily watching an anime on a mobile while Black Moon was engrossed in a movie on a tablet.

Xi Gu alone seemed lost in thought, staring at a switched-off TV.

Yet, he was attuned to the "voice" echoing from afar.

"…So, was I wrong?"

Yang Luo's voice, filled with uncertainty, resonated in Xi Gu's mind.

Xi Gu blinked innocently.

— What just happened? In just a few days, the very first superhuman created from the Blood of Evolution has killed three people?!

Over the years, even though he was Earth's first superhuman, he hadn't hurt anyone, let alone killed!

He could understand Yang Luo's motivations, having accessed his memories and emotions.


He was still taken aback.

As he rested his chin on his hand, deep in thought, memories of discovering his powers at the age of fifteen surfaced. Ever since that day, Xi Gu had been uncovering the nature of his abilities and understanding its potential. Traveling across continents and diving deep into the seas, his mindset had undergone a fundamental transformation.

— Perhaps he hadn't reached the point of considering himself as the "Will of the Heavens" or an "Absolute God," but he certainly felt a sense of supremacy, looking down from a lofty height.

After a moment of reflection and processing his initial shock, a realization dawned on Xi Gu.

Perhaps... just maybe... he wasn't that surprised?

"Historically, human civilization has always been mired in endless cycles of wars and killings... If I introduce the seed of superhuman abilities, it will naturally stir a bloody tumult in the human world."

A profound understanding lit up Xi Gu's mind.

"As long as I desire to reshape this world into an era where superhumans continuously emerge, incidents like Yang Luo's will not be isolated nor the last."

So, should he stop? Should he strip Yang Luo of his powers?

— Xi Gu could do it.

The Blood of Evolution came from him. Even if absorbed by another being, it remained under his control. With a mere thought, he could seal or even eliminate the powers granted by it.

"So, if I were to worry about the tumult of violence that superhuman affairs could bring to the human world, possibly leading to an era of distortion, I could easily nip the problem in the bud now."

That's how it is...



Xi Gu's eyes sparkled with mischief, a smile curving his lips.

"At this point, should I play the naive youth and wail, 'Oh, I never intended this! It was all in good fun! I never anticipated such consequences. I apologize to those harmed by Yang Luo, and I promise to atone for it'? I'm no protagonist from a Japanese light novel, nor am I a child with a mental age below ten.

"I must admit...

"...Actually, I find this entire situation quite fascinating!

"...Moreover, I'm keen to see how it unfolds!

"...After all, superhuman power is both a symbol of evolution and a manifestation of cruelty — and evolution inherently means cruelty. The two have always been intertwined."

With these thoughts, Xi Gu had no intention of answering Yang Luo.

It wasn't just about maintaining the mysterious aura of the "Master of the Temple of Divinity." His interest was piqued. He wanted to watch Yang Luo navigate this world as a superhuman based on his free will.

But as he waited, Yang Luo's "heart's voice" began to shift.

"Master... can you hear my dilemma?



"Master... right... wrong...

"...Laws, morals, and societal order...

His chaotic "heart's voice" began to stabilize.

From uncertainty, he found conviction; from hesitation, determination emerged.

"Master... I've decided. Even if you can't hear, I believe that as a supreme entity, you must know everything. A disciple like me must be of no consequence to you.

"I recalled your words. They guide me like a beacon."

Yang Luo seemed to have organized his thoughts, his "heart's voice" carrying a tone of joy. But Xi Gu was left slightly puzzled.

— Eh? What words? Weren't those just some temporary plot settings I made up?

"As you said: 'No prohibitions, no demands.' ... 'The days of old will soon return, and all gods shall make their comeback.' ... The world will eventually be dominated by deities like you and superhumans.

"In such a world, all existing rules and societal structures will be overturned. Therefore, my concerns about morals, laws, and societal order are mere self-deceptions!

"When gods descend, their will becomes order. In that context, whether it's murder, salvation, righteousness, or evil... the criteria of right and wrong will drastically change!

"So, as a mighty being, bearing the title of 'Disciple of Divinity,' I shouldn't be bound by existing morals!

"In this pioneering era, I am not a follower of rules but a maker of them. My anxieties reveal my own weakness.

"So... you've said it all along!

'Moving through the world, free from all taboos!' As a superhuman, this is the ethos I must embrace! My anxiety over mere killings proves my spirit isn't strong enough yet!

"I get it! Everything is clear now!"

Having voiced his mighty declarations, Yang Luo, having absolved himself, joyfully ended his "confession".

However, Xi Gu blinked, slightly stunned.

— Hmm?

No, no... based on my vague, mystical setup, how did you naturally conclude that feeling anxious about killing reveals a weak spirit?

Wait a second...

Xi Gu's expression turned peculiar.

Because he sensed that as Yang Luo confidently wrapped up his "heart's voice", some subtle yet fundamental changes seemed to occur in his body outside of the usual rapid growth phase.

"...You've got to be kidding!"