
I, the Only Superhuman on Earth

Xi Gu discovered he had awakened a superpower. It wasn't particularly impressive; he just became one percent stronger than the day before. Therefore, after ten days, his strength had increased by 0.1 times; after a hundred days, he was 2.7 times stronger, and after a thousand days, he possessed the strength of 20,959 of his former self; and by the time three thousand days had passed... ... If one became the sole superhuman in the world, with an invincible body, power to stir tsunamis, speed surpassing sound, then what would one desire? Status? Power? Wealth? Beauty? However, for Xi Gu — his greatest wish was to make this mundane world perpetually more interesting, continually adding layers of intrigue. **This is a translation** 14-21 chs / week

ADA99 · Urban
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29 Chs

The Inferno Ignites

"...My company?!"

Wang Changming listened in shock to Yang Luo's words.

How could that be?

This terrifying man, who had effortlessly taken him hundreds of meters away in mere moments, possessed unimaginable power... yet he claimed to be a mere employee of his company?

— Could it be that he wasn't running a gaming company but rather an alien labor agency?

His body trembled.

"But... how... I mean..."

The whirlwind of emotions left Wang Changming stumbling over his words. His face was a picture of confusion, horror, and disbelief.

Yang Luo watched with a superior, chilling grin, "Yes, that's the exact expression I wanted to see."

He nodded with satisfaction, spreading his arms and lifting his chin as if embracing the entire world.

"That look of disbelief, the crumbling of one's worldview and life perspective — seeing your expression confirms my belief that the rules of this world are about to undergo a profound transformation.

"Money, power, lineage, background... the elements that have built this world's structure will be ground to dust in the forthcoming era. Those who once stood high will be cast down from their pedestals.

"From now on, this world will only have two classes — the 'Transcendents' and the 'Ordinary'. The former shape history, while the latter simply go with the flow."

Gasping for breath, Wang Changming could only stare at the man before him.

Yang Luo stood as if he were the protagonist on a stage, with dramatic shadows cast behind him from the overhead lights. His demeanor was that of an arrogant but logical madman.

Standing before the chairman of the company that once controlled his fate, Yang Luo felt an overwhelming euphoria, his soul reborn.

His spirits were lifted, his senses sharpened. In the fusion of his spirit and flesh, he sensed a brewing potential.

With his spiritual growth, the potential became clearer.

"Spirit transformation..."

In this moment, with his eyes closed, the essence of life felt incredibly vivid.

Emotions overwhelmed him, nearly bringing tears to his eyes.

"Transcendents, Transcendents..."

Rapid thoughts spiraled in Wang Changming's mind. He inferred from Yang Luo's words a hint, corroborating his wild suspicion — the man before him wasn't a creation of some secret agency, neither an android nor a super-soldier, but a 'Transcendent', with abilities far beyond ordinary men.

Though this conclusion was even more unbelievable than the idea of robots or super-soldiers, Wang Changming had no choice but to accept it.


"...Does being a Transcendent grant you the right to treat lives as worthless, to casually take lives and wealth?!"

Perhaps recognizing that his fate was sealed, and seeing the man's unmasked face, Wang Changming couldn't help but shout out.

In his fury, he seemed to forget that just an hour ago, he was in his Maybach, plotting to "cut costs and increase efficiency", considering layoffs that would lead to an industry downturn.

Wang Changming's voice echoed into Yang Luo's ears.

The state of "Spirit Transformation" persisted. The unimaginable potential continued to grow within Yang Luo, who didn't open his eyes.

Now free from societal constraints, he calmly replied to Wang Changming,

"Plants are innocent, yet they are consumed by cattle.

"Cattle are innocent, yet they're hunted by predators.

"Creatures are innocent, yet they're taken by humans.

"The moment one steps into the realm of the transcendent, they inherently draw a line between themselves and ordinary humans. From that moment on, the rest of humanity, like all things, become subjects to their will.

"Transcendence is everything. Power is the essence.

"Ordinary humans aren't without desires. However, before real transcendence emerged, they often mistook other things as 'power', like authority, wealth, and status.

"But those are merely branches stemming from the core. Real power is the ability to dominate. Transcendence is the ultimate force.

"Before ultimate force, all creatures are equal."

Wang Changming gritted his teeth.

The man before him appeared like a terrifying madman. Pleading words were futile against a lunatic.



Suddenly, Wang Changming's body fell backwards.

At that very moment, a metallic wall abruptly dropped from the ceiling of the chamber, completely separating Wang Changming and Yang Luo!

The thick alloy barrier glinted coldly, trapping Yang Luo inside!

"Fucking hell..."

Wang Changming, no longer playing the submissive, jumped up excitedly.

"I've been talking to you this whole time, stealthily shifting my position, just waiting for the underground sensor to trigger the automated partition. So much for being a transcendent! Never thought I'd actually have to use this last resort I installed here, damn it..."

He uncharacteristically swore. Behind the metal barrier, loud thuds resonated, indicating Yang Luo's efforts to break through. The metallic wall even seemed to deform slightly, causing Wang Changming to become slightly apprehensive.

"No, can't let my guard down. That freak is terrifying. Even though this wall can withstand a small missile, I need to call for help quickly... Call the police, national security, any forceful agency. I refuse to believe we can't handle you..."

As Wang Changming thought this, he moved toward the chamber exit.

However, just as he neared the exit, a wave of heat hit him from behind. He turned in surprise, only to witness—

—a scene reminiscent of hell itself.


The metallic wall stood before him.

Yang Luo gazed at it indifferently.

Had he acted swiftly as the wall descended, he could have easily evaded it.

However, immersed in the transformative euphoria of "Spirit Transformation", both his body and soul reveled in this evolutionary rhythm, preventing immediate reaction.

—Was that oversight?

Yet, Yang Luo felt no remorse.

For in that very instant, the potential birthed from his "Spirit Transformation" had fully crystallized in his senses.

A faint smile graced Yang Luo's lips.

He gathered the cards, documents, and USB drive from the ground into his embrace, approaching the metal barrier.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Three consecutive punches, each laden with his entire strength, left imprints on the missile-resistant metal wall. Had he landed tens of thousands of such blows in a single spot, perhaps he might have breached the barrier.

By then, however, Wang Changming would've probably made his escape and called for reinforcement.

"It seems, my newfound 'power' requires demonstration."

Yang Luo extended a hand, lightly touching the wall.

In the next moment, a rhythmic pulse from deep within his soul converged. As his spirit crystallized, an azure flame emerged in his palm.

—The flame expanded rapidly, engulfing the entire wall, instantly melting it as the sun does an ice lolly!


"What is that...?"

Wang Changming's frame trembled once more.

He stared, aghast, at the scene unfolding behind him. It resembled the gates of hell, with flames darting everywhere.

Tongues of fire intertwined, consuming each other, advancing from behind the metal barrier, enveloping the entire chamber.

The exit he intended to flee through was also ignited.

Nowhere to run.

Blistering heat.



From Wang Changming's desperate gaze, the man emerged from behind the molten wall, akin to a monarch of flames, a sovereign of magma.

"I owe you much... Had it not been for your 'grand intentions', I might never have had the chance to transcend. Without your existence, I wouldn't have so swiftly experienced another 'Spirit Transformation', gaining even greater power—

"Given that, as a token of my gratitude— I'll grant you a swift death!"

The very next moment, columns of fire surged upwards. Before Wang Changming could utter a word, he was consumed by the blaze, consciousness extinguished.

Not just him— the entire mansion was engulfed, the vast estate transformed into a blazing inferno.