
I, the Only Superhuman on Earth

Xi Gu discovered he had awakened a superpower. It wasn't particularly impressive; he just became one percent stronger than the day before. Therefore, after ten days, his strength had increased by 0.1 times; after a hundred days, he was 2.7 times stronger, and after a thousand days, he possessed the strength of 20,959 of his former self; and by the time three thousand days had passed... ... If one became the sole superhuman in the world, with an invincible body, power to stir tsunamis, speed surpassing sound, then what would one desire? Status? Power? Wealth? Beauty? However, for Xi Gu — his greatest wish was to make this mundane world perpetually more interesting, continually adding layers of intrigue. **This is a translation** 14-21 chs / week

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29 Chs

Test Subjects

How could one merge their own blood with other life forms?

The most direct method would obviously be ingestion.

Biologically speaking, this method is undeniably inefficient, even cruder than absorption through nasal mucous membranes.

However, despite understanding biological principles, Xi Gu was more attuned to the inexplicable nature of his own abilities. Hence, the method of combination wasn't paramount; merely establishing a physical connection was sufficient.

Therefore, once the "connection" between his blood and his abilities reached a certain depth, Xi Gu caught various creatures from the wild one day.

— A mouse, a bat, a snake, a fish, a sparrow, and a butterfly.

Spanning land, sea, and air, it was a comprehensive collection.

After administering a drop of his blood to each creature, Xi Gu began to observe any changes keenly. Yet, the instant he dripped his blood, through the connection between himself and the blood, a peculiar sensation resonated within him.

For the first time, Xi Gu truly sensed all the energy within him. This energy expanded in a diffusive manner, flowing into these creatures, magnifying infinitely through the link established with his blood...

Concentrated power beyond the scale of a planet was now contained within these tiny forms.

The elevated energy expanded, infusing every sinew, every cell, initiating a miraculous metamorphosis.

The mouse grew in size, the bat's wings sprouted steel-like spikes, intricate patterns emerged on the snake's body, the fish grew horns, the sparrow's eyes gleamed like diamonds, and the butterfly fluttered, its wings shimmering with mysterious light.

However, simultaneously — through Xi Gu's senses, as the core ability of his "daily one percent growth" rippled across these animals...

And then —

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With a rapid succession of sounds, these creatures burst open without even a hint of neural response, reducing to puddles of blood and gore!

Faced with this sight, Xi Gu could only give a wry smile.

"It seems... I also need to cultivate the control of my blood after it leaves my body."


His "ability" could solely exist within him; for other life forms, it was an unbearable burden.

— While Xi Gu had initially speculated about this, seeing his assumptions come to life was both surprising and relieving.

Undoubtedly, this realization reaffirmed his uniqueness.

Though he wouldn't become arrogantly complacent, seeing himself as the supreme king of infinite realms, a weight had been lifted from Xi Gu's heart.

Although he aimed to make the world more intriguing and human society even more peculiar and rich.

If his ability wasn't unique, and just by his will, any life form could obtain the same power, Xi Gu would definitely harbor some concerns.

Such is the typical nature of humans, their recurring pettiness.

Now free from any lingering concerns, Xi Gu became even more daring in his attempts to integrate a portion of his physical prowess into other living beings, while simultaneously isolating his core talent, completing the experiment in the process.

As time passed, the "connection" and control between Xi Gu's physical prowess and his blood grew stronger.

Simultaneously, he gradually managed to hold back his innate abilities, keeping them separate from his blood...

Thus, three months later...

Xi Gu finally succeeded.

Looking at the clear drop of blood in his hand, a smile crept onto Xi Gu's face.

— Although he was well aware that, chemically, this drop of blood was indistinguishable from that of any ordinary person and fell well within the medically defined "normal" range.

Yet, it was the only thing in this world that could unlock the gateway to an extraordinary realm, elevating existing life to wondrous heights.

Even though Xi Gu had excluded the influence of his core talent, ensuring that this droplet of blood only contained an extremely faint part of his current physical power...

It was still beyond comprehension.

"The so-called blood of immortals, the elixir of life, perhaps is no different than this," Xi Gu mused, somewhat narcissistically.

However, he first needed a test subject.

The previous incident, where the small animals suddenly exploded, had left a scar on Xi Gu's psyche. He wasn't prepared to release this blood into human society directly; he wanted another creature from nature.

Although he felt confident this time, caution prevailed.

He pondered, searching for the right target.





It was as if these words enveloped and materialized into this living being. Huddling its form, lost and confused, it staggered through the autumn breeze.

It didn't comprehend its current state, nor could it describe its situation with the precision of human vocabulary. All it knew was it was close to death, but it had to strive to live.

The former was reality; the latter was an instinctual demand.

One eye was blinded - damaged by mischievous children throwing stones a few months ago. The other was obscured by filth, blood, and debris, allowing it to see only a small patch ahead.

Its front left leg was nearly gone, and the rear left leg was halved, causing it to limp with half its body. Even so, it would occasionally stop, lured by scents.

— The scent of humans.

What scent differentiated humans from the stench of waste, the freshness of plants, and the aroma of food? It was a unique aroma, synonymous with living, breathing humans. That vivid scent.

Different from the scents of its canine kin, cats, rats, fish, and others, it was an indescribable, distinctly human smell.

Subtle, yet recognizable.

Its understanding of this scent underwent several phases. Initially, when it was with its master, the scent represented harmlessness and gentle caresses, drawing it closer, letting it rest assuredly;

When later moved to a small courtyard on the outskirts, the scent signified beatings, angry shouts, and stern reproaches, stirring violent emotions within it at the slightest whiff;

After being abandoned, wandering everywhere, this scent signified mockery-accompanied stones, unexpected rod blows, looming death, and painful memories. Just a hint of it would make its fur stand on end, tucking its tail as it retreated.

But now, too weak to run, it could only shrink its body upon detecting the scent, staying still—hoping to deflect human attention, thus avoiding further injury. This was the wisdom from its life experiences.

The subtle human scent remained unchanged, but its perceptions continually shifted.

In the end, it was all about survival.

Yet, it was on the brink.

Life was slowly slipping away. It didn't know this state as "near death," but instinctively feared it.

It tried moving its two intact right legs, but it kept falling and getting up, falling and getting up... until movement was impossible. It sprawled in the cold wind, awaiting death's embrace.

Soft footsteps approached.

Human footsteps.

But perhaps its sense of smell had been thoroughly compromised nearing death. Even though a human stood right beside it, it couldn't detect that distinct "human scent."

Its brain couldn't fathom this contradiction, especially at this life-or-death juncture.

Chaos enveloped its mind.

The man chuckled softly.

"How fortunate you are... to have encountered me."

A clear voice.

Suddenly, it felt lifted, embraced in warmth, reminiscent of its early days with its owner when it was held this way.

So, it quietly and contentedly slipped into a deep slumber.