
I, the Only Superhuman on Earth

Xi Gu discovered he had awakened a superpower. It wasn't particularly impressive; he just became one percent stronger than the day before. Therefore, after ten days, his strength had increased by 0.1 times; after a hundred days, he was 2.7 times stronger, and after a thousand days, he possessed the strength of 20,959 of his former self; and by the time three thousand days had passed... ... If one became the sole superhuman in the world, with an invincible body, power to stir tsunamis, speed surpassing sound, then what would one desire? Status? Power? Wealth? Beauty? However, for Xi Gu — his greatest wish was to make this mundane world perpetually more interesting, continually adding layers of intrigue. **This is a translation** 14-21 chs / week

ADA99 · Urban
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29 Chs


Yang Luo descended the building, stepping onto the street.

The silhouette of Wang Ruo, his former superior, was just ahead, perhaps only dozens of meters away.

—There was no longer a need to address him as "Team Leader."

Yang Luo recalled his real name—Wang Ruo.

The street lights faintly illuminated Wang Ruo's figure.

It was past half-past ten. Only night owls would be active at such a late hour. However, Yang Luo's eyesight, now comparable to a digital camera, could easily track any target, making escape near impossible.

Maintaining a discreet distance, Yang Luo silently trailed behind Wang Ruo, his eyes icy cold beneath his duckbill cap.

Unaware of the transcendent being shadowing him, Wang Ruo strolled casually, hands in his pockets, exuding no sense of urgency or threat.

Gazing at Wang Ruo's back, a whirlwind of emotions swirled within Yang Luo.

For three years, they had worked together, and Yang Luo once considered him a highly competent superior. Wang Ruo was skilled, technically as adept as Yang Luo, and, most notably, he treated subordinates with respect, addressing Yang Luo with the honorific of "brother."

However, this same man coldly abandoned Yang Luo when he was diagnosed with a cardiac tumor, unable to continue working, and on the brink of despair. Using sweet words to pacify him, Wang Ruo stealthily altered Yang Luo's attendance records, converting leave days to absences, scrutinizing Yang Luo for hidden recording devices during meetings.

In the end, the company only compensated Yang Luo with a meager sum.

Recalling those events, a lingering bitterness surged in his heart.

Anger brewed as Yang Luo shadowed Wang Ruo, memories of the past filling him with rage.

Those who kick you when you're down are detestable enough, but what Wang Ruo and HR Huang Cheng did felt like adding insult to injury. Were they content with their treacherous deeds?

"After dealing with you, Huang Cheng will be next… I'll make you experience the pain I once suffered."

A chilling smirk appeared on Yang Luo's lips.

He planned to follow Wang Ruo to an area free from surveillance cameras, ready to unleash his newfound powers.

He didn't intend to kill Wang Ruo.

Despite transcending human limits, Yang Luo's mentality was still rooted in the past. He held respect for the laws and societal norms.

But he would ensure they suffered.

The Yang Luo of now could discern the delicate boundary between "injuring" and "killing" with precision.

His newfound abilities reminded him of martial arts novels where fighters could send a hidden force into their opponents, causing paralysis days later. To Yang Luo, such feats no longer seemed unattainable.

Shadowing Wang Ruo, he could easily close the gap within moments.

His hands began to heat up.

Ready to strike.

However, as he continued to follow, an odd sensation stirred within him.

"Why… isn't he taking a cab today?"

Having worked with Wang Ruo, Yang Luo was familiar with his routine. He lived in Qingxia City, a significant distance from work. He usually hailed a cab in the early hours after a long shift. Why was he walking such a long way tonight?

Was he planning to take public transport?

There seemed to be no reason to avoid a cab. Why opt for public transport?

A mild curiosity overtook Yang Luo, and the accumulated energy within him dispersed. He decided to observe and find out what Wang Ruo was up to.

He didn't wait long. Just a few minutes later, Wang Ruo came to a stop.

Yang Luo stood still, gazing at a convalescent home's entrance.

His narrowed eyes tracked Wang Ruo as he entered the institution.

Not long after, Wang Ruo reemerged. This time, however, he was pushing a wheelchair. Seated on it was a girl in a white dress, likely in her teens.

From the shadowy embrace of a lamppost, flanked by dense shrubs, Yang Luo observed. The girl on the wheelchair had a slightly crooked smile, her eyes were murky and her face bore a strange expression. Despite her fairly delicate features, there was something unsettling about her appearance. Some loose strands of hair hung over her forehead, revealing a faint scar beneath.

Despite the distance, Yang Luo's heightened senses allowed him to easily capture their conversation.

"LuLu, how was your day? How did you feel inside the institute?"

"It was good... Sister gave me candies... But I felt a bit sad..."

"Why? Did someone bully you?"

"No, I had a tummy ache during my afternoon walk... I cried..."

"It's okay, it's okay, the pain is gone... LuLu, you must eat properly, alright?"

"Uh-huh, LuLu always eats properly... but big brother never eats with LuLu, I feel so lonely..."

"It's okay, I'm here now, right?"

"But big brother is here for just a day or two, then disappears for many days..."

"I have to work, LuLu, to pay for your treatment."

"I can leave the hospital... if I can be with big brother..."

"...What are you talking about? That's not possible."

Their voices softly wafted to Yang Luo's ears.

He remembered that Wang Ruo would always return home late from Monday to Thursday but curiously, he'd always leave earlier on Fridays, usually between 10 to 11 pm.

...Perhaps that wasn't a mere whim.

As Wang Ruo pulled out his phone to call a cab, Yang Luo emerged from the shadows.

His footsteps, seemingly slow, were incredibly swift. Evading the surveillance cameras, he effortlessly closed the distance, materializing beside Wang Ruo like a wraith.

The sudden appearance of a man in a duckbill cap took Wang Ruo off guard. His hand, clutching the phone, froze.

Protectively, Wang Ruo pushed the wheelchair — with the girl named "LuLu" — behind him, positioning himself as a barrier between them. He eyed Yang Luo warily, "Who are you?"

Removing his cap, Yang Luo flashed a faint smile.

"Heh, Team Leader, have you forgotten me so soon?"