
One Piece: The Visionary of Impel Down

Luo Ning, who traveled to the world of One Piece, was listed as a pirate and thrown in Impel down because he kills some corrupt Marines. At the same time, the system wakes up. Since then, Luo Ning has become the freest man on the sea. ______________________________________ This Fanfic is not mine. I just edited the MTL of this Fanfic with A.I's help (most part). So, some words are bound to be inconsistent and maybe feels kinda robotic. You can find this MTL Fanfic on MTLnation with the title: I, The Freest Man On The Sea. MC's power is Visionary from Gremmy (Bleach).

StaringCat · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 106: Sugar

"Alright, alright, no more teasing..." Witnessing the group's torment, Luo Ning chuckled before explaining the Hobi Hobi no Mi.

"Such a fruit exists, and it is indeed a formidable power," he admitted. "The thought of being turned into a toy and forgotten by everyone is unsettling, wouldn't you agree, Nami?"

Nami suddenly felt her Goro Goro no Mi lose some of its luster. Being rendered a powerless toy while her existence vanished from everyone's memory – the prospect sent shivers down her spine. Imagining her sister, Luo Ning, and the people of Cocoyashi Village forgetting about her filled Nami with dread.

"While the ability is undeniably cruel, it does have limitations," Luo Ning continued. "The user must make physical contact with the target, and due to the fruit's childish nature, the user remains perpetually childlike."

"The Hobi Hobi no Mi does pique my interest, especially considering Shirahoshi is the only one among us without a Devil Fruit. The decision, of course, rests entirely with you, Shirahoshi."

Luo Ning harbored a strong desire to acquire the Hobi Hobi no Mi, intending to offer it to Shirahoshi. This, however, was merely his plan. The choice to consume the fruit ultimately belonged to Shirahoshi. A mischievous glint flickered in his eyes as he entertained the possibility of nurturing a genuine lol– ahem, it seemed his true intentions were inadvertently revealed.

"But Shirahoshi is a mermaid! Mermaids can't consume Devil Fruits," Nami interjected, glaring at Luo Ning. "Furthermore, consuming a Devil Fruit would permanently lock her in her current childlike form, hindering her growth!"

"I'm fine. Luo Ning big brother has helped us a lot. If possible, I hope I can return the favor to Luo Ning big brother!" Shirahoshi exclaimed, emphasizing the genuineness of her gratitude. Needless to say, the character of the little angel Shirahoshi was indeed very healing.

"Actually, besides the inability to grow up, there are no other problems. A person with Devil Fruit abilities just has skin that can't touch seawater. I can use my power to create a special outer layer around Shirahoshi that isolates seawater, making it practically invisible." Luo Ning confidently explained his solution. He further elaborated that while he could isolate seawater, isolating oxygen wouldn't be possible. For him, such a feat only required a touch of imagination.

"Forget it, let Shirahoshi decide!" Nami sighed helplessly. But looking at Shirahoshi's adorable appearance, she couldn't help but think how nice it would be to have a little sister who would always remain so innocent.

Witnessing the discussion, Robin couldn't help but be slightly amused. After spending more time with them, she had gained a better understanding of Nami and Luo Ning's personalities – they weren't particularly complex. Now, she was gradually trying to shed her distrust and defensiveness. However, it would take time; years-old habits weren't easy to break.

Cyrus, on the other hand, was even more speechless. He couldn't believe Luo Ning was already planning to acquire the fruit, which seemed like an impossible feat. Who knew if it would even regenerate on some remote island? After all, the world was vast, and not every corner was inhabited.


As the group continued their conversation, the news swiftly reached Doflamingo and his crew. This caused Doflamingo, who was approaching with his men, to halt abruptly.

"There was a toy whistleblower, and one escaped. Go back and inform Sugar. Tell her to handle it directly!"

Doflamingo, ever cautious and aware of Luo Ning's personality, initially approached the situation with a gambler's mentality. After all, Luo Ning's decision not to claim their Shichibukai positions at Impel Down suggested a lack of absolute hostility. While Luo Ning might not hold pirates in high esteem, he wouldn't necessarily attack everyone.

However, the presence of a toy introduced an unpredictable element. Unwilling to take further risks, Doflamingo opted for Sugar to handle the situation directly.


Doflamingo swiftly retreated to the castle, where Sugar, already informed of the new orders, awaited. She had already encountered Luo Ning and his group and was now positioned to make her move.

Sugar's youthful appearance was highly deceptive. Fortunately, for Luo Ning's group, Cyrus, intimately familiar with Sugar, stood amongst them. Recognizing the potential threat, Sugar resorted to camouflage, blending seamlessly into the crowd strategically orchestrated by Doflamingo to mask her presence.

The influx of people orchestrated by Doflamingo struck everyone as peculiar. Even Nami and the others, unfamiliar with Dressrosa, found the sudden surge in pedestrian traffic strange.


Suddenly, a young girl shrouded in a red cloak, her back to the crowd, appeared to stumble from the sudden surge of people, collapsing directly in front of Luo Ning. As instinct dictates, most people in this situation would offer aid.

Seeing the little girl, Luo Ning chuckled. He readily recognized her as Sugar, practically free prey. Obtaining her power was one of his objectives, and here she was, conveniently delivering herself. Luo Ning reached out towards her without hesitation.

"Master Luo Ning, no! Be careful, don't touch her!" Cyrus' shout drew the attention of several bystanders. Sugar, within earshot, heard Cyrus' warning as well, but Luo Ning's hand was mere inches from hers.

'Success!' Sugar thought triumphantly, reaching out to touch Luo Ning. Cyrus watched in horror, feeling like the world was caving in on him. How could a skilled savior be so careless?

"Wait, why aren't you turning into a toy?" Sugar's expression morphed into one of confusion. Upon physical contact, her ability would activate instantly, transforming the victim into a toy. But here, nothing was happening.

"While I'm unsure of the usefulness of your ability, I took precautions just in case. I have an invisible, protective layer clinging to my body," Luo Ning explained with a smile. "Therefore, you didn't touch me directly, but rather the protective layer. Doflamingo is quite bold, sending you before resorting to a direct confrontation."

Luo Ning grasped Sugar's hand firmly. He wasn't one for recklessness.

Luo Ning had come fully prepared. After all, Devil Fruit users posed a significant threat. If he hadn't possessed prior knowledge of Sugar's ability, she might have actually succeeded.