
I Swear My Pool Don't Have A Python

After Wang Mang died, he turned into a giant python and evolved like crazy! With the help of his family, he grew bigger and bigger! From the first few meters to tens of meters, and then to hundreds of meters! From Burmese Python to Titan Python, and then to Deep Sea Python! When Wang Mang's size reached hundreds of meters, the earth took a sudden change and the disaster came...

Pen And Dream · Sci-fi
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1430 Chs

Evolution Successful! 22 Meters Long!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

At this point, Mr. Wang was in a good mood.

If he had this income every day, it would really be faster than daylight robbery.

After all, he earned millions every day!

What about ten days? What about a month?

Hearing this, Wang Mang's eyes lit up.

If his father continued to be like this, just spending money to fill his appetite and allow him to evolve would not last long.

If he could get his father another powerful cash flow, that might greatly reduce his expenses!

For example, today's 200-plus fat pigs were worth millions!

Although it was not a lot, what about in the future? It would be terrifying if the cost kept multiplying!

According to Wang Mang's guess, these 200 pigs would cost close to three million yuan!

The next evolution would be about 6 million!

Next time, it would be 12 million!

If this continued, he would have to rely on his father's net worth.