
Gotham turns red for Darkseid

Zatanna woke up an hour later while Allen remained to be her pillow, this wasn't broadcasted, now Allen was sitting on a sofa with Zatanna's head in his lap.

"What happened?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.

"You fell asleep...in my arms, like a cute little girl," Allen replied and then smiled teasingly. "You're very comfortable, aren't you?"

"It's true..." Zatanna got up from Allen's lap without reacting to the situation. Allen didn't expect her to act like a shy high school girl, but her silence hurt his pride as a professional pillow; okay, it was a bad joke.

Zatanna noticed Allen's slight dissatisfaction and smiled as she leaned back into his lap "This is an exchange.... I see no reason to think outside of that, demon," she said, justifying her lack of reaction. "Or do you want me to embarrass myself? Because that will cost you~" Zatanna shot him a playful look as she watched him from an intimate position.

Allen caressed Zatanna's cheek without changing his expression. "That's right, sorceress... this is an exchange... there's no need for feelings," Allen said with a half-smile but immediately became serious. "This is your reward for the hug earlier... Your father, John Zatara, is in another dimension; he exiled himself to avoid seeing you, but it wasn't by his own will... he is cursed... he looks you in the eyes, you will both die."

As he finished speaking, all the objects in the room began to levitate as a large amount of aura enveloped the place. Zatanna's hair began to levitate, and her eyes became shiny.

"Who?" Zatanna's voice was calm but hid a great deal of contained fury.

"The sorceress Allura," replied Allen.

Zatanna's magic calmed down, and she returned to normal. Then she got up and opened a magical door to another place.

"Thank you..." Zatanna summoned her hat and magic wand. "You're allowed to come and go in this place whenever you want, find a room you like. I don't know when I'll be back, you can consider this place your home, but don't enter where we agreed."

Zatanna opened a door and prepared to leave; it didn't take a genius to know she was going to look for her father.

"Don't forget to call if you need help..." Allen said with a slight touch of concern that didn't escape Zatanna's ears. She stopped walking but didn't turn around, she simply nodded her head before disappearing.


- Hey, follow the Waifu; it could be dangerous!

- Fool, you know Allen is now like her shikigami; she can summon him whenever she wants.

- Something like Megumi's Mahoraga?

- God, there are so many examples, and you mention the guy who wants to summon Mahoraga even to go to the bathroom.



At this moment, Allen was left alone in the Shadowcrest. Allen thought he might end the livestream and bring his girlfriends to visit this place, although there was a possibility he would get punched in the face.

"I guess I deserve it if that's the case."

Allen won't beg for forgiveness or run away from it. He must take responsibility and face the consequences of being a womanizing bastard.

[Host, you're unexpectedly honest~]

"It would be very rude to run away after getting involved in their lives like that, besides..."


'I can be a bastard, but I'm sincere when I love a woman...' Allen's words came from the bottom of his heart.

He won't justify himself; he won't try to convince others that his way of loving is right; he won't try to make them understand; he's just this kind of man with twisted common sense and a big heart.

[If you weren't a womanizer, that statement would sound more convincing]

'Maybe hahaha' Allen laughed out loud.


Apokolips, the planet of Darkseid and his main stronghold in the universe, this place is full of Parademons, millions and dozens of millions hundreds of millions everywhere, but also loyal subordinates towards Darkseid inhabit here.

"The countdown clock was ticking."

Steppenwolf advanced amidst the formed Parademons, the humanoid giant was covered in golden living armor; he advanced carrying an imposing golden axe, this axe had taken countless lives and subdued entire civilizations, perhaps before Darkseid, it was common to see him kneeling, but for everyone else, Steppenwolf is a monster.

"The promised hour will come, and the earth will run with blood in the name of Darkseid..." said Steppenwolf as if he were praying as he advanced among the monsters.

Despite how terrifying the Parademons are, they don't compare to the bloodthirsty pressure left by the ancient general Steppenwolf in his wake.

He has conquered countless planets for Darkseid, but this time his mission is not conquest, his mission is not the search for resources, his mission is murder, just that, the simple murder of one person, Allen Walker.

"FOR DARKSEID!" Steppenwolf shouted as the tens of thousands of Parademons behind him did the same.

"Today, I will regain your favor, my lord."

In front of Steppenwolf, a mother box was floating, glowing as it was connecting with another on Earth.


On his throne, Darkseid looked through a screen at Steppenwolf about to leave.

Normally, Darkseid sends scouts to place mother boxes in the most populated areas of a planet to be conquered, thus when he appears, he can deliver a harsh blow to the planet in question and end it in one fell swoop.

However, this time he decided to act differently. Darkseid is very intelligent; he previously knew the entire capacity of planet Earth, including civilizations, weaponry, and of course powerful beings. Among them, he found several beings that would give him trouble, especially a Kryptonian there were two, but there was no comparison between them.

However, someone else appeared...

Perhaps it was his instinct, perhaps Darkseid saw something in Allen, perhaps he felt something. One thing is for sure, Darkseid decided not to invade even if the anti-life equation is what he desires most in the universe.

"The closer you are to your goals, the harder the obstacles are..." Darkseid narrowed his eyes as he looked at the mother box being activated.

For Darkseid, the anti-life equation is the end; by obtaining it, there would be no one to stop him, whether it's destiny or not, it was to be expected that it wouldn't be simple.

First, Darkseid had to see his opponent, and for that, he had the perfect sacrifice, a very suitable piece to use.

Silent at his side remained his other loyal subjects, Granny with her annoying voice let out a snort of contempt towards Steppenwolf, who treated this as a divine crusade, Mantis felt like tearing apart Steppenwolf and Allen, all who opposed Darkseid would be killed equally.

Darkseid's son looks enviously at Steppenwolf, he also wants to prove his worth to his father.


In the plain where the vanguard army of Parademons was, the haggard and pale Desaad approached Steppenwolf, who led thousands of Parademons lined up behind him. "This is your last chance, Steppenwolf..." said the torturer with disdain in his voice. "And don't think that killing a human will absolve you of your sins!"

Steppenwolf knew his position at this moment; once he stood on equal footing with Desaad, but now he had to endure his contempt without replying.

If he were the old Steppenwolf, he would have fought to the death for such an insult, but his pride had been discarded, and now he was a pawn willing to die in his master's name.

"It doesn't matter if it takes me a thousand more planets, I will regain my lord's trust," Steppenwolf turned towards Darkseid's castle. "I, Steppenwolf, swear that I will meet my lord's expectations and bring him the human's head!"

Desaad narrowed his eyes, understanding why Steppenwolf was still alive; thanks to his skill and power, Steppenwolf rose to the position of general, but that's why he was always dissatisfied with being just a subordinate. Darkseid crushed him both physically and spiritually; now Steppenwolf is one of the most loyal minions and is willing to die if ordered to.

'Unfortunately, you won't come back alive, even if you kill the human; the Kryptonian will finish you off...'

It was a suicide mission; Steppenwolf had no support, only one mother box would be activated, and just by seeing that out of hundreds of millions of Parademons, only a couple of dozen thousand were sent, however, the demonic alien showed no fear or dislike for this; he knew Darkseid could have killed him long ago but didn't.

"Activate the mother box!" Steppenwolf shouted.

He knew he was a disposable piece, but he didn't hate his master; he planned to kill Allen, Superman, and conquer the earth himself; he would find the equation and give it to Darkseid to earn a place beside him again.


Gotham is a city more active at night than during the day, and unfortunately not due to normal care, but because of the increase in criminal activity.

In a warehouse, Bane, known as one of Gotham's most dangerous villains, carries out another criminal act involving the sale of weapons.

Bane is a man of great stature and imposing musculature. His body is marked by years of training and the continuous use of the Venom serum. His skin, once pale and marked by scars, now shines with a greenish glow, a result of the influence of Venom on his body.

His face is partially hidden by a mask connected to green tubes that snake from his back to his mouth, administering the Venom serum that grants him superhuman strength.

"Boss, I've checked the cargo, everything's ready?."

When one of his men called him for an illegal weapons delivery, his impatience was palpable.

"Good!" His hoarse voice and authoritarian tone reveal his desire for immediate results.

However, in one of the weapons crates, there was a second mother box, brought by a Parademon from another city to Gotham.

This was the box that Steppenwolf activated to appear. Was there a reason they came to Gotham? The answer is simple; Steppenwolf is desperate to show results to Darkseid and wouldn't waste time.

The mother box activated and released a burst of light.

After the light, a terrifying portal was created, and from there, Parademons appeared; the gangsters were astonished, however, the Parademons showed no mercy, and one tore the head off the nearest gangster.


"They're monsters!!"


That snapped everyone out of their daze, and immediately everyone started shooting at the Parademons, although without much success; the bullets bounced off their technological armor.




Seeing his men being dismembered like flies, Bane showed no fear; he opened a small valve in his mask, and the Venom serum began to circulate. His muscles grew enormously, veins bulging abnormally.

Bane grabbed a Parademon and slammed it to the ground as if it were a rag, immediately using his large boot to crush the Parademon's head.

"What are you fools doing?! Shoot!!"

Bane knew it would be of little use, but at least the shots would give him space to distract them, so Bane wouldn't have to bear all the pressure.

Bane is known for his mastery of hand-to-hand combat, but he's also a charismatic leader and a strategist. However, his dependency on the Venom serum makes him vulnerable, as his addiction can cloud his judgment and lead him to act impulsively in moments of stress.

Bane grabbed a Parademon by the neck and threw it into the sky, knocking down three more monsters, although they didn't die, this display of power made his subordinates regain their courage.

"Use the weapons!" Bane shouted.

At Bane's command, several of his men opened the sealed crates that appeared to carry clothes; from there, they pulled out automatic rifles and even a rocket launcher.

The war cries and courage of the gangsters resonated for several blocks around.


As expected, people called the police; Commissioner Gordon learned of such a scandal with military-grade weapons at the pier and immediately went with his men. However, upon arrival, there was only silence.

"This was supposed to be a war zone." Commissioner Gordon took less than five minutes to arrive after receiving the report, but everything was silent.

The warehouse was dead; Gordon got out of his patrol car and looked at the traces of destruction; one of the warehouses had many bullet holes, and another was destroyed.


One of the veteran officers looked at Gordon; he immediately understood that he needed to call Batman.

The commissioner took out his phone, but just then, the warehouse door exploded, and Bane flew out to crash into a police car.

"Bane?!" Gordon exclaimed; the imposing Bane was bruised with bleeding wounds all over his body and a deep cut in his chest, made by something very sharp.

"That Bane in this sorry state!" Gordon drew his weapon and aimed at the warehouse. "Who ar-"

Before he had time to finish his question, someone's deep voice sounded from inside.

"Human, if you hadn't faced fifty Parademons before me... maybe you would have lasted longer."

Reflecting the moonlight with his golden armor, Steppenwolf emerged from the warehouse, looked around for a moment, and shouted.

"My lord wants someone's head! Today there is no mercy! Today there is no benevolence!"

Steppenwolf's speech sounded like a mockery; for him, mercy is conquering your world, and benevolence is having the honor of being transformed into a Parademon and dying for Darkseid.

"Fuck you!" Bane got out of the car and stood up; his chest was bleeding, and his eyes were full of fury towards Steppenwolf. "Stop the empty speeches, golden cow!!" said Bane with palpable hatred. "You killed all my men and attacked me like a coward!"

"..." Steppenwolf sighed as he looked at Bane with pity.

Bane screamed at being scorned and ran towards Steppenwolf, fearless, at the same time, his muscles swelled more as he released the Venom to full capacity.

"DIE!!!" With a loud cry, Bane struck Steppenwolf with all his might; however, everyone was stunned to see that Bane's fist was stopped by Steppenwolf with one hand.

"Don't you understand?" Steppenwolf sharpened his yellow eyes. "No matter the advantage, it wouldn't change anything!"

The axe in Steppenwolf's other hand moved before Bane's disbelieving gaze, unable to react...

Blood flew everywhere...


"Fire!" Gordon reacted first and ordered full fire. "This monster must not get close to civilians!"

"Humans, you don't appreciate the honor of serving Darkseid..."

Steppenwolf was annoyed and grabbed his axe to kill everyone, but before that, some of the spheres fell at his feet and then exploded.

"what do we do?!" Batgirl looked at her father with concern, but he must remain calm and act prudently.

"We'll buy time..." Batman jumped from the building and pulled out a strange gun with a blue tube connected to it.


"Buy time?" Steppenwolf's voice was loaded with mockery; amidst the smoke, he emerged unscathed and pointed his axe toward the sky. "Kill everyone for Darkseid!"

Batman felt chills when he heard the roars of hellish creatures from the warehouse.

Like a plague of locusts, thousands of Parademons emerged.

One of the police officers was lifted into the air, and to everyone's frightened gaze, he was split in half.

This time the Parademons weren't coming to kidnap people; they didn't need to hide; the order was to kill.

"For Darkseid..." Steppenwolf murmured.


"Wait, Barbara!" Barbara couldn't bear to see the police officers die, as many were her acquaintances; some even attended her childhood birthdays.

Barbara ran towards Steppenwolf; two Parademons tried to stop her, but she threw a bomb at one and hit the other on the head with a yellow extendable baton.

At that moment, a figure appeared beside her, carrying death in his hand. It was Steppenwolf, who raised his axe to the sky. "Darkseid is night and day, he is the future and the truth, he is god and the world..."

At that moment, Barbara knew she had been reckless; she was Batgirl but also a woman without superpowers, to make it clear, if the Parademons caught her, they would tear her apart, not to mention this guy who could easily defeat Bane.

"Shit!" Barbara saw the axe coming down towards her, feeling chills and terror.



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