
I Stream DC on Marvel

My name is Allen Walker. I lived a quiet and uneventful life until I got into trouble with the school's ultimate bully, Flash Thomson. It was worth it because I was able to protect my friend Gwen and help out a poor guy named Peter Parker. That's right... my life was turned upside down with my school problems. I somehow ended up tangled with bullies like Flash and his rich friend Harry Osborn, and the three beauties of the school, Gwen Stacy, Felicia Hardy, and Mary Jane. I understood why Gwen was there, as she's my friend, but I couldn't understand why the other two girls were interested in me. My destiny should have been getting beaten up by the school bullies, but luckily, I received unexpected help from a miraculous entity called the "The Absolute Content Creator System". This system mainly operates based on viewers and the popularity I gain by providing great content in my world. But somehow, I'm now live-streaming in the middle of the Superman vs. Doomsday fight... yes, it sounds very dangerous and stupid. No one told me I'd be going to the DC world to livestream?! Darkseid is going to kill me!! My aunt Natasha would scream at me for the stupidity I was committing, and she would be right, I mean, I'm streaming it to my world! But I have to be here, even if it's stupid and dangerous. The reason? I have a huge debt of one million dollars because I accidentally ordered a hundred fantasy waifu sex dolls... which have come to life for some reason. Yeah, things are getting complicated!! It sounds insane, but it's real. The first doll was Wednesday Addams, who tried to stab me, and the second was 2B from Nier: Automata, who treated me like her master... I won't complain about that. A bit confusing? Let's recap: - I live in a world that the system calls Marvel... I'm not sure if I should be worried. - I was a normal teenager making YouTube videos and streams, not very popular... – I got involved with the school beauties and that earned me the hatred of the bullies... ¿why? - I was chosen by a system related to content creation. - During a stream, my chat played a prank on me, and I ended up accidentally ordering a hundred very expensive sex dolls that left me in a one-million-dollar debt. - These dolls are coming to life for some reason. - To pay off that debt, I have to use the system that sends me to DC and broadcast craziness like Batman being captured by the Joker or some villain fighting the Justice League. It's not all bad. With a system like in the manga, I become stronger the more popular I get. I gain powers that only appear in comics and anime, and many other things. But, as I said, my world is not normal, and I'll end up getting involved in dangerous things. I knew that when a one-eyed man appeared at my door and said, "Do you know about the Avengers Initiative?"... I think I should definitely be worried about that. While things are bad with all that, my chat is full of trolls and assholes. To make matters worse, my congenital bad luck leads me into stupid and dangerous situations all the time. For example: entering Harley Quinn's room and having relations with her while the Joker is nearby or kicking Darkseid in the balls... Maybe I'll get killed soon, but if not, I'll continue live-streaming the best content on social media... I just hope the system doesn't stream to strange places. If you want to read chapters in advance, be able to see the images that webnovel does not want and support me here I leave you my patreon. Patreon.com/_Aizen A/N: Hello, I hope you like this story and support it. English is not my native language, so I hope you don't mind the grammatical errors.

Mr_Aizen · Anime & Comics
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335 Chs

Against a Russian Bear

Inside a dark room, a dozen men with high-caliber weapons aimed at a calm Allen, a half-asleep Tony, a nervous Jack, and a random guy suffering his third panic attack.

Allen assessed the situation, his nervous companions, and the angry mobsters. He cleared his throat before speaking.

"Apologies, Mr. Russian Mafia Boss, it wasn't our intention to fall from space in a car..."

Jack looked at the sixty-year-old man's face, seeing that he was getting angrier by the second. Jack tried to stop Allen from being impertinent, but Allen didn't even look at him.

Allen sighed, "We regret that your mother had a heart attack because of that... also, the tree that burned in the process..."

"That tree was planted by my father's father over a hundred years ago." The old man's ghostly voice sent shivers down everyone's spine.

"Yeah, and we're sorry about that." Allen's face remained calm and unconcerned. "We regret all the trouble we caused, especially after, with all the sorrow in the world, I knocked half of your men unconscious..."


"I think it's better if you don't say anything more..." Jack whispered beside Allen.

Allen looked at him and winked confidently. "Moreover... what happened with your daughter was unacceptable!. Now that I know she was going to get married, I feel even worse."

"Shut up, kid!" Tony said.

"It just happened!. I accidentally entered her bathroom while escaping, and she jumped on me like a crazy fan!. And I'm a man!" Allen made excuses that sounded convincing in his mind, but everyone knew it was a blatant mockery, and they swallowed hard.


– Allen, shut up! You're not helping!

– Someone please shut him up.!

– My God, I've never seen someone turn purple with anger!


"What I regret the most is that your wife ended up getting involved. I think I hurt her hip... I hope she gets better soon" Allen bowed. "I sincerely apologize for violating your whole family!"

"We're dead..." Jack slouched in his seat with dead eyes, not caring about anything.

"I don't want to die, Mr. Stark," said the guy next to Tony, trembling.

Tony comforted him and patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry, this is a dream." Tony refused to accept reality.


The mafia boss named Dmitri Vladimirovich breathed heavily as his hand bones cracked.

"Mr. Walker... I've never been insulted at this level. Your deeds were so malicious and vicious that I simply can't describe them with words."

"Oh my God, you're making me blush!" Allen waved his hand as he was embarrassed by the old man's compliments. "You should tell that to your enemies all the time."

Jack heard the whole room holding their breath while Dimitri's veins bulged from his muscles. However, before the man could give any orders, Allen raised his hand.

"Wait, what I mean is, I've offended you, I admit it. I have no right to do so. So, as an apology, I'll give you something." Allen took off his jacket and gave it to the nearest armed man. This might be a joke for someone else, but we're talking about Allen Walker.

Even the Russian mafia boss felt curious, so he accepted the jacket. The man, seeing his boss nodding, brought the jacket, and the old man checked the pockets for treasures or something, but there was nothing.

"What does this mean?!"

The mafia boss gave Allen a death stare, his eyes could make a seasoned soldier wet himself, whether he was a normal human who had lived between life and death since before Allen was born.

"Hm? It's a jacket..." Allen looked at him as if the old man were stupid.

"I mean, what's this worth to make it up to me, for you fucking my daughter and my wife, and sending my mother to the hospital!!!"

"Also, I broke an urn... I don't know whose!" Allen added.

The old man began to lose patience and reason. Tony, Jack, and the other guy were terrified.

Allen nodded in understanding; his gaze rose with pride. "That's not just a jacket, it's my jacket."

"Huh?!" The old man stood up and slammed the table, cracking it.

Allen added confidently, "Because it's something of Allen Walker, it makes it more valuable. I'll even sign it for you."

The minds of everyone in the room, including the spectators and Allen himself watching the recording, short-circuited.

The Allen in the recording can only be described as a despicable, son-of-a-bitch, shameless, bastard that even the devil would be afraid of.

Allen is someone who tolerates embarrassment very well, but in the room, he hid his face with his hands while listening to what he said at that moment.

"Kill me!"

[Don't worry, host, only five million people watched that.]

"Damn it!"

Allen suffered more watching the recording than fighting against Doomsday. Allen took a deep breath and continued watching; it was something in the past, and it was impossible to change it. He could only accept everything he did.

Allen observed his attitude, actions, and more from the room. He wasn't incapable of acting like that, but one thing is doing it on purpose to create content, like when he annoys Phill. But this time, it was entirely inconsistent.


In the recording, Allen watched everyone's reactions around him. At that moment, he couldn't think clearly and assumed that everyone was amazed that he was so generous to give away his jacket as an apology. In fact, he believed it was such a good gift that he might visit the mobster's daughter a couple more times.

Fortunately, he didn't mention it and signaled Tony and the others to get out of there. They immediately left, and Allen followed them calmly.

Upon leaving the place, they went to the sedan, which was in pieces. Allen took out a blue box different from the previous one and threw it into the vehicle; upon contact, the sedan began to repair itself.

"That... is disgustingly useful. Can I analyze it with Prime?" Tony asked, amazed, seeming to have regained part of his consciousness.

Allen shrugged. "Go ahead, Tony."

"What are you standing for? Get in quickly!" Jack couldn't handle these two drunk idiots. Don't they realize that soon the entire Russian mafia would be after them?!

As Jack predicted, as soon as they got into the vehicle, thirty armed men emerged from the property behind them.

"AHHHH!" The random guy screamed like a girl upon seeing this.

"How nice of them, they even came to say goodbye. Goodbye~" Allen waved them off with a smile. "I promise to visit again~"

The mob boss came out of his house foaming at the mouth.


Jack floored the accelerator to its maximum capacity and got out of there. Vans full of armed men chased after them.

"Well, such persistent guys." Allen relaxed in the passenger seat, paying little attention to the situation.

"You're a... you know what, it doesn't matter. At this point, telling you anything is useless. I'll just try to escape from here."

Jack focused on the road while Allen gave him a sidelong glance. "If you want to escape, press that button," Allen said before closing his eyes.

"Not in a million years!" Jack immediately refused. He would have to be crazy to listen to him. However, there was one desperate person who pressed it immediately.

"Ahhhh, I don't want to die!"

It was the random guy; his stress had reached the limit, making it difficult for him to think clearly. His instinct made him cling to every ounce of hope.

The car began to transform into a futuristic one. Allen smiled, "Driver, have you seen Men in Black?"

Jack turned to Allen in fear as thrusters emerged from the back of the car. Allen laughed as the sedan accelerated like a rocket. Unlike going into space where the car used an anti-gravity device, accelerating in a straight line, they felt the G-forces.

Except for Allen, the others' faces squished as they surpassed the speed of sound. Thank God for the straight and not heavily traveled road.


The car crashed into a forest; the car's safety systems prevented everyone from dying, but now they were stranded in a forest.

"Well, at least you'll find a bear..." Jack said, lying on the ground on his back, with his belly exposed.

"A bear? Why the hell would I want a bear?!" Allen replied angrily.


"According to the internet, to defeat it barehanded." Tony approached with his phone in hand; he was also still under the effects of Allen's drink, but only a bit.

"Haha, don't talk nonsense; a human can't beat a bear without weapons."

Jack and the random guy felt the need to beat Allen very hard.


Wednesday's voice echoed in everyone's ears at that moment, but they couldn't see her.

Allen's eyes turned bloodshot, as if he remembered his nemesis.



In the room, Allen looked at Wednesday, who was on his shoulder in her doll form, the girl closed her eyes for a moment.

"I was curious to see if you could win as an unarmed man... for future reference."

Allen couldn't reproach her; she had already done enough by putting up with Allen's behavior that day.




No one and nothing could foresee the scale the following events would take.

In the middle of a packed stadium was a professional boxing announcer.

"Ladies and gentlemen!"

"Today, we gather to witness a legendary act."

"In the right corner, weighing 120 lbs (55 Kg), the scourge of the apocalypse, the man who defeated god, the man born of danger, Allen Walker!!!"

"Hey, not while I weigh 160 lbs (72kg)!" Allen got annoyed, but then he raised his hands. "Yeahhhh!!!"

After greeting the audience, Allen spat from his corner. He was dressed like a boxer but with lightweight gloves commonly used in mixed martial arts.

The crowd went wild, and when the presenter calmed them down, he continued.

"His opponent, born in the wild, his mother was killed by hunters, seeking revenge by tearing apart those responsible for years but losing an eye in the process... He is a half-ton great bear, called the Death of One Eye, Yuri!"

Several bears in the stands roared in support.

"Why are we here?!"

"Because Allen is going to fight a bear?!"

"How the hell did he build a stadium in the middle of the forest?!"

"Is anyone going to pay me?!"

"All these are questions that have no answer!!"


In the room, Allen observed the situation carefully, trying to understand. The stream cut off for an hour, and when the recording resumed, Allen was facing a bear, but not in the way everyone thought!!


[In that hour, you stopped the stream to track down the biggest and strongest bear. Finding it, you wanted a fairer fight, so you bought several neural enhancement injections from the system store, which you gave to a hundred random bears.]

"I see... I don't understand! But I see..."


The comments went completely insane; Allen's audience doubled, and all media outlets were filled with Allen's fight against the bear. It's ridiculous, but this fight got more attention than his showdown with Loki and Hulk.

People began to question reality when they saw a group of bears talking and wearing clothes in the stands, although they only wore the upper part.


"Well, I've called an ambulance for you." Tony had regained his senses, but at this moment, he doubted reality, seeing a bear manager using a phone not far away.

"Come on, Andrei, my boy is the new star of the moment. Why can't he be professional?!"

The bear manager was talking to the officials of the Russian professional boxing league, trying to sell Yuri as a new boxer. Unfortunately, he was rejected because only Allen was crazy enough to face a half-ton monster.

The bear manager hung up and apologized to the bear who was going to fight Allen. "Tsk cowardly humans, sorry, Yuri, humans don't want to fight a bear."

"Uncle Ivan, I told you I don't want to be a boxer. We're only here to fulfill the promise to Allen Walker for giving us intelligence."

"Listen, Yuri, we have a chance to change the world. We're bears in a world of humans! And we have a chance to be something more now that we can communicate with them!"

Yuri is the big bear that Allen challenged to a fight. Allen gave them knowledge through a device that Rick gave him. Now these ten bears were no different from a human in intelligence.

Yuri thought about those years of starving in the cold winter, every time he approached cities, people got scared, and he could only eat from the garbage. Now he can speak; he might even get a job, no more eating from the trash.

"Uncle..." Yuri gave a determined look to change his destiny.

"Come on, Yuri, just go out there and beat that arrogant human!!"

"That's what I'll do!"

"I can't hear you, Yuri!"

"I'll do it RAAAGGHHH!!!"


"Do you think you can win?" asked Jack Black, dressed in coaching gear with a towel around his neck.

"Yes, I will win!" Allen said with as much confidence as his sensei Satoru Gojo, okay, bad example.

To make it clear, Allen could kill the bear instantly, but that wouldn't prove that a human could beat a bear barehanded. So, he limited his strength to that of an average person. Although his endurance was still high, it was only one hundredth of that of old Shirohige.

Allen insisted on a fair fight, but the system refused; it wouldn't let him die just for foolishness, and Allen wasn't in his right mind.


There were too many questions among the spectators, and everything became very strange, but people from nearby cities came in the thousands to see the match.

Cars piled up outside the colossal stadium; there was no entrance fee, so people entered in droves.

Soon, the stadium was packed to the brim. Surprisingly, the people divided; on one side, they supported Allen for being a human, but on the other side, some supported Yuri (the bear) for being Russian.

This turned into an all-out struggle. The presenter called both to the center; it was ridiculous to see a bear in shorts and a still not very muscular young man facing each other.

In normal situations, one might think the bear would tear Allen apart with one blow, and the beast's figure would intimidate Allen. But this wasn't the case. Despite restraining himself to the human limit and his current state, Allen didn't stop being an intimidating guy.

"The fight will be for fifteen rounds!" the commentator shouted.


People at home and around the world held their breath because they realized this wasn't a joke. Allen planned to fight a bear eight times his weight with his limited strength.

It was simply foolishness. But all the voices didn't enter Allen's ears. He just had an evil smile and crazy eyes; he looked like a complete psychopath. At that moment, the bear, having acquired enough intelligence to reason, began to get scared. Still, this was his chance to get out of the streets (forest).

Yuri gathered courage, gritted his teeth, and attacked Allen when the bell rang. Allen did the same, and for a second, it seemed like the start of an epic fight... but it wasn't.

Allen fell to the ground, bounced a couple of times, and landed at the feet of Jack and Tony in his corner.


A/N: You can stop by my patreon to say hi, or join, there are advanced chapters, images Webnovel doesn't like, drafts of new stories, and soon some more stuff ;3
