
I Stole Other People's (Power)

Dying leaving behind a comfortable life, a man who did not believe in such things as rebirth was reborn in a world similar to his previous world, but with some kind of additional superpower stuff. Since superheroes -people with superpowers who protect society- live in prosperity and wealth, he as a reincarnator hoped for some kind of power up, but had no luck. Fortunately he was able to awaken his own powers like those people. But his powers are a bit beyond his expectations, despite that he still has to use them to become rich, oops, hero... right? Or even something else than that?

Kokiten · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Chapter 4: Registering as a Hero

After arriving in front of the Peipei city Hero Association branch office area, and parking her car. Ming Ling stood looking at the front of the building. This branch office took care of the administrative affairs of the Hero Association in this city.

And now Ming Ling stood up and was ready to. She stepped her feet then entered the office. In the office, there were people minding their own business. Some were taking care of paperwork, registering for administration, or reporting their problems.

Ming Ling looked around for the counter to register to become a Hero candidate. Then came up to her to register.

"Excuse me, I'd like to register," Ming Ling said to the receptionist.

"Okay, fill in your identity on the form, then please return it and wait for the next process."

"Okay." Ming Ling took a pen and filled in the original Ming Ling's memories that had been processed by Helfen. Afterwards, she handed the completed form back to the receptionist.

"Yes, Miss. Please wait, your name will be called for a brief examination test."

Ming Ling nodded and sat down in the chair provided.

Thanks to the real identity in the original Ming Ling not being known, people did not realize that she was using Ming Ling's, or Barrier Lady's, body.

From the memories of the real Ming Ling, she knew that Ming Ling tended to rarely commit her crimes, and was always careful not to reveal her identity. She had a relationship with one of the villain groups but she got into trouble and lost contact with them. Although she didn't act anymore, but thanks to her powers she was categorized as a S-Rank Supervillain.

After a while, the receptionist returned to direct Ming Ling to the examination test room located underground, underneath the building. Here Ming Ling would be given a brief test of her powers.

There was already a team that would assess the applicants' powers.

"Yes, Miss Ming. We will briefly assess your powers. Because of your age, we will directly place you into the team of novice heroes." The test team leader said.

"Please begin your demonstration of power." He continued.

Armed with the memories of the real Ming Ling, Ming Ling (Kevin) began to use her power to create a semi-transparent barrier around her in the shape of a cube.

"Hmm, a defense-type power, good one," praised the test team leader, while ticking off something on his report.

"Alright, we'll start testing the barrier's durability. Stand by... 3... 2...1...."

A laser cannon with a certain pressure released a laser beam towards Ming Ling's barrier and hit it, creating smoke from the collision. After the smoke cleared, it could be seen that Ming Ling's barrier was fine, like not being shot at anything.

"The resistance is also very good. Check. That's enough. Congratulations Miss Ming, you successfully passed the test, your barrier strength was able to withstand this high-powered laser beam without a scratch. That's enough to make you a rookie hero, for that we'll award you a Rank-D."

"To that end, sign here your consent to become a Hero member of the Hero Association, that your duty is to protect society from any threats."

Ming Ling nodded her head then picked up a pen to sign the consent document.

"Congratulations again, you have been officially registered as a Hero, carry out your duties and serve as a citizen." The test team leader held out his hand

"Yes, sir," Ming Ling said as she extended her hand for a handshake as well.

"You will be contacted via email about your next deployment. All the details will be listed there. Your area of operation will be in this city and its surroundings, and in the future when your reputation is higher, you can be placed anywhere and within a wider area of operation." The test team leader said

"Thank you, sir. My pleasure."

After the test was over Ming Ling walked out of the office, an hour and a half had passed. She smiled broadly, the first step had begun. It was time to start the next step, which was to find a second target, but who? This city was too peaceful, and no supervillains would attack without some big reasons.

At best she would have to search other cities, even then she wasn't sure any supervillains would show up.

Reaching that conclusion, Ming Ling got back in her car and drove towards Ming Ling's house. There she transformed back into Kevin. He had to move some of his belongings to make his family believe that he was working. Technically he was working now.

Then he looked at his phone, his family was already asking about the meaning of his message. Then he texted that he was really working and needed to move so he could be close to work and focus on his job. His family sent a message of approval after receiving Kevin's made-up details.

Kevin returned to his home in a taxi, and he and his family prepared and selected Kevin's belongings to be moved the next day.

Then the next day a pickup truck transported Kevin's belongings for the move.

Kevin said, "I'm only moving a short distance away, still in the city, I just need to get closer and focus on this job, because I'm 18 years old and need to prove myself for this job."

His mother, his younger brother nodded in understanding. His mother said, "Okay, Kevin. But visit often, after all we are still in the same city, you said we shouldn't visit. Then you should visit us, okay?" His mom hugged Kevin.

"Okay, Mom." Kevin hugged back.

After that Kevin climbed into the seat next to the truck and drove to Ming Ling's house which was located 3 kilometers from his house. When he got there, his belongings were unloaded and put inside. As Kevin moved them to the garage and shed, they were also put into various rooms.

Once done, Kevin paid the movers, and they left after their job was done.

A bit tired after moving things, Kevin decided to sit on the sofa to rest.

He checked the email on Ming Ling's cell phone to see that there hadn't been a single email from the Hero Association and then closed the phone again.

"I don't think it'll be quick, maybe there's a problem with the administration. But I seem to be the only applicant at that hour," Kevin muttered in surprise.

He was now thinking about Supervillains, wondering when they would show up since he needed another body to use.

"I guess you could sign up as some kind of mercenary," Helfen said suddenly.

"That's right, the Heroes Association often hires mercenaries in their operations as well."

"Exactly, that way you can have a chance to meet your next target, but you'd better do it after your placement email comes in, so you don't ruin your chance of becoming a hero."

"Right, but when? Their administration and bureaucracy is too lame," Kevin complained.

"We'll see, sooner or later, no need to worry, Kevin," Helfen assured Kevin.