
I Stayed At Home For A Century, When I Emerged I Was Invincible

Chu Xuan transmigrated to a fantasy world and became the young master of a powerful family. He was rebuked for misbehaving just because he sneezed during a banquet. As punishment, he was banished from the ancestral mansion and was relocated to a remote residence. He did not mind the punishment at all. He just needed a spot that could allow him to be a shut-in. With the system that would allow him to grow stronger by being a shut-in, the longer he stayed indoors, the more powerful he became. After being a shut-in for a day, he was rewarded with the Indestructible Body Technique. After being a shut-in for a month, he was rewarded with the Immovable Mountain Technique. After being a shut-in for a year, he was rewarded with the Yuxu Celestial Scripture and 100 years of cultivation. After being a shut-in for 10 years, he was rewarded with the Chaotic Indestructible Body and the Bell of Chaos. … Chu Xuan declared, “No one can make me leave my home. I like being a shut-in!”

Half a clear breeze · Eastern
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817 Chs

A ray of light suddenly appeared.

It spread out into the chaos, as if it was paving a path.

Pan Shan, who was attacking the nine zones, moved and charged toward the path of light.

He intended to enter the nine zones through this path.

Chu Xuan's heart tightened, and readied the Boundless Destruction Sword to strike again.

If Pan Shan barged in, he had to be killed to intimidate the experts in the chaos.

Although Pan Shan was a World Creator, he had yet to recover from his injuries.

Chu Xuan was confident that he could kill him in one strike.


When Pan Shan approached the path of light, it suddenly triggered the appearance of the power of the laws. Pan Shan, who was originally rushing toward the path of light, was hurled back and injured.



Pan Shan was not willing to give up. He roared and exploded with a terrifying strength as he charged forth once more.