
I Stayed At Home For A Century, When I Emerged I Was Invincible

Chu Xuan transmigrated to a fantasy world and became the young master of a powerful family. He was rebuked for misbehaving just because he sneezed during a banquet. As punishment, he was banished from the ancestral mansion and was relocated to a remote residence. He did not mind the punishment at all. He just needed a spot that could allow him to be a shut-in. With the system that would allow him to grow stronger by being a shut-in, the longer he stayed indoors, the more powerful he became. After being a shut-in for a day, he was rewarded with the Indestructible Body Technique. After being a shut-in for a month, he was rewarded with the Immovable Mountain Technique. After being a shut-in for a year, he was rewarded with the Yuxu Celestial Scripture and 100 years of cultivation. After being a shut-in for 10 years, he was rewarded with the Chaotic Indestructible Body and the Bell of Chaos. … Chu Xuan declared, “No one can make me leave my home. I like being a shut-in!”

Half a clear breeze · Eastern
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817 Chs

A Million-Mile Dao Path Isn't Far Away Anymore (Part 1)

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the Buddhist Zone, in a certain temple.

A monk was sitting cross-legged and chanting sutras.

His body was surrounded by a layer of Buddhist light.

He was originally a Dao realm expert of the demon race, but because of the upcoming Great Dao calamity, the demon race's Daoyuan realm ancestor had passed down a tribulation-avoiding technique in order to avoid it.

After cultivating, the violent and arrogant nature of the past was constantly being weakened.

He became calmer

His head became bald.

The demonic power in his body was transformed into Buddhist power.

His strength had increased.

The more he cultivated, the more he comprehended, and the more he realized that Buddhism was boundless.

This was especially so in the Buddhist World. After he comprehended the Buddhist Dao principle, this feeling became even stronger.