
I, Son of Tiamat

Those are the tears of the Goddess of Creation. The tears floating up from the deep sea became the last son of Tiamat. And, after seven days and seven nights of incubation—he was born... He will be connected to the earth—get the wisdom of the sky and the eyes, body, soul, and spirit of the Gods, the trinity will never corrupt him! In the end, with the hope of his mother on his back, he lived happily and freely.

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32 Chs

Chapter 15: Twist

Laughing wantonly, Gilgamesh wiped away the tears from his eyes, stared at Qiye's back with piercing eyes, and grinned, "Yes, this is the fairest verdict, impartial, selfless, ruthless, and decisively, fairly and justly split the contention in half, and neither party will be dissatisfied with this judgment."

"Your Majesty seems to have agreed to the judgment I made, so how about it?" Qiye who was holding the blade looked at the mother who wanted to get her child.

The mother's face was pale, but facing the verdict that Gilgamesh had agreed to, she nodded timidly, expressing that she had no objection to Qiye's judgment.

After getting the mother's response, Qiye looked at the second mother. She was not only pale but also had a desperate expression as if the sky was falling.

"How about you?"

"I don't want it!" The second mother rushed up, her hands stretched out to the sword held by Qiye, Qiye shook her wrist with a smile, and the sword's blade drew a sword flower pattern before disappearing behind Qiye.

The mother, who grabbed the blade, knelt down to Gilgamesh in panic, and said in a mournful voice like a cuckoo weeping blood, "My lord, I was wrong. I should not compete with others for the child, so please give the child away to her."

"Oh, you know exactly what you're talking about now."

Gilgamesh stopped smiling, his evil smile disappeared from his handsome face, and he looked coldly at the kneeling woman, "As a member of the City of Uruk, you must know the punishment, according to your crime of attempted theft, all your property will be confiscated, you will be expelled from here, and will never be allowed to set foot in Uruk."

The City of Uruk is the first civilization of humans, and the laws to control the people have also been born. Severe and harsh laws restrain the nobles, civilians, and slaves of Uruk.

"Yes... yes, I am very clear, so I ask the king to abolish the judge's judgment and save the child's life." The mother sobbingly pleaded.

At this time, with a bang, the blade that Qiye was holding returned to the soldier's scabbard, he turned around and walked towards the mother who knelt down to Gilgamesh as he helped her up.

"You are not wrong, and you don't need to beg, because the child is yours, and this is my real verdict."


Everyone was confused by the sudden turnaround, but Gilgamesh had a smile on his face. When he laughed wantonly, he probably had a vague understanding of Qiye's thoughts.

The tyrant of Uruk is cruel but wise.

Qiye helped the mother, and then he said to the people under the high platform with a complicated expression, "Most mothers love their children, so mothers would rather be in pain and be punished than let their child suffer. They'll suffer for them, and want them to live happily and freely... this is what I always think so."

Then Qiye said to the mother he's supporting in an admiring tone, "You know very well that this child belongs to you, and in the face of a ruthless decree that the child is about to die, you chose to let others take away your property and let others drive you out."

"Even so, you want the child to survive, so you are the real mother of the child."

Qiye faced the crowd under the high platform. He raised his arms and shouted loudly, "Residents of Uruk and foreign traders, do you think my judgment is correct?"

"Correct!" The emotional crowd shouted out. Compared with the uneven questioning voices before, their responses this time were so tidy and shockingly well-ordered.

Up to now, they, who are spectators, have finally figured out Qiye's thoughts. He, the arbiter, does not intend to make a verdict by himself but uses ruthless tactics to force the real mother to make a choice.

The crowd below the high platform was lamenting the wisdom and wit of the adjudicator, Semiramis was completely relieved, and with her eyes softened, she murmured two words to Qiye on the high platform.

"Bad guy..."