
I, Son of Tiamat

Those are the tears of the Goddess of Creation. The tears floating up from the deep sea became the last son of Tiamat. And, after seven days and seven nights of incubation—he was born... He will be connected to the earth—get the wisdom of the sky and the eyes, body, soul, and spirit of the Gods, the trinity will never corrupt him! In the end, with the hope of his mother on his back, he lived happily and freely.

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32 Chs

Chapter 14: Judgment

When Qiye and Semiramis arrived, the trial meeting had already begun.

"At a glance, this child is mine. He has delicate features and looks exactly like my husband." One of the women shared her evidence.

Qiye, who heard it, resisted the urge to laugh, how can she tell that a newborn child is exactly like her husband?

The other woman retorted, "Are you kidding?! This child is mine! Look how thin his hair is, he's just like my husband's hair, this child belongs to me!"


The crowd laughed out loud. The child's hair, because he was just born, if he was not bald, he has sparse fetal hair. Could this be considered a piece of evidence?

"In addition to having beautiful features, my child also has a birthmark and this child who was not stolen has this birthmark, so this child is mine!"

"My child also has a birthmark! This child is obviously mine!"

Birthmarks do allow the two women to identify who their child is.

But the other woman wasn't the mother of the child that the priestess was holding on to because she knew her child was lost and yet she 'couldn't let her child be lost'.

If the child was lost, the family will collapse.

But, wouldn't anyone else know who this child belonged to?

Yes, the priestess in charge of delivering the baby knew, she knew very well who the child belonged to.

Facing the increasingly fierce quarrel, the priestess who was holding the child hesitated to speak, but Gilgamesh, who was holding his chin, gave her a look, which shocked her heart as she shut her mouth tremblingly and remained silent.

"Mothers who fight for their child..." Semiramis, looking up at the high platform, muttered to herself, her golden eyes were full of longing, she was a demigod with the blood of gods flowing in her body, she knew her own origin, and she remembers everything about her childhood.

Including those memories of being breastfed by Qiye...

Ahem, that's not the point!

The point is that Semiramis envies the child, not abandoned but fought over by the mothers, who all want the child to stay with them.

This made Semiramis envious.

"Qiye, do you have a way for that child to find his mother?" Semiramis looked at Qiye, and said in a low voice, "If the child can't stay with his biological mother, then he is too unfortunate."

"Yeah." Qiye squeezed Semiramis' little hand tightly, and his handsome face showed a smile that reassured Semiramis, "I have a way to solve this matter, so you can rest assured."


After getting an accurate response from Qiye, Semiramis's gloomy expression dissipated, showing a reassuring smile, while Qiye stared at the people on the high platform.

The shivering priestess, the two mothers who were fighting, and finally the bored Gilgamesh—huh? Why is that guy's eye so strange, it feels like he is watching a show.

Gilgamesh's eyes scanned the crowd of onlookers below, and after seeing Qiye's figure, he showed a hooked smile. He stood up from his seat, facing the two women in front of him and the crowd under the high platform with an arrogant expression.

Arrogant words came out of Gilgamesh's mouth, "Stop your meaningless quarrels. This king will now choose the Judge Ruler from the crowd, and let him make the judgment."

After hearing Gilgamesh's words, the onlookers were filled with anticipation. Gilgamesh's public trial has been conducted several times, and they all hoped that they would be chosen by Gilgamesh to become the Judge Ruler. If his judgment is made, then he can be rewarded.

No matter what kind of verdict it is, they can get a reward from Gilgamesh.

So, making a fortune depends on this step!

"It's you." Gilgamesh casually pointed at Qiye, and the people around him showed surprised expressions. They thought that Gilgamesh had chosen them.

But no, they are just onlookers.

Then, under the order of Gilgamesh, the soldiers on the side began to walk towards the crowd where Qiye was. After these people found out that it was Qiye that the soldiers took away, their expressions suddenly became depressed.

They seem to be as depressed as 'discovering that they have won the first prize, and then when they went to redeem it, they found out that their prize coupon was from the previous issue'.

On the contrary, Qiye felt that he was being calculated, there were so many people so how did Gilgamesh just point at him so coincidentally?

Coupled with the previous stare with Gilgamesh earlier, Qiye thinks that this is not just a coincidence.

"Oh." Qiye sighed, whether it was a coincidence or not, it was good for him so that he didn't need to find a way to step on this high platform and let the real mother get his child.

After the soldiers led Qiye to the high platform, Gilgamesh sat down, resting his chin on one hand, narrowing his scarlet eyes slightly, and said arrogantly and majestically, "Outsider, tell your verdict now, it is you who will control their fate."

"Even if my verdict is wrong, King of Uruk, will you make a judgment based on my verdict." Qiye turned his back to Gilgamesh as he looked at the women near him.

They are all looking at Qiye with hopeful eyes, but the other mother's eyes look very uneasy while the other mother's eyes are full of pitiful pleading.

The former... want to get a child after losing her child.

The latter... want her child to stay by her side.

Qiye, who has mastered the wisdom of heaven, can see through at a glance who is the real mother of the child.

"That's right, even if this king has given you the royal power, everything in Uruk must be subjected to this king's judgment, so make your judgment," Gilgamesh said arrogantly.

"Then I'll start, but the process of my adjudication will cause a little commotion."

After saying this, Qiye made a move that surprised everyone. He even pulled out the sword blade from the waist of the soldier beside him as the cold light of the blade shone on the high platform.

The crowd under the high platform exclaimed, and the soldiers rushed to the high platform to protect Gilgamesh.

But Gilgamesh yelled angrily, "Whoever allows you to step on the high platform, will die by my hand!"

"But our king! This outsider has snatched the soldier's sword blade, maybe he will draw his sword at you!" said the soldier who stepped onto the high platform, looking at Qiye vigilantly

"I don't want to repeat it a second time. If you don't move, you will all go and become a worker who carries bricks!"

Bricks are needed to build a temple or build a city wall, so moving bricks is literally just saying that they'll become a slave.

Under Gilgamesh's angry shout, the soldiers who rushed up to the high platform retreated hesitantly, then Gilgamesh looked at Qiye who was holding out a sword, "Outsider, you are not what you said. It's just a 'little commotion' but you dare to draw a sword in front of this king. If your verdict fails to satisfy this king, then your end will be miserable."

Gilgamesh's tone was full of threat, but Qiye could hear a trace of interest in his intimidating tone, he seemed to be surprised by Qiye, an extremely bold outsider.

Someone dared to pull out a soldier's weapon in front of the king, it was so daring too—in line with his wishes, it was really interesting to see such a daring guy appear among a group of obsequious people.

Qiye, who pulled out his sword, pointed at the child held by the priestess, and said calmly under the eyes of everyone, "You two are fighting for this child, and you both think that this child belongs to you, so it is difficult for me to make the right verdict, so..."

"Chop him, split this child in half, and then each of you will have half. This is the fairest verdict. This is my verdict."

Qiye's calm words caused an uproar among the crowd. Even Semiramis, who had followed Qiye for thirteen years, couldn't help being stunned.

The crowd had strong doubts about the verdict made by Qiye, an outsider, and their voices of opposition were so loud that almost the entire City of Uruk was shaken.

On this day, this absurd judgment will definitely be recorded in the history of Mesopotamia.

"What kind of judgment is this, Qiye, what do you want to do now..." Semiramis clenched her hands tightly. She didn't think Qiye would really do this, but his expression was very calm as if he was really serious.

Facing the huge and deafening doubts like a sea tide, Qiye's expression remained the same, and the blade he held never wavered. Looking at the extremely calm blade, the soldiers knew that this outsider really planned to cut the child in half...


Amidst all the voices of questions, there was suddenly an extremely ear-piercing laugh.

Who the hell?! In the face of such a ruthless and harsh judgment, someone was able to laugh so heartily.

The aggrieved residents of Uruk looked at the place where the laughter came from, it was on the high platform!

Oh! It was the king of Uruk, Gilgamesh, who was laughing... Since he was the one laughing, there was nothing they could do about it.

It is quite normal for this vile tyrant to laugh heartily at such a ruthless and cruel verdict.