
I Smash the Horror games

Wang Haoran transmigrated to blue star where Horror games are rampant, ghosts and monsters have come to reality, Obtaining a system, Wang Haoran became invincible after training and waiting for the horror games for 10 years. When the horror game finally came, seeing Wang Haoran's data it was scared to cry. 【 Name: Wang Haoran Race: Human Physical fitness: 999 Strength: 999 Speed: 999 Spirit: 999 】 Horror Game: Big brother Are you really Human?? Who is the Boss here??? -----------------------/-/----------------------------- Mc is super op and will keep getting stronger.MC is straight.

Makotosenpai · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 9.

Chapter 9

Somewhat familiar.

Looking closely, isn't this Wang Haoran?

"Brother Chen!" Zhu Tian shouted immediately.

As a result, Wang Haoran seemed not to have heard it and was walking slowly out of the village.

"Did he go to the toilet too?"

Zhu Tian narrowed his eyes and immediately guessed: "Could it be that he knows where the toilet is?"

Thinking of this, he quickly followed.

He was walking quite fast, but Wang Haoran seemed to be walking very slowly. However, he could not catch up with Wang Haoran no matter what.

Always keeping the same distance.

"That's strange."

Zhu Tian felt something was strange and his feet couldn't help but speed up a little more.

The distance between the two of them still did not shrink at all.

"Brother Chen!"

Zhu Tian shouted several times.

The figure in front of me didn't react at all.

He followed Wang Haoran out of the village and watched Wang Haoran slowly walk into a rice field.

"What are you doing in the rice fields so early in the morning?"

Zhu Tian felt even more confused.

But he also followed Wang Haoran into the rice field.

The rice fields are very vast. When the wind blows, the rice waves roll, which is very beautiful.

But at this time, Zhu Tian had no time to appreciate it, his attention was all on Wang Haoran.


He stepped on a stone, staggered and almost fell.

When he raised his head again and saw what was in front of him.

He suddenly froze.

His pupils suddenly contracted and his whole body trembled.

Because there was suddenly a scarecrow in front of the empty space!

A scarecrow on a stake to keep away sparrows.

The face made of rags had no expression, but seemed to be looking straight at him.

Zhu Tian was so scared that he peed his pants.

A hot feeling flowed down his pants.

When did this scarecrow appear here?

Just now, there was clearly nothing in front of me.

It seemed to appear in an instant.

"Brother Chen, save me!"

He looked hastily behind the scarecrow.

But this one glance made his face turn pale and he almost fainted.

Wang Haoran is missing.

In other words, there was no Wang Haoran in this rice field at all.

A dozen scarecrows were standing quietly in the field. He was the only one there... and a dozen other scarecrows.

A chill crept silently up his spine.


Zhu Tian screamed in fear.

He turned around and ran, crawling and tumbling, rushing back to the village without even looking back.


He threw open the door and fell into the house.

Then he screamed: "Help me, help me!"

The other people who were sleeping were awakened by his sudden movement.

They all sat up and looked at him in confusion.

"Just now I..."

Zhu Tian's face turned pale, and he trembled as he shouted, "I just saw that Wang Haoran turned into a scarecrow!"


Upon hearing this, everyone's faces showed a hint of surprise.

Wang Haoran turned into a scarecrow?

They were all startled and became alert.

"Are you confused from sleepz still dreaming?"

Someone said seriously, "It was Wang Haoran who saved us last night."

"If it weren't for Wang Haoran, we wouldn't have been able to walk into the village alive."

Zhu Tian was still shaking.

"I just got up and wanted to go to the toilet, but I saw Wang Haoran walking out of the village and into the rice fields."

"When I chased after him, Wang Haoran suddenly disappeared and turned into a scarecrow!"

"Right in front of my face!"

Thinking back to the scene just now, he still felt a lingering fear and a chill all over his body.

If I hadn't run fast.

He must have died in that rice field.

Several people in the room were silent.

"Why is there a foul smell?"

Someone frowned, then looked down and noticed that Zhu Tian's pants were wet.

The man's eyes widened, and then he screamed, "Oh my god, you peed your pants!"

Only then did the others notice that there was a black spot on Zhu Tian's pants.

He quickly covered his mouth and nose.

"You should get out first."

"We believe you."

Zhu Tian was so scared that he peed his pants, so what he said must be true.

A group of people directly drove Zhu Tian out.

We can't let him dirty up this house.

There was a lot of noise in the room, and the sound could be heard next door. Wang Haoran slowly opened his eyes.

I glanced out the window and saw that it was already bright day.

"System, what time is it?" Wang Haoran asked.

System: "Seven twenty-three."

"It's past seven. Where's your alarm?"

Wang Haoran still remembered that he set the alarm for six o'clock.

"I yelled, and you told me to shut up and said you wanted to sleep for another five minutes."

The system replied, and there seemed to be a hint of grievance in its voice.

This made Wang Haoran silent. Why didn't he remember such a thing?

But these five minutes... aren't they a bit too long?

Wang Haoran sat up from the bed and took a look inside the room. Everything was normal.

But Xiaoqing's sleeping posture wasn't very nice, with her legs spread out.

"I thought you were kind of cute."

Wang Haoran covered his face, unable to bear to look.

Hearing the noise coming from the next room, he was a little surprised: "What are they doing next door? Why is it so noisy?"

So he got up and opened the door.

However, the sound of the door opening woke Xiaoqing up.

She finally woke up from her coma.

When Xiaoqing opened her eyes and saw herself in a room, she was a little confused, and then she saw Wang Haoran.

As soon as she saw Wang Haoran, she remembered what happened last night.

His face suddenly turned pale and his whole body began to tremble.

Wang Haoran ignored her and walked out.

There is still a lot to do today.

First, you must go to the back mountain, find the cave and find out what's inside.

When he walked out of the room, Zhu Tian saw him immediately.


Zhu Tian screamed in horror.

Wang Haoran immediately looked back, and there was nothing behind him.

"Why are you yelling so strangely so early in the morning?"

He immediately said, "Be careful, someone will come and complain about you for disturbing the public."

Zhu Tian was so frightened that he couldn't speak.

I always feel that Wang Haoran in front of me will turn into a terrifying scarecrow in the next second.

Hearing Zhu Tian's screams, several men in the room rushed out.

When they saw Wang Haoran, they looked solemn and nervous.

"Are you a human or a ghost?"

There was a brave one who asked Wang Haoran directly.

"Do you think I am a human or a ghost?" Wang Haoran glanced at them.

The man thought for a moment and then asked, "Then explain to me why you went to the rice fields this morning?"

"To the rice fields?"

Wang Haoran said: "I just woke up, why should I go to the rice fields?"

just woke up?

Now everyone was confused.

Didn't Zhu Tian see with his own eyes that Wang Haoran walked into the rice field?

These few people were not the only ones who were puzzled

The audience watching the live broadcast are also confused now.

"What on earth is going on? I don't understand."

"I also saw Wang Haoran go to the rice fields. How come he just woke up?"

"If the person who went to the rice fields was not Wang Haoran, then who was it?"

So many things were wrong.

They felt a chill running down their backs.

Even in the middle of summer, I couldn't help shivering.

When a group of people were confused, Xiao Qing came out nervously and said, "I also saw Brother Wang Haoran last night."