
I Smash the Horror games

Wang Haoran transmigrated to blue star where Horror games are rampant, ghosts and monsters have come to reality, Obtaining a system, Wang Haoran became invincible after training and waiting for the horror games for 10 years. When the horror game finally came, seeing Wang Haoran's data it was scared to cry. 【 Name: Wang Haoran Race: Human Physical fitness: 999 Strength: 999 Speed: 999 Spirit: 999 】 Horror Game: Big brother Are you really Human?? Who is the Boss here??? -----------------------/-/----------------------------- Mc is super op and will keep getting stronger.MC is straight.

Makotosenpai · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 8.

Chapter 8

"What is this?"

"It's over, it's over, it's going to eat people."

"How can his neck be so long? What kind of monster is this?"

Some people even dare not watch it anymore.

Many closed their eyes tightly and even threw their earphones aside.

"Is this the hellish novice mission? How can we possibly survive this?"

Just the sight of these monsters left them without the strength to resist.

Not to mention surviving three days.

"It's all over."

A group of people were trembling.


Just when everyone was in despair, a hand suddenly fell on "Wang Haoran's" neck.

This is too sudden.

Even that "Wang Haoran" didn't react.

He turned around in surprise, and then saw the real Wang Haoran!

Wang Haoran was looking at the thing in front of him.

[Name: Scarecrow

Race: Evil

Physical fitness: 14

Strength: 17

Speed: 8

Spirit: 139]

Another scarecrow.

When the audience in Xiaoqing's live broadcast room saw this scene, they were so scared that they jumped up.

"He actually grabbed such a horrible thing!"

"Oh my god, isn't he scared?"

"I don't dare to look at it."

Only Wang Haoran looked calm, staring at the scarecrow with a smile.

He asked, "Where do you live?"

"How many brothers and sisters are there in your family?"

"Have you ever considered taking me over to have a look?"

Listen to Wang Haoran's words.

The audience suddenly felt dizzy.

"No, brother, that's a man-eating monster. Do you still want to be a guest?"

"Are you checking the household registration?"

The scarecrow still didn't speak, but simply twisted its neck and opened its big mouth to bite Wang Haoran's head.

Wang Haoran was not panicked at all.

"In terms of speed, you are slightly inferior."

"In terms of strength, you are even less than that."

He slapped him directly.


A muffled sound.

Then a piece of dry straw flew up.

This slap almost knocked the scarecrow's head off.

"Don't wanna say?"

"Then you can die."

Wang Haoran said coldly, then he took action and tore the scarecrow's neck off.

Then he crushed the scarecrow's head with his hand.

The scarecrow was left with only a body, but he was still alive and turned around and tried to run away.

As a result, Wang Haoran's hand reached out directly from the window and grabbed the scarecrow's body.

Pull harder.


The scarecrow's body was stuck on the window.

The window is too small.

It's okay to stick your head in, but it's absolutely impossible to get your body through.

But Wang Haoran used the force of the explosion to forcibly pull the scarecrow's body into the room little by little.

The scarecrow was twitching all over, waving his hands and struggling constantly.

It still didn't work.


The scarecrow's body broke and his neck rested directly on his toes.

Wang Haoran still didn't slow down.

By the time the scarecrow was completely pulled in, it was completely dead, floating lightly, and its body had turned back into the material of straw.

"That's it?"

Wang Haoran was a little disdainful and tore the scarecrow into pieces.

It was completely quiet in the live broadcast room.

Everyone opened their mouths and eyes wide, looking at Wang Haoran in horror.

There was a long silence.

"Who is the monster anyway?"

"Just now, he looked more like a monster. The scarecrow looked like a person caught by a monster."

"Fuck, this scarecrow is so miserable, it scared me to tears."

"I even heard the sound of the scarecrow's lumbar vertebrae breaking. I felt desperate for the scarecrow."

They all stared blankly at Wang Haoran on the screen.

Some people have been watching the live broadcast for nine years.

But I've never seen such an outrageous live broadcast.

Who was the monster at that moment?

They wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads and kept saying, "This newbie is a bit outrageous."

Wang Haoran casually threw the straw out of the window.

Then he looked at Xiaoqing who had fainted from fright.

"Fell asleep so quickly."

"That's amazing."

Since she was asleep, she must be safe.

Wang Haoran lay back on the bed.

I asked the system in my mind: "What time is it now?"

"Ten thirty-seven at night."

Wang Haoran added: "Call me at six tomorrow morning."


"I'm not an alarm clock."

"You can be." Wang Haoran said to the system seriously.

"Alarm module loaded."

"The current time is: 6 a.m."

Wang Haoran laughed in his heart and said, "System, you say no, but your body is very honest."

This time the system ignored him.

Wang Haoran closed his eyes and soon fell asleep.

And in Xiaoqing's live broadcast room.

It's still very lively.

"How did he fall asleep so quickly?"

"You are so brave. Such a horrible thing just happened, but you fell asleep in the blink of an eye."

"Is this the legendary saying that a person with great skill is bolder than others?"

But some people are analyzing it.

Soon, a post appeared on the live broadcast website.

It is a forum for communication and analysis.

The hell-difficulty novice mission has reappeared, naturally attracting many people.

And saw Wang Haoran successfully resolved the crisis of the first night.

Many people couldn't sit still.

Analyzing like crazy.

"I seem to understand why those people before couldn't even survive the first night."

"Because at night, there will be evil spirits hunting them."

On the way here, a scarecrow mixed in with the crowd.

If Wang Haoran hadn't discovered it in time.

Then someone will die on the way.

Then at night, the scarecrow would attack and kill other people one after another.

The moderator said seriously: "I can only say that this newbie is very capable. So far, he has not made a wrong step."

"In fact, he was very cautious in every step, step by step."

"There were some details that even I didn't notice."

"It's just a pity that we can't see his live broadcast perspective!"

Because it was late at night, Wang Haoran and others were asleep, and people gradually left the live broadcast room and came to this post to analyze.

"Thinking about it carefully, it seems that what the host said is correct."

"This newbie is so cautious."

"So those people didn't survive the first night because of these!"

This post is very lively.

People were still discussing it until dawn.

There were also some people who kept switching between live broadcast rooms to see if they could survive the first night.

The sky gradually brightened.

The dark room gradually became clear.

"They survived the first night!" someone exclaimed.

This is a historic moment.

One third of this hellish novice mission has been completed!

"This guy named Wang Haoran is so amazing."

"I hope he can get out of this novice mission alive!"

When many people survived the first night for Wang Haoran and others.

Zhu Tian slowly opened his eyes.

"I have to pee."

He sat up from the wooden board, feeling pain all over his back and waist.

"I'm used to sleeping on a Simmons mattress, and sleeping on this wooden board is really painful."

Zhu Tian glanced out the window and saw that it was already bright, so he got up and went out.

He wanted to find a place to go to the toilet.

But just as he walked out the door, he saw a figure.