
I sit on the Dragon Throne

PS: ORIGINAL Don't Steal Please ^^ [Warning: the story might have romance but even so FL wont fall in love nor be in a relathionship but if she does it will be a slowburn] Word Limit: 1200 - 2500 Bad Grammar mistakes(early chapters) [I'm gonna use Chinese slangs so please don't be confuse if you see random things like '555' as it's Chinese slang] Random Quantities a week at random quantities a day between 0 -3 Sorry for slow story and writing Some Mistakes: Zheng Li = Lin Lanfen Song Jiao transmigrated into a Reverse Harem that was also a Mary Sue novel where Women are superior then Men with the Female Lead Lin Lanfen in the original novel stealing the fate of the original Female Lead of the so called true Novel Zheng Xue after Transmigrating and her Harem even if Zheng Xue wasn't problematic and not naive and does not frame people Lin Lanfen casted Zheng Xue as a Cannon Fodder and tortured and disfigured her face just incase she might steal her harem and for entertainment and because she was the only person that has a close enough beauty to her Zheng Xue was the original Female Lead destined to be Emperor and gets her fate stolen by Lin Lanfen as a forgotten Prince of the Palace with only Crown Prince in name as she was mocked by society woman and men alike Song Jiao thought she would transmigrate as a Villainess atleast like most cliches but instead as the Useless Abandoned Female Lead ?! Song Jiao: So Pitiful! after transmigrating I'll soon be tortured?! I want to leave!! Song Jiao said in a temper as she pulls her hair in anger the System sighed before speaking Emperor Faceslapping System: [Host if you become Emperor and gain 1 Billion Karma Points from the Female Lead I will send you back to your world] Song Jiao body went numb and fainted as she heard that Emperor Faceslapping System: [Host?!]

Bai_JieJie250 · History
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14 Chs

The Tang Family: Young Miss of the Tang Family shall be damned

Fen_Wu/Author: I rushed to post this since next Monday is my mid test (⊙_⊙;)

"Xie Shen what have you asked me to come here for?"

Song Jiao took her Non-Existent Watermelon and ate it as she watched the Confession the presumed Xie Shen who was a male looked like a normal Palace Maid he had Brunette hair with a radiance of your Next-Door Neighbor charm with a face that had the Average, Kind of Pretty that wasn't not Rare nor Common

"Shi Ya..I want to confess something to you.."

"Xie Shen I want to confess something too.."

Shi Ya looked like your generic guard that you would barely notice she had an average face and had a Dark Brown hair that could deceive you to be Black that was tied in a Ponytail that reached her waist

They were both nervous but both of the knew that there was no way to return as they synced together

"I-I Love..You!"

Both of them looked at each other with Shock and Relief as they kissed Passionately both of them started to Strip as Song Jiao spit her Non-Existent Watermelon Seeds out and threw her Non-Existent Watermelon away as she ran to her Palace

'Fuck! Replenishing my Energy there is literally two Side Characters having sex in the Emperor and Empress's plus Crown Prince's Pavilion'

Song Jiao ran to her Palace and lowered her pace and started to walk gracefully as she entered the servants greeted gracefully as they went back working

She went to her room she went to try and find Paper so she can sent a message turns out there was some scrolls of paper in the shelf and some ink with a brush accompanied she set them on the table and wrote

To Ying Tang

It's me Xiao Zheng I wish to visit you please let me stay over just once because we might never see each other again as I heard from My Mother and Father that you're going to demonization and that I might not be able to see you anymore if your stages get worse

From Xiao Zheng

putting the brush down she called a random servant and asked them to sent this to the Main Tang Manor which is in the capital where the Imperial Family lives

and where she currently resides

Song Jiao took off her hairpins and other accessories adorned on her head as she put them in the drawer she laid on the King Sized bed as her long hair spread on the sheets

'Wait..Now that I think about it I never saw the penalty and time limit before..System what is the Penalty for each missions are all of them different from the Tiers?'


[Time Limits do exist from the Tier every mission has different Time Limits if you take too long for an Easy Tier which is 1 week your Timer will start at a Limit of 2 Weeks if it is for a Hard Tier if you take

too long which is 8 Months there will be a Time Limit for 10 Months but for the Ultimate Quest there is no Time Limit

Since it is a bit Impossible and because the Ultimate Quest is the only Nightmare Hell Tier that exist..but of course only the administrator can change that and every Penalty is..Death]

Song Jiao got chills as the System said that the Penalty for every mission is Death

'Now..that I think about it does the System only respond when I call it or whenever I ask something I'll test it out..Hey what's the next Main Mission after I'm done with this one?'

Song Jiao experimented as she asked something but No respond Song Jiao Concluded that the System has no ability to know what she is Thinking unless Song Jiao calls it


There in the Main Manor of the Tang Family was a large bedroom there a King Sized Bed with a girl that was Sick she had Pastel Pink hair that was as long as her waist as she was wearing a Casual

Indigo Hanfu her Eyes were Scarlet red that showed a look of tiredness with skin pale as a dead person as a Bandage was coiled around her Chest tightly with some Talismans attached as her hands were chained to the Bed Pillars

'Why..Why didn't he kill me?..It feels so painful! He keeps saying that I'll become Human again but how can I believe him? Dying is better then living through this every single moment of my life! Ah-! If only I could end this misery..'

A Knock could be heard from the door as Tang Ying didn't reply but instead with a loud groan

The warm rays of Sun casted itself on her as she tried her best with her chained hands to pull the blanket over her as she shivered even if it wasn't winter her body was cold as Ice


A Male Servant came in holding a Tray of Porridge contained with Medicine to make Demonization Slower with a Scroll and a Chinese tea Pot with an intricate design along with a Chinese Tea Cup accompanied the Servant put down the Tray near a Table and took the Porridge

"Young Miss please eat Young Miss's Porridge"

Tang Ying didn't Reply as she tried to close her eyes she felt weak all over and pain every second as she felt coldness warp all over her, her mood turned pissed as her Demonic energy started to spread all over the room from her Injury that even a Mortal could notice as the Servant panicked a bit

All the Servants knew what happens when the Young Miss of the Tang Family gets Moody after the Accident, the Young Miss of the Tang family managed to sneak outside of the Capital and wanted to run away and was injured by a Middle Stage demon while running away in a Forest near a Small Village when the Locals found her

She barely made it alive as the Special Doctors sent from the Sect managed to heal her other wounds except the Fatal ones which were her Chest as they could only treat her with the Medicine the Sect sent to make the Demonization slower

Even if the Sect that the Empire benefits from and the Emperor and even his Parents told Tang Ling to kill Tang Ying because if this keeps going on the Demonic Energy infecting her from the wound will turn her to a Demon soon enough since it's incurable Tang Ling resisted

the Male Servant put the blanket away and forced Tang Ying to eat as it was a must and strict order from Tang Ling that Tang Ying must eat the medicine thrice per a day One for breakfast and Second for Lunch and Third for Dinner it was hard to force the Servant to make Tang Ying eat as he used all his Strength

The servant used his left hand to hold Tang Ying's face as he took his right hand to feed her with a Spoon Tang Ying tried to puke the Medicine that was combined with Qi Energy out as things that were made from Qi Energy were harmful to Demons and for people going through Demonization and used the tea cup to pour some tea for her so she wont choke

The Servant let go off Tang Ying's face when he made sure she Ate it all Tang Ying was slowly going insane and pain as she tried to puke the porridge as her Demonization rate barely went down if the job wasn't a big reward he would've never tried it as some volunteers died from Tang Ying

Tang Ying became a bit mad as she tried to pull her arms from the chains as signs of demonization became quicker from her Anger but the specially made chains stopped her as she screamed the Servant remembered the scroll from Zheng Xue Tang Ying's best friend as he took the scroll and told Tang Ying

"Young Miss please calm down Young Miss! Her Highness the Crown Prince has sent Young Miss a Scroll"

The plan worked as Tang Ying's senses came back her eyes were filled with relief and happiness as she stopped pulling the chains as her demonization erased itself as if it never existed as Tang Ying looked as if she was only a normal human who was only sick Tang Ying quickly asked

"Read it for me!"

"Yes Young Miss"

The Servant open the scroll as he read it Tang Ying cried tears of joy Tang Ying thought that Zheng Xue forgotten her she would definitely let Zheng Xue come to her Manor if not for her brother

"She didn't forget me! Ah I feel so relaxed please tell Elder Brother for permission to let Xiao Zheng enter either way he has to accept if he don't I'll harm myself!"

after her Demonization Tang Ying didn't care if it hurts if she wanted something and her brother wont allow her she'll harm herself by biting herself it's a shame that Tang Ling's sore spot was his Little Sister she was suppose to inherit the family but after the incident Tang Ling became the inheritor

"..Yes..Young Miss"

Tang Ying used to be graceful and an elegant beauty that knew the Arts of War and martial arts along with Tang Ling but he was better at the Arts of War but after the incident she became crazy and would harm her self with no hesitation as the servants who used to adore her started to fear her as her sanity goes down the drain

The Servant left the Room as Tang Ying quickly went to sleep as she has nothing else to do since the effect of the medicine finally stopped after the Servant put the things away except the Scroll where he puts in a Shelf like how Tang Ying always asked when she was a normal human

The Servant prayed to the heaven's that his body would be intact while doing his job before knocking on Tang Ling's Study Room as Tang Ling coldly replied

"Come in"

The Servant entered as Tang Ling only looked at the servant for a second before focusing on his work

"Young Master what shall This Servant do? The Young Miss has asked This Servant to talk to Young Master Allowance for the Crown Prince to stay overnight in The Tang Manor?"

Tang Ling sighed he wanted to tell the servant to lie to Tang Ying as her Demonization is too late even the Servant thought that but didn't want to risk their life Tang Ling had to do it truthfully since if he lies to Tang Ying, Tang Ying will be Mad and self harm herself as her Demonization gets worse

"I'll allow it with the current situation The Crown Prince is her Best Friend and they have been friends since childhood now..give me a blank Scroll and a Brush"

"Yes..Young Master"