
I sit on the Dragon Throne

PS: ORIGINAL Don't Steal Please ^^ [Warning: the story might have romance but even so FL wont fall in love nor be in a relathionship but if she does it will be a slowburn] Word Limit: 1200 - 2500 Bad Grammar mistakes(early chapters) [I'm gonna use Chinese slangs so please don't be confuse if you see random things like '555' as it's Chinese slang] Random Quantities a week at random quantities a day between 0 -3 Sorry for slow story and writing Some Mistakes: Zheng Li = Lin Lanfen Song Jiao transmigrated into a Reverse Harem that was also a Mary Sue novel where Women are superior then Men with the Female Lead Lin Lanfen in the original novel stealing the fate of the original Female Lead of the so called true Novel Zheng Xue after Transmigrating and her Harem even if Zheng Xue wasn't problematic and not naive and does not frame people Lin Lanfen casted Zheng Xue as a Cannon Fodder and tortured and disfigured her face just incase she might steal her harem and for entertainment and because she was the only person that has a close enough beauty to her Zheng Xue was the original Female Lead destined to be Emperor and gets her fate stolen by Lin Lanfen as a forgotten Prince of the Palace with only Crown Prince in name as she was mocked by society woman and men alike Song Jiao thought she would transmigrate as a Villainess atleast like most cliches but instead as the Useless Abandoned Female Lead ?! Song Jiao: So Pitiful! after transmigrating I'll soon be tortured?! I want to leave!! Song Jiao said in a temper as she pulls her hair in anger the System sighed before speaking Emperor Faceslapping System: [Host if you become Emperor and gain 1 Billion Karma Points from the Female Lead I will send you back to your world] Song Jiao body went numb and fainted as she heard that Emperor Faceslapping System: [Host?!]

Bai_JieJie250 · History
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14 Chs

Mercy, Teacher: My Teacher must be the Devil!

Song Jiao found the Herb Section there were many generals of Herbs like Fire, Nature, Dark and many more Song Jiao finally found her Specified Section the Water or Ice Section

Taking the Herbs needed she walked back to her Furnace glancing at Qiao Xu he was still focused on Playing the Zheng Song Jiao felt pressure from him playing the Zheng a he used the Qi combined with the Zheng makes a Side Effect as she felt more Relaxed then usual

she dropped them in the furnace she put them in and closed the furnace using her low Cultivation no not even a cultivated based yet as she was still a mortal she closed her eyes as she tried to gather as much Qi she could get to increase her chance of making a good Pill while refining

Song Jiao's Dantian started to feel warm as she did so because of the warmth she felt less pressured but more comfortable and continued to refine and stopped when she was sure

'Let's see if I Succeed'

Opening her eyes she opened lid as she picked up the Pill only to feel disappointed seeing as it barely looked like a Pill but instead a grayish and barely blue mush

if she succeeded the Pill would've looked like a perfect round with a bright shade of blue radiating she wanted to curse to the heavens even as the Abandoned Female Lead she has no Main Character Halo!

while Lin Lanfen refined easily and made an Advance [ Grade 5 ] Fire Resistant Pill easily at first try when she started, Lin Lanfen never even refined a Xianxia Pill and she wasn't even at the Early Qi Refining Stage!!

'I should've not been so arrogant I should've just stayed at the beginner stage..I'll just act that I got a disease since I'm still a mortal and haven't cultivated yet and switch it to an at least decent one so Qiao Xu's temper wont flare'

As Song Jiao was about to crush the Pill she heard the relaxing music stopped Song Jiao tried to become relaxed as she can to prepare for Qiao Xu's roasting

"What are you holding? If you're done give it to me"

"Teacher I'm afraid that I feel sick I think I have gotten a Disease maybe the ruckus at the Ball was from a Rodent that infected it's disease to the Water Source Teacher please excuse me not to attend for today Teacher"

Qiao Xu was Missioned to check the case of Zheng Li if the Imperial Doctors did not manage to wake up Zheng Li in 1 month they were to be sent to Qiao Xu but since Lin Lanfen possessed Zheng Li before 1 Month Qiao Xu couldn't check if it was true or not

'I'm so fucking smart'

"Bullshit! This Divine Doctor is at the Late Golden Core Stage and This Doctor will soon Breakthrough to the Nascent Soul Stage This Doctor trained my senses to the highest point and even if This Doctor hadn't checked the Second Prince from my senses Her Highness was definitely poisoned and that Your Highness is Lying"

Song Jiao was stunned as she heard that she wondered if this was the Power of a Golden Core Stage then Song Jiao better Cultivate early

'For Some reason getting reprimanded using Honorifics feels more insulting then not using Honorifics'

"Teacher This Prince can Explain-"

"Don't Lie to This Doctor for Penalty Your Highness has to Cultivate 20 hours a day for 2 month and make 10 Intermediate Stage Pills and 1 Middle Stage Pills in 2 Month if Your Highness ask why Your Highness has to Cultivate, from my senses Your Highness is still at the Mortal Realm so Your Highness ability to create Pills is lowered by 80% from the Average which is bad"

'10 Intermediate Stager Pills and 1 Middle Stage Pills?? I might as well Die!'

"Teacher you must be joking This Prince hasn't even cultivate to the Early Qi Refining Stage and Teacher wants me to make 10 Intermediate Stage Pills and 1 Middle Stage Pills in 2 Month?! Teacher please be more Light!"

By now Song Jiao would've chosen Death over this if only she didn't die from an assassin she would've had her concert in South Korea and enjoy Luxury

"This is the Lightest I can do when I trained under my Master the Lightest Punishment we had was to make 20 Middle Stage [ Grade 5 ] Pills and 10 Advance Stage [ Grade 2 ] Pills"

'He must be the Devil if he would be so merciless even for Lin Lanfen his hardest Punishment is to make 2 Intermediate Stage [ Grade 1 ] Pills and that's it!'

"Teacher please give Mercy to This Prince maybe it's because Teacher has a Good Aptitude in Cultivating and Refining? that it is easy for Teacher"

Song Jiao could only curry Qiao Xu her way out of trouble as she hurriedly tried to think a reason to lighten her Punishment

"Tsk the time has ended Your Highness talk too much Your Highness better go back today's subject has ended Your Highness has a personal Pill Concocting furnace in Your Highnesses' special Study Room right? Go do Your Highnesses' task there"

Song Jiao: …

'So it's just like that? the Favoritism gap is too large! and I'm the one who talks too much? You literally spend half of your time reprimanding me instead of getting straight through the point!'

Song Jiao brushed it off after all how could she handle being a Pop Star if she couldn't even handle a cold shoulder Song Jiao face before was expressionless but still had a sense of pleading but now Song Jiao's face was complete expressionless yet had a hint of calmness which pissed Qiao Xu off

but he didn't care as he pluck the strings of his Zheng more aggressively making the relaxing music sound slightly more aggresively Song Jiao gracefully left the room as the door shut, Qiao Xu had an Ego of a Spoiled 11 Year old boy so seeing that Song Jiao didn't actually wish to plead for him pissed Qiao Xu off

Song Jiao felt her body numb and hungry from doing so much things today and felt like even if she ate 3 bowls of rice she would still be slim as she was about to think what kind of food she could eat she heard a Familiar Ding and knew that her break is over


Tier: Hard

Prevent the Assassination's of Tang Ling the Headmaster of the Tang Family one of Lin Lanfen's husband and the Eldest Child of the Duke of the Zheng Empire : 0/1

[ Reward: 500 EXP + 1,000 Petals + 13 Attribute Points ]

Tang Ling was one of the few who sympathize and maintain a decent relationship with Zheng Xue till the end and helped her a bit the main lineage of the Tang family

was assassinated by one of the side lineage of the Tang family to gain power but Zheng Xue didn't know that but only knew that his Parents and Siblings were assassinated

making Tang Ling lose his power as the Eldest Young Master in the family but even so Tang Ling regained his power after meeting Lin Lanfen and became one of her Husbands Zheng Xue really did appreciate Tang Ling so the only thing she could do was stop Tang Ling's assassination

Song Jiao clenched her first she was pissed but not mad she would definitely beat the System to death if it had a physical body

'How am I going to prevent Tang Ling's assassination's if I don't have an opportunity System?'


[ Host you forgot from Zheng Xue's memory that Tang Ying the First and only Miss of the Tang Family has a good relationship with Zheng Xue basically their friends and would hang out every

Monday and sent lots of letters the only reason a barrage of Servants aren't going in your room from Tang Ying's stacks of letters is because she is 'sick' you should take this opportunity to use this as excuse to visit her while keeping Tang Ying's relationship good ]

'Thanks for the tip'

Song Jiao Hummed as Song Jiao walked to the Cold Jade Spring Pavilion near by her Palace as it was rumored that the Qi at the Pavilion was specially Dense causing the plants and fish there to mutate to become very gorgeous from the Qi then ordinary plants and fish and causing the air

to have a cooling side effect and can refresh your energy quickly along with the gorgeous scenery this would probably be a popular tourist attraction in her world so this is a good place to rest for a while

the Imperial Family of course take out the plants and fishes that cultivated enough energy and sell it to the major sects or else they might gain an IQ and escape plus only the Emperor Empress and Crown Prince were allowed there so it was perfect!

Until she saw two figures inside the Pavilion Song Jiao thought they were people exchanging info or servants confessing to each other since it was common for the servants to sneak in

since the Emperor Empress and Crown Prince don't bother going here because they were busy with their own interest Song Jiao didn't scare them off since she thinks she can get some useful info if she could

Author Here sorry for Slow Writing I'm on my Laptop this was seppose to be a Side Hobby but I'm considering this to be a daily thing now so if I do consider it, it will be shorten to 1000-1500 words

Btw just found out you can use Webnovel in Laptop like you can do that?

Fen_Wu/Author: Σ(っ °Д °;)っ

Extra Facts while planning this Novelゞ→_→ :

⁜ Qiao Xu was originally seppose to be the ML but Qiao Xu was designed as an Obnoxious person so he wasn't fit for our Cold FL ╰(‵□′)╯

[ Still thinking if this should be a Slowburn romance or no romance ! ]

⁜ Song Jiao was originally Seppose to be a Mary Sue and has a Op Harem but ofc that was too Mainstream!

⁜ Song Jiao was originally planned to be a super Evil FL and her personality would be Flat af and was only Evil and Manipulative and Merciless but that would be boring

Bai_JieJie250creators' thoughts