
I shall save my love even if I turn into a monster

Hey guys, this book is meant for me to practice my writing so please do not be harsh as I do not claim to be J.K Rowling or Shakespeare. Synopsis: A woman sets out on a journey to save her husband who has been kidnapped by a tyrant vampire queen. For the first time in 5 years she picks up her swords and makes sure that the blood of the one who stands in front of her and her love is drenched in it. This is story is going to be set in a fantasy world so expect demons, vampires, dragons and dwarves. Also I plan on carrying this story until chapter 30 but hopefully less.

sensei_24 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Chapter 7

It had been several years since Lilith had been adopted by the strange man. The man turned out to be the king of all vampires and his name was Heimlik Das Pittle.

She had stayed in the castle since her arrival. Many had tried to get rid of her but unsuccessfully failed. Usually they would be found in some corner of the giant castle, regenerating their limbs or parts of their bodies that had been removed by Lilith. And just like third rate villains they would always scream out and promise vengeance. They would always come back only to die this time. Despite the number of people Lilith killed or the people who nearly died they still came back because they thought they could beat a child. Their pride simply did not allow them to sit still and not charge to their death.

At the age of 6 Lilith went to war for the first time. She had snuck into the food supply carriage and joined the battlefield. On the battlefield despite only being 6 years old she was a force to be feared. She would strike down tens of enemy soldiers with her claws made out of demonic ki.

She would take the life of anyone that stood in her path no matter who it was. Woman, men, children her age, elderly and even the sick, no one was safe.

She would set houses on fire, decapitate people who tried to fight her using the name of God as a mask. No matter who tried they were swiftly put down.

After the king found out about her antics he gave her a squad and offered to train her himself. She took the squad but did not train at all, after all what could he teach her that she could not learn in a battle for her life. The king would usually be found looking for her so that he could train her but sadly for him he would not find her.

Years passed and Lilith turned 10. Her eyes were like that of a untamed beast and her body was similar to a boulder than a girls. It was during this year that the war with the giants started.

It was a normal day in the castle. The sun was shining brightly and everyone except for the golems and enchanted puppets was indoor. The sun was a weakness of vampires. It did not kill them but it did not help them as well, it only made them extremely lethargic and gave them terrible skin burn. Lilith walked in the giant corridor towards Heimlik's chambers who had summoned for her.

Her small cutlass was across her back and the stench of blood reeked on her body. Her hair was dirty, her clothes even more dirtier. She wore a simple light armour that did not restrict her movement in any way.

She reached a giant door which she casually opened as if it was a normal door. In fact the smaller door was part of the huge door so that people could enter without having to open it all the way.

She walked into the room in which both sides stood nobles. She walked upon the red carpet and did not bother answering to the nobles who were chattering to themselves about her looks.

"Lilith, welcome." Heimlik shouted. It was only natural that he shouted since his throne was at the very top of the stairs. "Come up here."

Lilith frowned. "What do you want?" she snarled. There were gasps of shock and the chattering of monkey like nobles.

"How insolent!"

"Did you hear how she spoke?"

"Why is she dressed like that? If she is part of the royal family then she should act like it?"

"I was wondering what that smell was."

"She has no idea how lucky she is."

Heimlike only smiled exposing his teeth. "Come here and I'll tell you." he said.

Lilith stared at him angrily for a while before walking up the stairs slowly, her gaze not breaking with Heimlik's.

She reached the top of the stairs and found Heimlik sitting on the throne. "I have a job for you, will you take it?" he asked.

"It depends on what it is." came the reply.

"Yes indeed, well it is a simple job for a person of your skills." he said.

"What is it?"


"For who?"

"Your sister and mother."

"Those two are not my sister or mother besides I do not want to do it. How about you send Andrew?"

"Andrew is elsewhere and most of the gaurds went on holiday so there is no one more suitable than you."

"I don't care, I still refuse."

"Come on Lilith, do this for me." Heimlik said as he tried to put on a cute face. "Please..."


Had the nobles downstairs heard what he said then there would have been an uproar. Luckily they did not as the area surrounding the throne were sound proof if the person sitting on the throne willed.

"What time do they leave?"

"Tommorow, early morning."

"Fine I'll do it but only because you asked me to and nothing else."

"Oh thank you..." Heimlik said as he tried to hug her. She slapped his hand away and released her demon ki. "Do not touch me."


It was early morning when the rooster woke up. It stood up and stretched its wings before opening its beak. Before a single sound could come out of its throat a hand wrapped around its throat and broke its neck.

"Breakfast," Lilith said.

Lilith decided to get ready. She had already washed herself and her armour and she looked immaculate. She looked like a completely different person from yesterday. Her eyes were still and showed no emotion like the ocean.

After roasting and eating the rooster she left the chicken house and passed by the golem who was staring at her.

Everything was ready, the baggage's were placed inside the carriage and the horses had been hooked onto the carriage. The only thing that was missing was the two people that it was supposed to take.

"Lilith!" a voice came. Lilith turned around to see a young Qnalka rushing towards her. She wore a beautiful white dress that covered her entire body except for her arms in which there was only gloves. She wore a tiara, necklace and earings.

Lilith dodged Qnalka who tried to hug her. Lilith jumped into the seat in the front next to the driver. "Lilith come inside with us." Qnalka said as she tried to climb up the driver's seat.

"No, I don't want to listen to you or your mother's pointless talk. I'd rather be out here than be inside there with you."

"But we're going to be passing through a forest, there will be bugs and mosquitoes."

"So either way I'm screwed."

"What?" Qnalka said as her cheeks grew red. "Are you calling me a bug?"

"Just get inside before you lose your energy, the sun has already rose."

"No!" Qnalka said as she had finally managed to climb onto the empty driver's seat. "Either you come inside with me or I stay out here with you." she said as she pouted her cheeks and crossed her arms.

Lilith groaned and kissed her teeth. She found Qnalka annoying. And not annoying in like the cute way but in the I wish to kill my younger sibling but I can't way.

"I'll just let your mother do the talking." Lilith said.

"Mother is not her-"

"Qnalka!" a strong voice came. Qnalka turned only to see a beautiful woman dressed in matching clothes as her. "Get inside." It was a simple message and Qnalka understood. She quickly went inside.

The queen looked at Lilith who did not bother to look at her direction. She clicked her teeth and breathed lightly under her breath, "Ingrate."

She quickly rushed inside as soon as Lilith turned in her direction.

Finally the driver came and they set of. They set of for the Continental swordsman Championship in which Qnalka's elder brother was taking part of. It was pretty straightforward, a bunch of idiots came forward to determine who could hit their opponent the hardest. It was simple as that.

Lilith had once been entered for the competition by Heimlik but she did not bother showing up as she was busy elsewhere setting homes on fire or pillaging. She truly thrived in battlefield more than a platform where wooden sword were wielded instead of Swords.

The journey would take 3 days by carriage so Lilith got herself comfortable. A day and a night passed by without any trouble. The second day they ran into bandits which Lilith took down quickly and stole their valuables.

On the third day they passed by 3 men who were out in the pouring. They asked for a lift to which Lilith refused to them no matter how much they begged. As soon as they got violent Lilith pulled out her cutlass only for the queen to stop her.

After a lot of arguing she finally let the men on board the carriage under the condition that they sat on top of it. The men having no choice agreed to it.

Finally they arrived at their destination. It was a fancy city filled with people from all kinds of walk. Different ethnicities mixed in with each other. Beast men walked among giants who despite size shifting were still approximately 7 to 8 feet tall.

"Get off," Lilith said to the men who did not bother to be asked twice. They quickly got of the carriage and thanked them profusely.