
I shall save my love even if I turn into a monster

Hey guys, this book is meant for me to practice my writing so please do not be harsh as I do not claim to be J.K Rowling or Shakespeare. Synopsis: A woman sets out on a journey to save her husband who has been kidnapped by a tyrant vampire queen. For the first time in 5 years she picks up her swords and makes sure that the blood of the one who stands in front of her and her love is drenched in it. This is story is going to be set in a fantasy world so expect demons, vampires, dragons and dwarves. Also I plan on carrying this story until chapter 30 but hopefully less.

sensei_24 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Chapter 6

7 hours later

Mara stood in front of a mine. It was an old abandoned mine that had collapsed long time. It was abandoned so long ago that there was several spider webs on the entrances.

Mara patted her horse on the back before walking to the entrance of the mine. She swiped the spider webs out of her way with her sword and walked onwards.

As she walked her vision began to adjust to the darkness. With each step her vision increased until finally she could see everything. Her eyes glowed in the dark like a cat. She could see the small ants that were moving around beneath her feet, the bats hanging from the wooden support beams and even several of the ores that were in the walls.

Mara headed forward and trudged even deeper into the abandoned mine. What she was seeking was something that was incredibly rare. In fact it was so rare that some people even believed that it did not exist. The metal that was called Hkrunsen. A metal that was incredibly heavy and many times more dense than tungsten around 30 times.


A vulture flew in the air. The wind blew past its body as it plunged down. It landed in a battlefield. A battlefield in which there was blood, bones and corpses. Hundreds of dead people, some with spears,arrows and swords in their bodies.

The vulture looked around to see other vultures that were feeding on the corpses. This vulture in particular was a picky eater. Unlike its brethren it did not like rotten fresh so anytime it found a corpse it would eat only the preserved parts.

The vulture moved forward searching for a decent body on which it could feed on. As it moved it heard a faint noise, like a child crying. It moved forward only to see a naked child sitting in front of a corpse. The child seemed to be approximately 3 months old.

The vulture spread its wings and ran at the child. "FOOD!" Those were the thoughts in its mind. Just as it's talons were about to sink into the child's neck, the child turned around and held out it's hand. It grabbed the vulture and slammed it to the ground. It raised the vulture over it's head and slammed it several times showing no mercy.

The child stood up and stared at the dead vulture. The child picked up a dagger from one of the corpses and plunged it into the vulture.

The child slashed at the body until finally small chunks of meat came flying out which it put into it's mouth.

The child pricked its ears up as it heard a sound. The sound of a carriage being pulled by horses. The child did not bother moving as it was too tired to even move. It simply continued eating the raw meat from the vultures carcass.


A few hundred metres away from the child was a carriage being pulled by several horses. The driver brought the carriage to a stop as soon as he saw the bodies littering the ground.

He looked up above only to see a leg hanging from carriage.

"Excuse me Sir Andrew,"

"Hmmm," the man who had been asleep atop the carriage with his legs hanging out sat up. "What is it?" He looked at the path ahead only to see corpses blocking the road. He scratched his unclean, rough cheeks. The man had a lazy look about him despite having a strong body and strong muscles.

He jumped of the carriage and tapped on the carriage door. The carriage window rolled down to reveal a charmingly handsome man with a crown on his head.

"We are going to check the path ahead, so please stay put for a while." he said.

"Very well, hurry up." the man with the crown answered.

The man walked with the driver to check out the path ahead.

"What do you think happened here?" the driver asked.

"Not really sure but I have some ideas."

"Could it have been bandits?"

"No, I doubt it, there are way to many corpses for it to be bandits, I think it is some kind of fight between soldiers of two armies."

The driver stepped over a corpse and looked around. "Isn't the number of corpses too little to be an army?"

"Yes, but armies usually are split into squads. I'm guessing this is one of the squads of the army."

The driver stood still for a while and blocked the man's path. "Move, your blocking the way." he said as he tried to push the driver out of the way but he would not budge.

He looked over his shoulder to see what it was that he was staring at. In front of them sat a naked child with their back turned to them.

The childs skin was dirty, covered with dirt, blood, sweat and soil. The childs hair was slightly long for a child's.

"Don't move," The driver whispered which surprised the other man. "I did not think that they truly existed."

"What? What are you talking about?"

The driver slowly turned his head around to the other man. On his face was a serious expression like a father finding out his daughter was pregnant.

"My grandmother told me about them but I never believed her, I just thought it was the ramblings of an old lady but I listened to her none the less."

"In starting to lose patience Drake, Just tell me what it is, that looks like a child." Andrew said. He was starting to get scared mai ly because Drake was starting to scare him.

"My grandmother called them Vishmas, the spirit of children who were died while they were in the womb or came out as a corpse. They usually take the form of a child to lure in their preys before feeding on them."


"You should never look them in the eye, if you do you are inviting them into your life."

"No matter how I look at it, that is a child." Came a voice from behind the two.

The two turned around and as soon as they saw who it was they got on their knees. In front of them stood the handsome man wearing the crown. He was surprisingly tall and wore flashy clothes made from silk.

"Sire, what are you doing here? Surely there is no reason for you to leave your carriage and expose yourself to such a disgusting sight." Drake the driver said.

"I was curious as to why you were taking so long, It has already been 10 minutes since you left," The man looked over at the child who still had it's back turned towards them. He walked over the corpses and kicking away the vultures that blocked his path.

He walked in front of the child and squatted down. He looked the child in the eye who only glared back as it fed on the meat. It was a sight that no one wanted to see. A child surrounded by corpses and feeding on a vilture.

"I wonder, how do you eat without teeth." he said.

He held his finger in front of the child who still paid no attention to it. He placed his finger closer until finally it was in the childs mouth.

"Arghh!" The man winced as he removed his finger from the child's mouth. He stared at his bleeding finger before smiling slowly.

"I see, you form a set of teeth using demonic ki. The fact that you are able to use demonic ki at such an age like this is nothing short of ridiculously amazing. I know that there is no one in the entire world who is capable of such a thing. You are intriguing me." the man said to the child whose only answer was the fierce glare it made at him and the munching sound of the meat it had in it's mouth.

"I'm taking you with me." The man said as he grabbed the child by the head. The child reached out and grabbed the man's hand and dug its nails into him. It wasn't natural nails but nails made out of demonic ki. The man held on to the child even as he bled and walked away with it.

"Move the corpses out of the path, we are moving forward." the man said to Drake and Andrew.

"Sire, your bleeding." Drake said as he stared at the blood dripping from the hand that was holding the child that was thrashing around wildly.

"Oh, I didn't even notice." The scratches on the man's hands healed immediately.

He then walked away leaving the two to clear a path.

As he neared the carriage he brought the child in front of his face. "I wonder what I should call you," he said "You survived for who knows how long in a place like this, you are strong so I'm guessing Valentina or Andrea but then again... how about Lilith. It means night monster. It suits you perfectly, those two thought you were a creature of the night so that name would suit you a lot. Yes from now on I shall call you Lilith."

