
I shall save my love even if I turn into a monster

Hey guys, this book is meant for me to practice my writing so please do not be harsh as I do not claim to be J.K Rowling or Shakespeare. Synopsis: A woman sets out on a journey to save her husband who has been kidnapped by a tyrant vampire queen. For the first time in 5 years she picks up her swords and makes sure that the blood of the one who stands in front of her and her love is drenched in it. This is story is going to be set in a fantasy world so expect demons, vampires, dragons and dwarves. Also I plan on carrying this story until chapter 30 but hopefully less.

sensei_24 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

Mara let go of the last gaurd who limped away hurriedly. Blood dripped from his body as he ran and his whispers and cries could be heard but Mara did not care. She had gotten what she had wanted.

Mara cast a glance at the people who were in chains who had managed to get quite a distance away from her. Her eyes through them until it landed on a small girl. She was a short redheaded girl with a petite body and had an expression of terror on her face.

Mara turned around and walked over to her stead. As she was walking she stopped. She turned around slowly and locked eyes with the girl. She had a mischievous grin on her face and a red energy surrounded her body but mostly her eyes. Her eyes were bloodshot red. She had bright red veins all over her body.

"Lilith, oops sorry, Mara, that's what you go by nowadays, forgive me I forgot, how lovely to see you again." she spoke.

Mara clenched her teeth and the people who were running for their lifes desperately despite being chained to each other could swear that they heard a growl. It was not like the growl of a monster but like that of a pissed of giant who was hungry. The growl sounded like it was the rumbling of thunder in the sky despite there being only sun and no cloud in sight for miles on end.

"Yuk... you dare show your face to me?"

The girl looked at the sky and then back at Mara. "Still as menacing as ever, Mara. You got to stop growling as if your an animal, I thought that was thunder but look, not a single cloud in the sky."

Mara took a step forward... and then another... and then another... then another until she was finally in front the girl. "Yuk... where is she?" she whispered. Despite her voice being only a whisper it held strength. It was like a strained out rope that could still hold an elephant.

"You know I can't tell you that. I am the ambassador of vampire kind, if I tell you the entrance to the vampire city I would be terrible at my job would I not?"

"Is your job worth your life?"


"You can answer that question when you and i meet in person but for now I have a message for you to tell that little brat."

"I'm listening...."

Mara released her killing intent and aura letting it flow wildly with no restriction. Like a river with no course her aura moved around freely. The sky darkened as it was covered by a purple aura. The ground shook violently and her stead took of running.


Yuk who had been possessing the girl's body had lost connection to the girl he had been possessing momentarily but he had heard the message. He regained the connection and smiled before chuckling as he stared at Mara's belly.

"I will give her the message but let me ask you this Mara, are you p-"


The small girl's head fell to the floor and rolled for quite a while. Her body slumped to the ground momentarily after a blade her cut through her neck. The blade sliced her head of without even the smallest of resistance.

Mara got on her stead and continued on her journey.


Back in Yuk's castle.

Yuk held onto his throat as he felt the sensation of his neck being cut. He could not breath for quite before eventually being able to gasp for air.

He touched his neck. 'Still attached! That's good!' Although his head was still attached to his neck he could still feel the pain of it. After all he had not managed to cut of the connection to the girl he had been possessing in time.

"Well I guess I have to go meet her majesty and pass the message along."


Yuk was currently on one knee bowing before a throne that was built on top of a very long stairs. The stairs was really long, it would take a person at least a full minute to reach the top.

The room was extremely spacious as the only thing that was there was the throne on top of the stairs and a chandelier.

"And that is the message I was given by her." Yuk said. The room was so silent for quite a while to the point where it was thought it was a vacuum.

"I see." a voice said. It came from the throne which was covered in a light white veil. Through the veil and on the throne sat a girl. Her beauty was like that of the moon. Incomparable to anything in the world. Her dark black hair billowed although their was no wind in the room. She had a delicate small body, lush red lips. She wore a skin tight dress that stopped at her thighs mid way and exposed her shoulders, arms, back and the area between her small breasts.

"What would you advice me Yuk? If you were in my position what would you do?" she asked as she removed the cup filled with red liquid from her mouth and licked her fangs.

"My lady, I have given you advice to the best of my ability and no matter how many times you ask me, my answer is still the same, return her husban-" Yuk moved to the side to dodge the cup that the woman was holding. Although he had dodged he had still not got up from kneeling on the groun.

"What's the point of having you as an ambassador and advisor if you can't give me good advice?"

"My lady, we are at war currently with the giants. The giants are already proving to be too great of a threat for us to handle, that lady will only be a giant thorn in our side. Please my lady, I once again ask you to reconsider. You are the queen of all vampires and yet you lead them to their deaths in an unwinnable war against enemies they can not even fathom to compare to. If you truly are a great leader then you will put the people's needs bef-"

"Get out!" The woman spoke softly but Yuk knew better. This was how she spoke when she was trying her best to contain her anger. He nodded his head and disappeared into a mist of red smoke.

The woman sat on the throne for a while before standing up. She stared at her throne before kicking it several times shouting and cursing at the same time. She pointed her finger at the throne and a small ball of condensed energy left it and destroyed the throne except for the bottom.

With in a matter of seconds the throne reconstructed itself. It stood there in it's full glory. A golden throne atop a very long flight of stairs covered in the red liquid from the cup that she had thrown.

The lady took a deep breath and calmed herself down. This lady was called Qnalka. She was the supreme leader of all vampires. The heir of Sir Heimlik Das Pittle, the ruler from the 7th generation of the night.

She walked of behind the throne and went through a door. She walked for a while before reaching a kitchen. She put on an apron and washed her hands thoroughly. She sharpened a set of knives thoroughly and laid them out in front of her. She then went into the next room. It was filled with poultry of all kinds. From chickens to ducks to geese to eagles and hawks, it was all there. Even the predatory birds that always flew high in the sky and did not bother looking up were there alive.

She walked for a while before taking a duck out of a cage. She slaughtered the duck, plucked the feathers, skinned it and then placed it in a bowl.

She cut up tomatoes, onions and some vegetables.

After what felt like an hour the food she was making was ready. A well cooked duck with several side dishes. She covered it a fancy looking cloche before placing the food delicately on a table which she pushed.

She reached a room in which there were several tables outside it. Each table was covered with untouched food. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a key which she used to open a giant door.

She then pushed in the table as she tapped on the bell on top of the table. "It's lunch time." she said. She looked over to the bed and sitting on it was a man or a boy. It wasn't that easy to distinguish due to his face being a mixture of both. He had a frail body and nearly no meat on his bones. He sat in a fetal position with his legs to his chest and looked over at Qnalka.



Okay, I seriously need to know your thoughts.

Also if you enjoyed it send power stones!