
I shall save my love even if I turn into a monster

Hey guys, this book is meant for me to practice my writing so please do not be harsh as I do not claim to be J.K Rowling or Shakespeare. Synopsis: A woman sets out on a journey to save her husband who has been kidnapped by a tyrant vampire queen. For the first time in 5 years she picks up her swords and makes sure that the blood of the one who stands in front of her and her love is drenched in it. This is story is going to be set in a fantasy world so expect demons, vampires, dragons and dwarves. Also I plan on carrying this story until chapter 30 but hopefully less.

sensei_24 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

chapter 3

It really was not a fight what had occurred. To be honest it was too fast to even consider it a fight of any kind. It was like a fight between a little kid and his elder sibling who decided to stop holding back.

Mara had cut of the head of head of the Ausi Dragon. It was fast and decisive. Her swords sliced through the rough scaly neck of the dragon quite easily. It was as if it was butter. She stabbed both swords into the open wound of the neck. She then turned around and looked for a tree. She needed to catch some z's.

She had been awake for quite a long time and was tired. As she sat down she saw the horse she was on drink the blood from the corpse of the dragon. A normal person would find that alarming but not Mara. In fact she was the reason why the horse was drinking blood and not water.

She had forcefully injected a vast amount of demon ki energy into it. She had to kill the other horses as they could not handle it and would have exploded. The only side effect of this was the horse turned carnivorous and it's body grew larger but besides that nothing else. It could run faster for a longer period of time which was why it was able to run all night. Had none of the horses in the stable not been capable of handling the demonic ki energy then she would have continued searching for a horse that could. She had already went to 2 other stables in search for a compatible stead but to no avail.

Eventually she had managed to find a stead that was capable of handling the demon ki energy.

Mara awoke several hours later. She had not even slept properly. She shook her head as she stood up. She stared at the sky illuminated by the high noon sun. She then looked at the her swords.

The dragon corpse had disappeared and the only thing that was left was dry scaly skin. It looked like a giant grape that was left in the sun for several years and turned into a dried out raisin.

She walked over to her swords and plucked them. A mysterious purple aura surrounded the swords. The mysterious purple aura moved around the swords in a circular manner like it was the sun.

Mara sheathed her blades and placed them on her hips. She climbed on top of the horse which had walked right up to her. She then set of heading westward.

On her way she saw a large crowd of people walking with chains tying their feets and pieces of coal in their hands. She knew who they were. They were people who were considered to be demon worshippers.

Demon worshippers were exactly as they sounded. They worshipped demons and in return they would receive power. An 40 year old woman with wrinkles on her face would gain a beautiful face, a singer who lost his voice would gain a beautiful voice, even a child who was just born would receive immense strength.

Mara looked at the people who were there. Four gaurds in total. Two in the front and two in the back. The gaurds glanced at Mara as she passed by them. Mara continued for a while before stopping abruptly.

She took a look back at one of the gaurds and headed towards him. "Who are these people?" she asked. It was a simple question. Her voice was brash and ruthless so the gaurd instantly answered her.

"These people are demon worshippers, they are currently being transported so that they can be trialled and recieve their punishments."

Mara's eyes swept the crowd of people who were screaming as they held the coals of fire in their hands.

"Out of all these people, only 5 people are demon worshippers." Mara said. The gaurd held eye contact with Mara before turning away.

"Leave us be, we are in the middle of an important holy mission." the gaurd said.

Mara got of her horse. "So who is it? Yuk? Tuyo? The triplets? I can count on both hands the amount of demons who are able to give people power in exchange for worship and influence."

"Hey," The two gaurds in the front almost spoke instantaneously and at the same time. "Are you accusi-"

"Yes I am," Mara said bluntly. Her eyes were wide open and she was exuding a large amount of energy. The gaurds in the back having sensed it came to confront Mara.

"Is there a problem here?" one of them asked.

"Not really, but there will be if you don't answer my questions." Mara sniffed the air. "Where is Yuk? How did you summon him? When did you summon him?"

The gaurds were looking at each other in confusion. "What is going on?" They asked as bewilderment was drawn on their face. Mara unsheathed one of her swords. It was The Hell Bringer. She sliced it in the air and stopped it right in front of one of the gaurds neck. Light blood trickled down his neck.

"I can move faster than your brain can order your body to move so do not try anything, I asked you some questions so answer them, I would love to meet Yuk." The gaurds would have already swiftly dealt with Mara but unfortunately for them her aura was so terrifying and powerful that their legs simply refused to move. It was like their brains had turned into mush as they could not think.

The gaurds were devil worshippers and they got their powers from demons. Their powers were a huge deal and no one could trifle with them easily so you could imagine the fear they were feeling when they met someone who could handle them with ease. Without even touching them her aura had already made them lose their will to fight.

"We can't say!" one of the gaurds managed to let out. Mara frowned and a small growl came from her throat. "Of course, I forgot, they always enchant idiots like you to never speak of it otherwise you die from a heart attack."

"So you understand?" one of the gaurds asked as he shaked in his boots.

"I understand," Mara said. The gaurds sighed a breath of relief. "But I seem to have forgotten that I don't give a fuck." Mara unsheathed both of her blades and struck them against each other.

A powerful spark erupted from the swords catching fire on to one of the gaurds. The ignition of the fire was powerful as it took only a second to cover his entire body in flames.

The three gaurds shouted in terror while the other in pain. The people who were in chains tried moving away but sadly for them they all tried moving in different directions so they could not go far before they tripped.

Mara grabbed one of the gaurds by his throat. He was tall, approximately 6'7 and weighing around 200 pounds of solid muscle. She brought him closer and whispered in his ear. "Death by fire, it is a pretty painful way to go but you know what is an even more painful, getting eaten alive by a horse." Mara threw the gaurd over to her stead who immediately understood it was feeding time. He took a huge chunk out of the gaurds thigh ignoring the armour as if it was not there. It then took another bite out of him but this time it was on his knee and the other on the elbow.

Mara turned to the other gaurds who were trying their best to run away only to be crushed by her aura. "There are more painful ways to die than a heart attack. Now answer my questions before I start to get creative."


In a castle elsewhere a man sat on a throne made of wood and skulls decorating the armrests. He was inside an extremely extravagant room with several hooded figures staring at them who had his eyes closed.

He opened his and stood up revealing his body. He was a well built man with average height and light red skin. On his forehead two slightly long horns were on his head. He had a tail which moved around under the cloak he was wearing.

"Someone killed my followers." he whispered into the air. "Normally I would have not noticed but I managed to notice due to the horrible way that they died in. Kilsor come here." he said. A woman dressed in a cloak walked over to him. She had a smile on her face as she looked down.

"Hand!" he ordered.

The woman raised her arm in front of him. He stared at it before slowly raising his hand. His hand was full of scars but the most astonishing thing about it were the long nails that could only be classified as claws. They were five centimetres long and sharp to the touch.

He dug his claws into the woman's arm who only seemed to smile more. A red energy came from the man's claws and cursed through the woman's arms.

The energy moved fast going through her body until finally it reached her brain. Her eyes glowed red as the energy dispersed itself everywhere.


If you managed to get this far then Thank you. I would truly appreciate if you sent power stones and wrote a review to let me know your thoughts.

Also the guy's name is pronounced as Yuuk and not yuck.