
I Shall Rule the Gods

Hao Juanxiu is a young master of the ruined Hao Clan. During their most dire situation, fortune will smile upon him, when an insignificant-looking cube actually contains the secret of the Primordial Era. However, he will soon realize that he is not a martial art prodigy. Without the power or strength, Juanxiu will decide to use the knowledge and resources he gained from the tower to build the strongest army that can rival even the gods.

Minoaahh · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Leaving the Valley of Hope Again

As they stepped out of the Clan hall, the moon was high up in the sky, casting a silver glow on everything around them. The stars twinkled brightly, like diamonds scattered on a dark canvas. The air was crisp and cool, carrying with it a sense of renewed energy and vitality.

As for their cultivation, it was truly remarkable. Du Hong's strength was now beyond measure, but he was carrying himself with grace and authority. Mao Wenlin, on the other hand, had attained a level of agility that bordered on supernatural. Her movements were a blur as she leaped through the air, evading and striking with ease.

Ding Gen, Alchemist Li, and Madam Zhang Ai had also experienced incredible breakthroughs in their cultivation. They looked younger and more vibrant than ever, with a newfound vigor and energy that seemed almost palpable.

Madam Zhang Ai's mastery of the Divine Blossom technique was also on another level. Her attacks flowed together seamlessly, striking at her enemies' weaknesses with a precision that was unmatched.

Ding Gen was also not to be underestimated. Though he had always been a formidable poison alchemist, he had now unlocked the secrets of the Ethereal Blade technique. His swordsmanship was now so refined that he could strike at his opponents from seemingly impossible angles.

As they looked around, they could see the world in a whole new light. Everything seemed more beautiful and alive, and they could sense the energy flowing through the world around them. It was as if they had gained a deeper understanding of the universe and their place in it.

Realizing that 30 years had passed in the Tower of Primordial Era, they were satisfied on the improvement they made. It was hard for some of them to fathom that so much time had passed while only three hours had gone by in the outside world.

But as they stood there, basking in the glow of their newfound cultivation, they knew that they had accomplished something incredible. They had broken through to a level of power and understanding that most people could only dream of.

Alchemist Li turned to Mao Wenlin and Du Hong with a curious expression as he can feel the energy they are emanating. "Have the two of you reached the Emperor stage?" he asked, his voice filled with curiousity.

Mao Wenlin only responded with a meaningful smile.

Du Hong chuckled softly. "No. Perhaps soon," he said, his voice filled with confidence.

Alchemist Li's eyes widened in surprise. "What? How is that possible?" he exclaimed.

Du Hong simply shrugged, her expression enigmatic. "We have been blessed with good fortune," she said simply.

As they continued to talk, Siyi's presence caught their attention. Another significant change had occurred in her during their time in the Tower of Primordial Era. Her unattached demeanor was now tempered with a hint of coldness and fire, evident in the sharp glint in her eyes. It was clear that she had undergone a significant transformation, just like the others.

Alchemist Li noticed the change in Siyi as well and asked, "And what about you, Siyi? Have you also made significant progress in your cultivation?"

Siyi simply smiled in response, a glint of determination in her eyes. "I have found a new sense of purpose," she said, her voice filled with conviction. "And I am more determined than ever to achieve my goals."

As they said their goodbyes, Siyi turned to Chang Bao and said, "Let's go home. I hope you did not bother Master Mao Wenlin too much" After Tengyang was gone, Siyi was alone in the house and the depression and anxiety crept unto her. When Chang Bao joined the valley, she decided to take him in. They were like brothers and sisters, sharing the same misery.

Chang Bao nodded. "I did not."

Ding Gen chimed in, "I never thought I'd witness something like this in my lifetime. The power of the Tower of Primordial Era is truly beyond our imagination. Was it really just three hours?" As he walked away, Juanxiu could feel the dark green energy emanating from him, which he recognized as one of the most lethal poisons studied in alchemy. This is a poisonous aura originating from a Demon known as the Daolao Gui. It was surprising to find demons within the tower, among other opportunities.

Alchemist Li noticed how some of them have trouble in concealing their cultivation. He scolded Du Hong in particular for his inability to conceal his newfound power. "Du Hong, look at the steps you are making," he said, pointing to the heavy imprints left in the ground beneath them.

"Darn it, it's because of that elephant. It broke through again," Du Hong offered as an excuse, his face flushing with embarrassment.

Madam Zhang Ai, on the other hand, seemed to have undergone a physical transformation. Her hair ornament had changed, now resembling a glorious crown adorned with symbols of flame that encircled it. It was a testament to her newfound power, and she couldn't help but feel proud of herself.

After a while, Only Alchemist Li was left in front of the Clan's hall.

Alchemist Li watched Juanxiu as he approached him. "What's on your mind, Juanxiu?" he asked.

"I plan to go to the Crimson Cherry Summit," Juanxiu replied. "I need to find a clue on my father's whereabouts."

Alchemist Li nodded thoughtfully. "I see. And what do you plan to do once you're there?"

"I want to enroll in the Hongpuhui University's primary studies," Juanxiu said. "But since it's not the opening of the class, I was wondering if you could give me a letter of recommendation."

Alchemist Li paused for a moment, studying Juanxiu's face. "Are you sure you want to enter the Hongpuhui University? It's not the most prestigious school in the Crimson Cherry Summit."

Juanxiu was fixated. "Yes, it was the place explicitly mentioned by my grandfather."

Alchemist Li nodded. "Very well. When do you plan to leave?"

Juanxiu replied, "Before the break of dawn."


The land was bathed in sunlight, but as the 23 Cloud Chasers of the 8th squad appeared, their shadows swept across the ground and the light gradually dimmed. People stopped what they were doing and looked up in awe and curiosity. The flying ships were unlike anything they had ever seen before, with sleek black metal frames and powerful engines that roared like thunder. Each ship had a General at its helm, a proud and formidable figure with years of battle experience etched on their faces.

As the fleet passed over, the people watched in amazement, wondering where they could possibly be headed with such speed and purpose. And indeed, the path they took was not one that was usually traversed. They veered off from the usual trade routes and flew towards the east, towards the heart of enemy territory.

Among the Generals on board were Cui Guozhi and Xu Chen, both of whom had been involved in the attack on the Hao Clan. Their presence only added to the ominous feeling that hung in the air, as if the Cloud Chasers were a harbinger of war and destruction.

He Xia, the general strategist of the 8th squad, paced back and forth inside the war room. She held the map of the Forbidden Valley in her hands, and her brows furrowed in annoyance. "How limited our knowledge of this place is," she muttered to herself.

Her fellow generals watched her with concern, knowing that the strategist was never one to show her frustrations so openly.

"Forgive me for asking, He Xia," General Liu Wei said, "but what's bothering you about the map?"

"It's not the map," He Xia said, still pacing. "It's the fact that we know so little about this Forbidden Valley. It's a massive land area that can already be considered a continent, yet we've only scratched the surface of its secrets."

General Hu Qian chimed in, "It's because of the lethal poison and miasma that linger in that place. Not many dares to venture into it."

"That's precisely my point," He Xia snapped. "How can we plan our strategy if we don't know enough about our enemy's terrain? It's frustrating."

The room fell silent as He Xia continued to study the map, her mind racing with possibilities and uncertainties.

Sun Dong turned to He Xia, the general strategist of the 8th squad, seeking her insight. "He Xia, what do you think?"

He Xia looked at the map of the Forbidden Valley in her hands with a frown. "It's quite difficult. Without enough information, I'm afraid we are blindly charging into the unknown."

Peng Tingfeng, another general, scoffed. "What's there to think of? We'll just overpower them. Commander Li Jian and First General He Long are both Master Swordsman rank, and the rest of the Generals are at least 5th stage Generals. What's there to worry about?"

He Xia shook her head. "What's there to worry about? Based on the information we've gathered; the strays of the Alchemist Union have settled in that area. One of the former war heroes from the 3rd squad, Hao Tengyang, has reached the rank of General after being stuck in the Expert stage for years. If they do have a secret treasure that improves the cultivation of their people, imagine how strong those old fogeys are right now."

Li Jian stood tall and faced his comrades. "I don't believe the former members of the Alchemist Union could enhance their cultivation so easily. They've only been there for a few months, whereas the Hao Clan has been exiled to that land for years. According to Xu Chen's report, the Hao clans were merely trading crafts made from weeds in Qian city. It was also reported that during Tengyang's visit to the city to purchase supplies for their clan's rebuilding, a Sky Cleansing Pill was sold at an auction."

He Long, the First General, frowned. "Commander, do you suspect they used that pill to advance their cultivation?"

"Most likely, but relying on pills to improve one's cultivation has its drawbacks and limitations. We are not going there because of their ability to enhance their cultivation," Li Jian explained.

"Then why are we going there?" Sun Dong interjected.

"We are going to search for their treasure that has helped them grow spiritual plants. Perhaps that treasure also helped them to detoxify the land. If we can get our hands on that treasure, we can cultivate various spiritual plants that will strengthen our squad's foundation. We will become the most prominent squad, not only in Shaoying, but we can be as powerful as those monsters in the Grand Echo Empire," Li Jian said with conviction.


Juanxiu's heart raced as he crept through the quiet halls of the Valley of Hope. The sky outside was still dark, and the only light came from the dimly glowing lamps that lined the walls. He clutched a small pack of supplies and placed it in his spatial pouch as he made his way towards the main gate.

He reached the gate and pushed it open slowly, careful not to make too much noise. Outside, the world was quiet and still, with only the rustling of leaves and the distant sound of a stream breaking the silence. Juanxiu breathed in the cool, fresh air and felt a rush of excitement.

He turned and saw Alchemist Li standing behind him, watching him with a solemn expression.

"Juanxiu," Alchemist Li said, "here's your letter of recommendation. Show this to Professor Peng Gui and he will know what to do."

Juanxiu nodded and thanked him. "Thank you Alchemist Li. I would have to leave the management of the place again to you."

Alchemist Li chuckled. "Go! You shoudn't worry too much about this place. We got this. Go find your father."

Juanxiu smiled and bowed respectfully. "Thank you, Alchemist Li," he said. "I have to go now."

With that, he turned and walked away from the Valley of Hope, disappearing into the darkness. Alchemist Li watched him go. He knew that Juanxiu was brave and determined, but he also knew that the road ahead would be full of danger and uncertainty.

As he began his journey, Juanxiu moved with a sense of purpose. He ran with a steady pace, his steps silent but confident. The sound of the crickets and the rustling of the leaves were the only sounds that accompanied him.

The terrain was varied, the Valley of Hope is truly a massive land. Juanxiu moved through them all, his senses alert to any possible danger. He passed by the location with strong presence of miasma. Once he returns, it will be time to uncover the secret of these poison.

Despite the long journey, Juanxiu pressed on, taking only short breaks to rest and replenish his energy. He kept his eyes fixed on his destination, determined to reach the Crimson Cherry Summit and find out the truth about his father's whereabouts.


Several weeks had passed since Juanxiu left the Valley of Hope, leaving Alchemist Li in charge of the place. The people there had enjoyed peace and quiet, and everything seemed to be going well until one day...

A massive shadow appeared and started to swallow the light. The people of Valley of Hope looked up in confusion and fear as they saw a fleet of Cloud Chasers flying overhead, their ominous presence covering the sky. The once-blue sky turned into a foreboding shade of gray as the ships flew in, the sound of their engines drowning out any other noise.

The people on the ground could feel the vibrations of the ships, as if the very ground beneath them was shaking. The sight was both awe-inspiring and terrifying, as the massive fleet of ships seemed to be closing in on them. The air felt thick and heavy, as if something terrible was about to happen. The people of Valley of Hope could only stand and watch, helpless and afraid, as the fleet of Cloud Chasers approached.

Siyi was patrolling the Valley of Hope when she suddenly felt a familiar energy. Her heart raced as she focused on the sensation. It was the energy of someone she had felt before, someone who had killed her father. Her hands tightened around the hilt of her sword, her knuckles turning white.

She looked up at the sky and saw a fleet of Cloud Chasers descending towards the valley. Her eyes scanned the ships, trying to find the source of the energy she had felt. And then she saw him, standing on the deck of one of the ships.

It was the man who had taken her father's life, his face twisted in a cruel grin. Siyi's grip on her sword tightened even more as she felt a surge of anger and hatred wash over her.

"It's time for my revenge," she whispered.

Thank you William_Ternes for the vote.

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