
I Shall Evolve Everything

Evolution, it is the process with which the most fit for survival pass down their winning traits. What if this could be done on one animal, one object, one person, what traits would evolve. ... Humanity has been entered into the grand inter-realm competition for sovereignty of all realms. Darwin has been granted the gift of evolution How will humanity fare will they survive and evolve or will they perish into the grand nothingness. Make sure to check out my new novel, In Memoria. It’s relatively short right now but I’ll be updating it regularly. Though not as much as this novel. Speaking of this novel though, from now on I'm going to post one chapter a day however instead of the relatively short 1000 words I'm going to be putting up at the very least 1500

Spaceninja5789 · Fantasy
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212 Chs

Mass Evolution (24)

The days passed by in a blur, information and creation, those were the only two things that I knew of as the days passed by. Delta had deemed it prudent that my digestive system be reworked immediately, not even allowing me to design it instead opting to copy her own unto me.

It worked but it left me bitter that I could not dictate my own upgrades, however I knew the necessity of Delta's decision. If she had not done that then I would have starved to death in the coming weeks. 

With the addition of the new digestive tract though, I was able to extract 100 percent of the nutrients in the nutrient paste whereas with my human one I would only have been able to extract maybe 5 percent if I was lucky.

Not that the paste was designed poorly, just that the human digestive tract was not able to digest it even when Delta had specifically designed it so that I would get the most nutrients.