
I Shall Evolve Everything

Evolution, it is the process with which the most fit for survival pass down their winning traits. What if this could be done on one animal, one object, one person, what traits would evolve. ... Humanity has been entered into the grand inter-realm competition for sovereignty of all realms. Darwin has been granted the gift of evolution How will humanity fare will they survive and evolve or will they perish into the grand nothingness. Make sure to check out my new novel, In Memoria. It’s relatively short right now but I’ll be updating it regularly. Though not as much as this novel. Speaking of this novel though, from now on I'm going to post one chapter a day however instead of the relatively short 1000 words I'm going to be putting up at the very least 1500

Spaceninja5789 · Fantasy
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212 Chs

A victory?

"Attack me together." Aoif was standing in front of us, her eyes boring holes into our own as she expectantly looked down on both of us.

I sighed, it was just like Aoif to do this, despite only knowing her for what was only a few days I could tell just how much of a battle maniac she was.

Slowly I sat up, flicking Naomi on the head to break her out of her half asleep state. 

"Gabriel, you need somethin?" Naomi sleepily said gathering herself as she started to get up.

I didn't say anything, I just gestured to where Aoif was standing and that was enough.

Pulling myself onto my feet, I manipulated the moisture in the air to create a crude saber. It wasn't the greatest, the balance was slightly off, the edge wasn't aligned properly but it was the best that I could do right now.