
I Scored Myself a Mate

Alex always felt out of place. Isolated and mistreated by his family, his life was pure torture. He believed he had managed to get out, and run away from the beatings and the hate. He wanted a peaceful life, a way to be happy. For a second when he met Luke, a mysterious young man, through a fatal mistake, happiness seemed to be in his grasp. Still, everything began to crumble. The silver eyes that shone under the moon were the bringers of deceit and he felt lost once again, trapped until... ...until he met him. The cold and saddened elf king, living in an endless winter, hidden inside an icy palace. Hair white as snow and eyes a pretty lilac, Alex had never seen someone so divine. Just the sight of him triggered a past he didn't know he had. Opening up a way through the secrets and finding the truth from his hazy dreams Alex struggles between who he is and what he is turning to. An endless journey and his only guide a blurry figure in his mind. "I love you...forever" he whispered and Alex could only cry. Who was he and where could he find him? His only comfort. His only home. Welcome to the The Veil! Filled with unspoken horrors and divine pleasures. A place that only in your wildest dreams...or maybe nightmares, you would have imagined. What lies beneath the covered eyes of the humans? Are you curious to know? Read and find out. .... Also, check out my other Fantasy Romance The Tears of a Prince which is the crazy adventure of a vampire prince as he tries to run away from the people who are after him and the man who changed his life forever!

Yaminoyosei · LGBT+
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485 Chs

Match 4

They kept looking at each other dumfounded not really knowing what they should do until Luke pushed Alex towards the small closet and literally threw him in.

"Stay quiet, don't even breathe." He warned him and Alex simply nodded before everything around him turned dark.

He couldn't see anything, he just felt the soft fabrics around him as they hanged from the hangers. His closet smelled really nice and the freshly washed clothes left a scent of cinnamon and mint which was very pleasing to his nostrils.

All he could do at that moment was focus and try to listen. He heard the door opening and the clacking of heels as they entered the room. It was quiet for some time and in Alex's mind the image of that blonde girl kissing him as a hello appeared.  He frowned in disgust wanting to make the unwanted image to disappear.

"Are you alright babe? Why didn't you come eat?" The girl asked her voice as sweet as honey.

"I wasn't really that hungry. I was thinking of taking a shower and going to sleep."

"Oh okay then how about we take a shower together?"

"Umm, I was going to take the shower later." He said and Alex sighed.

His exterior was very dominating and scary but truly he couldn't even tell a small lie properly. Alex knew what was going to follow. He was going to give in to her needs and he would have to stay locked in that stupid closet while he was having the time of his life in a bathtub with her.

"Come on Luke I know you want it" she said.

"I said no. Get out." He said in a stern tone surprising Alex. Suddenly the room became quiet and he was really tempted to open the door just a little bit to steal a glance at the girl now that she had been very coldly rejected. He wasn't the petty type but he felt victorious since Luke rejected her for him even though the situation was very different and romanticizing it in his head was probably very stupid.

He was surprised by himself. He never seemed to get so fond of someone so easily and considering what had happened the last few hours he should be scared, pissing his pants and begging to leave. At the same time he couldn't help but think that the atmosphere of the events was very different even if this guy seemed to have a girlfriend.

"Okay, okay no need to get all angry. I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Yeah, sure."


"Goodnight" He replied and when Alex heard the door closing he jumped out the stuffy closet without a second thought.

"Finally. Took you a while to kick the lady out"

"That's my girlfriend"

"Yeah, I figured. I actually thought you would be more of a playboy. Devilish sexy smirk and all."

"Sexy?" Luke asked with a smile "Well things are different with wolves. We get mates. Once our bond is triggered we realize that the person who triggered it is the one we are meant to spend our whole lives together. It's an unbreakable bond that if it's not obeyed there will be a lot of trouble."

"So is she your mate?"

"Everyone says she is. We've been together since very young and she said once she felt the bond but I…I don't know. Why the hell am I telling you all of these? Come on. I need to get you out before I reveal my whole life story to you. Um, your name?"

"You remembered to ask me early. I'm Alex"

"Cool I'm Luke." He introduced himself even though Alex already knew it. He grabbed a jacket from the closet and opened the door. Alex got out first and Luke followed but soon the rules were reversed. Luke was towering in front of him and he followed like a small, scared puppy.

The halls were indeed very quiet and now all the doors were closed. Luke seemed cautious as they were passing hall after hall until they reached a huge wooden staircase. They got down and their footsteps echoed in the empty halls until another sound covered them. Laughter. Someone was coming towards their way and Luke seemed like he had been shocked. He pulled him away anyways, wanting to hide him.

They stood underneath the staircase in the dark. As the people got up specs of dust were falling on top of them and Alex felt a very strong urge to sneeze but kept it by moving his nose around like little bunnies did. The space was very narrow so Alex had found himself once more backing up at the wall with Luke so close to him that his face could almost touch his chest.

"You're short" Luke joked with a chuckle. "Cute"

Alex pretended he didn't hear that and when he was sure the people had left he told Luke to move. His face was red again and his heart was beating fast from his words. He should stop, he thought. He would never see him again after today and that was for the best because they literally belonged in different worlds. Even if he could overlook the wolf part and possibly being murdered there was a much bigger issue and that was him being straight as a ruler with a blonde, cute girlfriend.

"Let's go." He said and grabbed his hand as they run towards the big exit right in front of them. His hand was loose on Luke's grip and he was really afraid to tighten it, like it would mean something. He was holding him so he wouldn't get lost. That was all.

He regretted never having any relationships or flirts his whole life. Because now even the slightest gesture from any cute looking guy would make his heart flatter and he honestly felt like a pathetic virgin that even now in the face of danger all he could wonder about was if Luke was still as gorgeous without his shirt. Judging from his build he was almost one hundred percent sure he would be divine.

"So here we are" he said as they stood outside at the college entrance.

It was a huge Victorian black gate with complicated designs, roses and thorns, leaves and many other things. The view right in front of him was a huge road. There was not even a single soul around and even though they stood there for a few minutes not even one car passed.

"Follow this road and you will reach the city. From there you can take a bus back to your college or the hospital."

"You're not coming with me?" Alex asked felling disappointed. He didn't know this place how was he supposed to find his way and return home? It was at least 2 am and he wanted him to follow some desolated road in the middle of nowhere.

"I'm sorry. I wish I could. Here take this." He told him and handed him the leather jacket that he had picked up from the closet before. "It's cold tonight."

Yes, it was very cold. Alex could feel the night breeze caress his skin and Luke's cold rejection to help him out was even worse. He felt like his heart would wither. So he didn't have any time. That was the end of their little adventure that stopped without any remarkable events.

"It was very easy talking to you. I've never met a human who could make me feel that before. Do you think maybe we could…"

"No. I won't put my life in danger for a guy who doesn't even want to help me go back home." Alex said and he knew he probably sounded childish. Luke wanted his friendship and even though Alex wanted to see him again he was angry. He had knocked him out, dragged him out there in the middle of nowhere but didn't even want to help him until the end. That was the reason for his anger or simply one of his reasons. The other, he would bury it deep in his heart and never even speak of it. Friendship was not what Alex needed out of this relationship.

"Really I want to help you. I swear but I can't leave I am not allowed to"

"You're a grown up I don't want to hear any excuses." He said and pushed the jacket back in Luke's hands but the grey eyed boy did not take it.

Alex wore it with a displeased expression gaining a sad smile from the person in front of him. He was ready to leave without even saying goodbye but he noticed Luke's body suddenly becoming tense. He looked at him with a questioning look as he turned his head and looked behind him. His eyes then started shinning that silver color again and when their eyes met again Alex felt his heart stop. They were beautiful, like liquid iron and they stared right into his green ones with so much tension that he felt his whole body turn hot.

"Someone is approaching. I will go and distract them, you leave. Be careful" he told him and without even waiting he ran away from him. He soon disappeared into the starless night and Alex was left alone as the breeze got stronger and stronger.

He wrapped his around himself and felt the cold leather underneath his palms. He let out a sigh while looking around at the majestic building. Forget about it. You will never see him again. He repeated again and again in his head. This was all like a dream. He had jumped into some kind of fantasy novel and now it was time to finally get out. But as he walked outside something stopped him again.

Those eyes and his hesitant smile were things he couldn't get out of his head. His image while calling him cute and kind had now been imprinted on his heart.

He turned around on his heels leaving the endless road behind and walked back inside through the scary gate. He should tell him that he wanted to be friends. Keep that oversized jacket that hid his fingertips and see his again. Talk to him about things because he looked so cute when he laughed and he made his heart flatter when he teased him. He scared him at first but he was not how he looked. He was sure. Alex had that feeling waking up inside him that told him he shouldn't leave Luke behind.

He started running towards the direction Luke had disappeared.

His footsteps were heavy diving into small ponds of mud here and there and Alex just realized he was still wearing his uniform and soccer shoes. He was definitely smelly from being sweaty and with that bruised nose he was sure his image was at its worst. He would obviously never peak anyone's interest looking like that he thought but he kept running.

He didn't know where he was going and his actions proved to be more than stupid when he saw three men looking at him. They were sitting outside smoking and when they heard him they immediately turned around.

Alex had never thought about how he wanted to die but right now dying by a werewolf seemed too flashy for him. He was a simple person, he wanted to live a simple life and these occurrences were not simple. They were a tragedy and somehow he found himself being one of the extras that always dies first.

He knew it was pointless to try and run away but anyways he did it only to be forcefully yanked by the back of his collar to the ground. A foot landed on his chest and he spat out a patch of blood that dirtied Luke's jacket. He let out a pained whine but no one seemed to mind about the pain he was in. He was just a small framed nineteen-year-old what could he possibly do to them? They were definitely enjoying kicking him. One in the chest a few in the stomach until he couldn't stand the pain anymore.

He was stupid, he knew that and as everything turned black and he fainted for the second time today he was sure these people wouldn't be as kind as Luke would. He didn't want to die now. He wanted to see him again. He thought.

Alex was not aware of how much time had passed but he woken up by the sound of whispering and the cold bucket of water that was slashed on his face. He gasped for air and heard a few people laugh. He couldn't see very well from the water that made him freeze. He tried to move but he couldn't and noticed that his hand and feet were tied to a wooden chair with a very harsh rope.

"No use in trying to get away boy." He heard an unfamiliar voice say and looked at the man who walked closer. His whole body was in pain and he felt like every bone had been snapped. His throat was dry and he couldn't try to utter a word.

"This boy." The man said. "He was found roaming on our college campus wearing a pack's member jacket. We need to find the traitor that brought a human into our home and decide a punishment for both of them."

Alex looked around at the many people that had gathered. It was an auditorium and he had been placed on full display at the stage while the…pack was looking at him with angry eyes. He recognized a few of Luke's teammates but most of them were unfamiliar.

He found Luke in the crowd and beaten up and exhausted he silently pleaded for help. The grey eyed boy was looking at him filled with sadness and regret. He felt like he was the reason for his despair and partially he was but he didn't know that he had turned back to find him, because he wanted to see him.

Deep inside he knew that he Luke wouldn't help him or more like he couldn't. He really wanted to believe that there was a reason behind it and the way his eyes were filled with pain he couldn't believe otherwise but still it hurt. He didn't want to die. He begged him while they were looking at each other but soon after Luke stopped looking at him.

"Tell us. Who allowed you to enter this place and you will get a quick and painful death. Stay silent and face the consequences." The man said.

Alex searched for Luke again. Is this the end? He hadn't managed to play soccer as much as he wanted. He hadn't experienced his first love, he had done nothing and now he would die. He couldn't help it and tears trailed his bloody cheeks as they were looking at each other. He was in so much pain he didn't want to experience any more.

He wanted to at least die peacefully.

"Tell us."