
I saved a sex slave and she will be my new friend.

After defeating the Demon King, the only thing I want is to live a quiet life. A normal life... Although it's harder than I thought. My dream is to have a girlfriend and have friends. As long as I manage to fulfill one of those dreams, I will die happy. One day, I killed a group of bandits and rescued a sex slave. I turned her into a Vampire and gave her a new life. "You will be happy again, I promise!"

Rotceh8292 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

CHAPTER 23- Yuik's first Smartphone.

CHAPTER 23- Yuik's first Smartphone.

One hit here, another here and here. And finally, a smack right to the crotch.

Admire my work of art. I call it: "Consequences of having Dreimo's son of a bitch as an enemy."

I defeated an S-class monster. Yes, an S-class monster. Does it deserve to have that class? Yep, there is no mistake with the classification. Was it hard for me to defeat it? Was it an epic battle, full of blood, sweat and tears? I was about to die and remembering Yuik inspired me to stand up, not give up and defeat it, even if it costs my life? Nope!

"Why was it so easy ?!"

You fucking supreme goddess, you are the only person I respect, but you are an idiot!

AHHHHHHHHHH!!! Even when I sacrificed almost all of my power to defeat the Demon King, I am still too powerful!

Ah... I better calm down. My power is justified. I was literally a god killer. In the past only the Supreme Goddess managed to defeat me. Yes, I am fucking powerful even in my current form.

"Yuik, I think I made a miscalculation when I defeated the Demon King. I think I only lost 50% of my power."

I did not make any mistakes. I definitely lost most of my total power. This doesn't make any sense. Why did I manage to defeat a damn S-class ice dragon so easily? Dragon whose gaze can petrify everything it sees.

Ahh. There is nothing that can be done. I mean, it would be a mistake to try to get rid of my power. I still have a murderer to kill. Ah, that's right, the killer will be stronger than me ... I swear if I see that filthy old man and Tanya again, I will give them slow and painful deaths ... No, better yet, I will make them my servants and they will work in the flower shop that I plan to open in the future. A cute flower shop next to Yuik's restaurant.

"Well … Let's go home."

She showed me her notebook. "Won't you take the magic stones? You would make a lot of money if you sell them. "

Yes, what she says is true. Only S-class adventurers could defeat an ice dragon, and they could only if they attacked it in a group. This dragon is very rare. The entire body could be sold for a fortune. But I don't need the money, and if I need money, I'll just go to the King and beat him up a bit.

"I don't want to stand out, Yuik. And I don't need the money either."

Ah, maybe Yuik is interested in being a millionaire.

"If you want, you can take the stones and sell them yourself. You can say that I gave them to you. Do you need the money?"


She started writing and showed me the notebook. "I want to earn money with my own effort. And I don't need the money either. I live very comfortably with you, Dreimo. "

Oh, how cute, she was ashamed of what she wrote and her face turned red.

"I also feel very comfortable with your company, Yuik."

I took out my smartphone and took a photo of that dragon's corpse.

"Ready, let's go."

We got home and I took out a huge cake from my [Magic Storage]. The celebration is not over yet.

"Good! Hope you like the chocolate cake."

Yuik nodded quickly and I asked her to slice the cake.

We spent a relaxing day together, talking ... I-I mean, me talking and she responding with her notebook. We had fun and even though I didn't see Yuik smile, I know that she is happier and had fun being with me.

When we met, she was so traumatized and scared to talk to people. She didn't trust anyone and was always shaking with fear. She cried at night, wetted the bed, had nightmares and the fear that everything she was experiencing was a dream caused her fear and anxiety to prevent her from sleeping. I had to use my magic so that she slept calmly and without fear. I made her realize that this is not a dream. This is her new reality. She no longer has to live in fear that someone will rape her. She no longer has to live in fear of being tortured by someone. She no longer has to live in fear... of suffering again. When she wakes up and sees me, I can see her relief to know that what she is experiencing is real and not just a dream.

Yuik, with me you will no longer suffer. With me you will be safe. I will always protect my friends.

Night has come and it is already time for dinner.

I took out the alcohol and the meat.

Make dinner. A delicious dinner with delicious meat and alcohol.

I think that's how friends dine ... I don't know, I have no experience with that. Dinners with my former fellow heroes were boring. And when we drank alcohol, the girls always tried to rape me and the other man in the group went to brothels ... Ah, no wonder they fell in love with me and not with him ... I must have been a pervert if I wanted them to stay away from me ... I don't like having sex without love though. It reminds me of my past self.

Ahh... I must admit, yes, I did have sex with my former fellow heroes, but it was because of a curse ... I took their virginity ... I really feel guilty, but not so guilty because they were the ones who caused the curse in the first place. I warned them not to do it and they did ... Ah, I better forget that.

"I feel normal."

On the other hand, Yuik looks very tired and dizzy.

What I have found is that when Yuik gets drunk, she feels tired. Unlike a certain lusty Goddess, who when she gets drunk she tries to rape me and only stops bothering me when I kiss her on the forehead.

"Mmm... I think alcohol really has no effect on me."

What's the point of drinking alcohol and not feeling drunk? It's so boring. But it does have an effect on Yuik.

"Are you sleepy, Yuik?"

She nodded and I helped her to bed.

I settled her on the bed and she fell fast asleep, hugging her giant-sized teddy bear. And like the gentleman that I am, I left the room. Remember this, never take advantage of a drunk girl. Those who do that go to hell and are raped ... Literally. That is the punishment for rapists. They are raped by Orcs and demons. No hot, beautiful demons, fat, disgusting demons with huge, stinky, fungus-filled penises.

Nobody gets rid of that punishment.

"Well, I'll go to the other world."

I left my home from the other world. Well... It is not yet night here. Perfect. The stores are still open.

It is 4 in the afternoon, the perfect time.

I started walking, heading to the tech store or something. I'll go buy a smartphone. It will be more useful and Yuik will be able to communicate with me whenever she wants. Obviously it will not be a smartphone of this world. Ha. I don't want my conversations to be monitored. I'll buy her a smartphone in Godfer, the world of the Gods.

I'll buy a smartphone here because I remember Yuik was interested in one, but she wouldn't tell me. And I pretended that I didn't notice to give it to her as a surprise. I'll take that smartphone to Godfer so that an employee can make me an identical smartphone.

And after 25 minutes, I got to the mall and I saw the smartphones that were in a display case.

Here it is, the pink cat-embellished smartphone ... Ah personally, the design sucks, but Yuik liked it.

"Fufu. Are you interested in one, sir?"

"Yes, miss, I would like to buy that smartphone ... Ah, hi, Fey."

Fey, one of the victims of that nasty son-of-a-bitch rapist.

A girl with brown skin, blonde hair and huge breasts. I must admit she looks pretty good in that employee uniform.

"Hello, Dreimo. Did your smartphone break?"

"Nope. Is for my sister."

I got Yuik false documentation in this world. The president of this country knows me and a certain secret organization knows me too. In exchange for protecting this world from monster attacks, they give me whatever I want. For them, I am the closest thing to a God. Fufu. If they only knew that I'm better than a God.

Yuik, legally in this world, is my sister.

"She liked this smartphone and I want to buy it."

"It's too expensive. Are you sure?"

"No te preocupes. Don't worry. I can afford to buy it."

And after a long tedious process, I finally bought the smartphone and Fey handed me a piece of paper.

"C-could you give me your number?"

"If you try to seduce me, you will achieve nothing. Try it when you are 20 years old."

"I just want to be your friend. And... Well, maybe, in the future, we will come up with something else."

"Ah... Okay, but don't try anything weird."

"Yei! Thank you!"

After exchanging numbers with Fey, I traveled to Godfer with my [Teleportation]. I am forbidden to enter, as I am the number 1 enemy of this place, but that will not prevent me from getting the smartphone.

Upon arrival, I could immediately feel gazes filled with hatred towards me, but that continued without caring and I began to walk through this city.

The modern cities of the worlds with technology, are the copies of Godfer. Godfer is like a huge city with technology. Did you imagine the world of the Gods as a medieval place? Ha. I cannot imagine any God living in a medieval world where there is no internet or television.

Obviously, since I am enemy number 1 in this place, Godfer's guardians tried to arrest me.

Men over 5 meters landed in front of me.

"Monster, we order you to get out of here!"

"You're not welcome...!"

I jumped on one of them and destroyed his head with my knee.

Yes, I know. "Nooooooo! Why do you kill an innocent man ?! Good people don't do that! " When have I said that I am a good person? I'm a complete son of a bitch.

Do you think I'm someone good? I am far from it. If someone gets in my way, I will kill them regardless of whether they are good or bad. "B-but killing is wrong." I don't care.

"Will someone else try to stop me?"

With rage and helplessness, the other guardians looked away and I smiled.

"I like that."

"D-damn you...!"

"No... It is not worth it."

One of them wanted to attack me, but his partner stopped him. Wise decision.

I walked into a tech store and approached an employee. The employees, for the most part, are demigods. Children of Gods who could not become Gods because they did not have what they needed.

"Hey, I want an exact copy of this smartphone in less than 10 minutes or I'll kill you."

I threw the smartphone at him and he caught it.


I sat on the counter and waited.


Sant appeared in front of me and sat on my lap, while hugging me with her arms.

Ah, I knew she would be here soon.

"You were amazing, darling. You always show that you are still the best even as a human."

"I can still kill a guardian ... Ah, I thought I had lost too much power, but I am still powerful ... Did you see the photograph I sent you?"

"I'm done analyzing it. What do you think? The dragon was not weak, on the contrary, it was one of the most powerful of its kind."

"I imagined that... Why am I still so powerful?"

"I don't know. I am also as surprised as you."


Oh, it's the fucking old man. Sadly, I can't kill a God if he doesn't try to kill me first. That is the deal I have with the Supreme Goddess.

"Do you dare to show your face in this place? !!"

"Well… Hey, Sant, can you see my face?"

"Of course I can see your pretty face, cute husband!"

"And I can touch my face ... Mmm... Yes, I suppose it is quite obvious that I do dare to show my face in this place. Are you blind, old man?"

I couldn't help but laugh and smile as I looked at his furious face and his tear-filled eyes.

"Oh, are you still mad because I killed your son? Hahaha. That idiot had the most ridiculous death I've ever seen. "Dreimo, please stop, we can talk, we don't need to continue this fight! I don't want to kill an old friend! " I don't know what is funnier, the fact that he tried to stop me using the power of love and friendship, or the fact that he believed he had a chance to kill me."

"I think the funniest thing was his death. A ball of fire stuck in the ass! Hahaha!"

Ah, yes... I think I overdid it with that.

But I couldn't control myself 100%.

"Hey, old man, you look disgusting crying. Do you think your tears will bring your son back to life? I ate his soul, he will never return. You will never see your son again. And the best part..."

I stood up and walked over to him.

Our faces got close enough and I smiled.

"The best thing is, you can never get revenge. You are no match for me, and you will die knowing that you were always useless who could not protect his son. You can never kill me, old man."

I kicked his legs and he fell to the floor.

"What? Will you keep quiet? You are even more pathetic than that attempted hero who tried to defeat me using the power of words."

"Shut up!!!"

He got up and tried to hit me. Fufu. This is what I wanted... Ah, I knew it wouldn't be that easy.

Tanya, the Goddess of the fairies, appeared in front of us and prevented him from hitting me.

"You idiot, you almost screwed up the plan!"

And disappeared along with him.

"Shit, I almost made it."

"Hahaha! I must admit that your performance was spectacular, beautiful husband. I think I had an orgasm just seeing you ... Yes, confirmed, I had an orgasm."

All I said was a simple act for that old man to attack me and kill him.

The Dreimo of the past and the present are very different. I don't have as much hatred as before. I have done horrible things in the past that I am very sorry for, but the past cannot change. I must continue my strong bad boy performance in this place so that fewer Gods will try to screw up my existence.

"Sant, do you want to get something to eat?"


She immediately came over to me and hugged me.

"Will you finally agree to be my husband and will we have our first date ?!"

"No, I'm just inviting you to eat as a friend. Step by step"

"That's something! Let's go!"

I want to confirm something.

(Follow me on Twitter: @HectorAngelAlv2 and on Instagram: angelpikas)