
I saved a sex slave and she will be my new friend.

After defeating the Demon King, the only thing I want is to live a quiet life. A normal life... Although it's harder than I thought. My dream is to have a girlfriend and have friends. As long as I manage to fulfill one of those dreams, I will die happy. One day, I killed a group of bandits and rescued a sex slave. I turned her into a Vampire and gave her a new life. "You will be happy again, I promise!"

Rotceh8292 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

CHAPTER 22- The strength of a former hero.

CHAPTER 22- The strength of a former hero.

I walked into the dining room and saw Yuik cooking.

Ahh. Yuik looks adorable in an apron. It suits her quite well. It is a pleasant sight for my eyes. And what she cooks smells delicious. I hid the burgers behind me and put them in my [Magic Storage].

I prefer to eat Yuik's homemade food.

If she finds out that I went to buy hamburgers in another world, she will think that I do not like what she cooks. I bought the hamburgers because I thought she would still be asleep. I'm surprised she woke up.

She's been reading cookery books lately, and I want to savor her delicious results.

She has put a lot of effort into improving her culinary skills because she wants to be a professional cook. I will make sure that she achieves her dream. I will even kidnap professional chefs from different worlds to teach her if necessary.

"Good morning, Yuik."

I sat down at the table and sighed. I have so many thoughts in my mind that I don't know what to do to make them go away. First there is the issue of the murderer. I must find him and kill him before he finds me, although I could also wait for him to attack me to kill him.

Then there's the issue that I'm a bloody bachelor with no feelings. Am I really not capable of falling in love? My old mother, the one who wasn't a fucking prostitute whore, was the Goddess of love and she taught me all about love. I have the necessary knowledge to know if I am in love with someone or not. The closest I have to that feeling is how I feel for Sant, but it is a feeling of a best friend, not love. I am very grateful to her for being the only Goddess who did not try to kill me or hate me. All Gods, even the purest and most honest, hate me for the simple fact of being a God-slayer who liked to torture his victims in the worst and most disgusting ways possible. Mmm. I think they also hate me for insulting the Supreme Goddess and not being punished ... Or also because I would kill the children of the Gods in front of them for fun and force them to eat their own children and grandchildren. I even forced various Gods to eat the decomposing remains of their newborn babies.

Ah no, the Gods have more than enough reasons to hate me and try to kill me.

And now that I'm happy, the bastards are more furious because I, a "villain," is happier than they are.

Fufu. That sounds like fun.

But I am also a victim, Sant's mother made me what I am ... No, in what I was in the past. The Dreimo without feelings and the current Dreimo are more different than fire and water.


Yuik set a plate of scrambled eggs and fried sausage in front of me. Oh, you think that's a boring and basic breakfast? You are very wrong. It's a breakfast made by Yuik, which makes it special because a friend made it for me, her friend. Friendship improved the taste.

Well, at least for me it improves the taste.

"It smells delicious, Yuik."

I got from my [Magic Storage], bread and strawberry jam.

"By the way, Yuik, today is exactly one month since you started living with me. Exact 30 days. Should we celebrate it?"

I asked her directly. Accepting her reality will help her overcome her past. With me she will not suffer again, because I will always protect her, even if I must sacrifice my own life ... Well, not so much.

I barely know her for a month. In a few months or years I will find out if I will be able to sacrifice for her or not.

"C-cele... b-brate it?"

Yuik's magical strength and power is far exceeding my expectations.

Really. How powerful am I as a Vampire?

Ah, that's right, I inherited the title of the Vampire Queen when I killed her and got the title [Vampire King].

In a few years she will be as powerful as a hero. I have to make sure she doesn't turn evil.

She is very kind and has a kind soul, but if life has taught me anything, it is that anything can happen. Life is a mystery.

"C-could you ...?"

Se got too tired from saying those words and wrote in her notebook.

She wants to go back to using words and not writing. With her results, I think she will be able to speak normally again in about 10 to 20 years.

She showed me her notebook. "Could you show me how powerful you are? People say you're able to slay dragons with your eyes and I want to know if it's true."

Ah, that rumor became popular when an ancient evil Dragon God came back to life and the heroes had to fight him ... Well, my presence alone was enough to kill him.

I arrived at the location, I threw a razor with a powerful poison right at his forehead and he died instantly.

I told my fellow heroes that the poison was special for slaying dragons and that the God Rauk gave it to me to kill him, but the witnesses did not know that and began to spread the rumor that I could kill dragons with my eyes.

Obviously, the Rauk thing is false. I told them that so they don't suspect that I was more powerful than they thought. There was a possibility that this dragon god knew me, so I killed him quickly. Anything with the title of God deserves to die if it has me as an enemy.

"I am not as powerful as I was before, but I am confident in my current abilities. We are going to a dungeon."

I think I'm going to show off a bit.

"Well, a class A dungeon. It's the perfect place to show off ... I-I mean, to show you my skills."

I brought her here with my [Teleportation], so no one saw us arrive, and I doubt anyone is here right now, on the top floor of the dungeon.

Snow completely surrounds this place and there is only one or another tree. This place looks like the north pole, but it is only the top floor of the dungeon.

"Before we start, are you cold? Does my magic protect you well?"

Yuik nodded quickly.

"I-I'm... i'm... w-warm."

… Ahh. I almost had a heart attack from so much sweetness. She is too adorable.

"Right, let's start."

I took off my shirt and black fingerless gloves appeared on my hands.

"I'm ready."

Yuik blushed. I can feel her nervousness.

Ahh. Why did I take off my shirt? I'm too used to fighting so I forgot that Yuik is shy.

Well, no matter, she must someday leave her shyness behind.

"I'm here!!!"

My big scream attracted the huge ice golems and their little minions, who I like to call "ice goblins". They are very different from goblins, but they are the same size and behave the same, only their appearances are blue and they wear clothes made of ice. Golems are huge ice giants, capable of instantly freezing anything they want.

"Yuik, don't be afraid, they will only attack me thanks to the pheromones in my body, they won't attack you, don't worry.

I am wearing a perfume that attracts monsters, they will ignore Yuik and attack only me.

The ice goblins started shooting ice arrows at me, attacking me with their ice sticks, and trying to stab me with their little ice blades, but with graceful movements I dodge each of those attacks, jumping up and smiling.

"My turn."

Fire started to come out of my right foot and it landed heavily on the ground, destroying all the ground around me, causing a huge explosion, destroying all the ice goblins with a single attack. The more than 34 goblins died and there are only 8 golems left.

They started blowing gusts of wind at me, capable of instantly freezing anything ... Except me.

I gladly received their attacks, which had no effect on me.

I made a snowball and threw it at one of them.

It hit one of them and his head literally exploded.

"My ice magic is too much for you."

I used my own inactive ice magic on that snowball, and when it hit his head, it activated, and since his body couldn't withstand all that magic power, it exploded.

The others, seeing what happened, tried to physically attack me. Fufu. That is a big mistake.

I jumped on one of them and destroyed his head with my right fist.

I used the rest of his dead body to propel myself and jump towards another, destroying his head with my own head.

One by one, they were all defeated and I landed in front of Yuik, who kept looking at me in shock. And with a big smile on my face I raised my thumb and winked at her.

"You will always be safe with me, I will always protect you."

I patted her head.

"Satisfied or do you want to see more?"

"M-more ... P-please."

She looks like a little girl who is excited to play a game.

"Your wishes are my commands."

Ice wolves surrounded us and I clenched my fists.

"This is gonna be fun."