
I saved a sex slave and she will be my new friend.

After defeating the Demon King, the only thing I want is to live a quiet life. A normal life... Although it's harder than I thought. My dream is to have a girlfriend and have friends. As long as I manage to fulfill one of those dreams, I will die happy. One day, I killed a group of bandits and rescued a sex slave. I turned her into a Vampire and gave her a new life. "You will be happy again, I promise!"

Rotceh8292 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

CHAPTER 21- Celebrating the first month. Part 1.

CHAPTER 21- Celebrating the first month. Part 1.


Today is a very special day.

Today is a month since Yuik started living with me.

Should I celebrate or not?

I don't know if Yuik is comfortable with that.

Perhaps painful memories return to her mind ... Or maybe celebrating her freedom will make her happy ... I do not know well the mentality that women have with these issues.

But I think visiting a beach ... No… No, not that. She doesn't like to be looked at by men, I don't think she wants to wear a bathing suit.

"Go to the cinema?"

There are currently no interesting films... Mmm... Maybe eat in a cafeteria?

Mmm... Yeah… It is quiet and Yuik likes to eat.

I think it's fine..

"An ordinary cafeteria."

I crossed out the other options in my notebook.

Okay, now to sleep ... Ahh... It's already dawn... I got distracted cleaning, and when I went to sleep, I remembered this day.

… Ah, it doesn't matter, I'm not sleepy.

I'll go out for a cup of coffee and back.

World 15, in this place is also dawning ... Ahh... The students went back to class ... Wow... Time moved too fast in this place ... And that's... weird... Ahh...

"Are you serious?"

They are forwarding time here while I am in the other world, because they believe that the new chosen one has a chance to kill me while I am weak ... So funny.


They spoke to me?

No, they are probably talking to someone else.

Should I get Yuik some coffee? She likes coffee with a lot of sugar.


A girl started walking next to me and patted me on the back.

"I haven't seen you in a long time, sir!"

"Ah... Hi."

She is one of the addicted girls I rescued.

Poor child, she was sexually abused and made addicted to a drug.

Don't worry, girl, the boy who hurt you is getting his punishment.

"You look better... Did you quit drugs?"

"Since you saved me, I've never consumed anything again!"

"I see... Glad to hear it."

A flat-breasted girl, with short hair... An adorable girl ... Ahhhh! It fills me with frustration to know that she was sexually abused by a son of a bitch.

Ahh... That son of a bitch will suffer for all eternity ... They now have the opportunity to move on with their lives and put the past behind them.

They were sexually abused, that son of a bitch drugged them and threatened to upload the videos of their rapes to the internet.

They are all victims, and I will make sure that no one tries to harm them!

Ahh... I can't help but help people who were abused ... They remind me of my past self.

Nobody helped me ... I really wanted someone to save me ... And now that I have the power, I will save them.

"Are you in third year?"

"Yep! Today is my first day of school after a long time. Ahh... I will miss the vacations... By the way, my name is Mary!"

"My name is Dreimo."


… One, two, three ... 6 girls walking next to me.

… This could be misinterpreted.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, sir!"

"Hi girls... I hope they are well. They look better than before."

"It's all thanks to you!"

"Since you saved us, we left our addiction behind!"

"We have become better people!"

"And healthier!"

"You made us realize that we were wrong ... T-thank you so much for saving us!"

… One of them is a shy girl.

… I'm going to personally cut off that son of a bitch's testicles later.

"I just did my good deed for the day."- I said smiling.

… They blush and avoid looking into my eyes.

Wow... How adorable.

(Pov- Saoko.)

"W-who is that boy?"

"He is so handsome."

"H-he's great."

Fufu. Thanks to my master trainings, I became slim and handsome!

All the girls are staring at me!


Now I must begin with my revenge.

"Did you see his hair style ?! He's so cute and cool!"

"Will he like younger girls? I hope so, to have at least one chance."

"But he did not look directly at us."

"Yes, he is a gentleman ... He is perfect!"

Those voices ...

I turned around... Candy... My older sister… And my old friends.

Fufu. It is time for my revenge.

"Hey, big sister!"

I approached them and stood in front of my older sister.

"Do you notice something different about me?"

"Yes, you are thin. Now get away from me, you disgust me."


They all kept walking, completely ignoring my presence.

"He is so cute and smells good!"

"And he's single. We have a chance!"

"But we have to wait, I don't think he's interested in dating students."

"It's true, we must wait to graduate."

"I will not lose!"

"Fufu. I say the same."

… T-they completely ignored me ... What?!!


I walked over to her and took her arm.

"Don't you have to tell me anything...?!"

I got slapped and she looked at me in disgust.

"I disgust men, don't touch me."

"Now you are thin. So, what? What do you want us to do? That we fall in love with you because you are handsome?"

"You are pathetic, you idiot."


They all kept walking ... N-not even... They don't even give a damn about me... Nothing… So much effort… And I can't even get revenge?

Goddamn it...! At least I'll hit the jerk who stole my girlfriend.

… He's dead, he committed suicide.

… You must be screwing me, destiny !!

Can't I even personally get revenge on that son of a bitch ?!

Goddamn it!

Why did this happen?! This was not supposed to happen!

(Pov- Dreimo.)

I came out of a hamburger restaurant, with soft drinks and packs of hamburgers.

A good food for breakfast with Yuik.

We can eat all the junk food we want, because our digestive system is very good, we will not get fat.

"4 burgers for Yuik and 4 for me."


I'm still surprised by Yuik's appetite, but it's understandable considering she didn't eat delicious food before she met me.

... Oh... An elderly couple holding hands.

They passed me ... Wow... How sweet.

—... The love... Is it really something cute?

Those elderly seem happy together.

How long have they been together? Maybe years ... Perhaps they have known each other for a lifetime.

... Love is an unknown subject for me ... I have never fallen in love ... Will it feel good to be in love? I don't know... But...

I turned to look at the elderly... They are talking and smiling ... They enjoy being together ... A love that many dream of having ... A romance that never ends.

They may not have sex as often as before, but it doesn't affect them, because they are together because they love each other and not for sexual pleasure.

... A love so... beautiful...

"Ah... I wish I could fall in love one day."

Well... I better forget that topic for now.

I will return to the other world.