
The fight continue. Man of Steel.... no more.

Amidst the chaos of Superman's unprecedented attack, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Flash readied themselves in an impending clash of the titans.

Superman with Mark soul is still confused acting on instinct to defend and attack. He pick up the huge stone head thats weights a tons, but it look like lifting a feather with no effort shown in his confused face.

Dianna stands her ground with grace, faced the resurrected Kryptonian. Their eyes met, one filled with confusion and the other with determination. As Superman's gaze intensified, Wonder Woman prepared for the inevitable clash.Superman, propelled by a mix of disorientation and lingering anger, throws the bolder toward Wonder Woman with unparalleled speed.

She use her sword to smash the boulder deftly evaded his initial assault, showcasing her unmatched combat skills. Her movements were a dance of power and finesse.

"Arthur, we need to restrain him." Diana instructed Aquaman.

Arthur lounges forward thrusting his trident with power, but to no avail as the Man of steel quckly evades the weapon and counter punch him in the chest sending him flying to a distance.

Wonder Woman use her shield to bash Superman resulting him to pause for a moment. The monument's surroundings trembled as the force of their confrontation sent shockwaves through the air.

Superman, still unscathed, puches her sheild and was send afar hitting the floor flat on her back.

"I got it!" Cyborg chimes in and firing another energy pulse. Hitting superman square in the chest. Making him forcefully to take step back.

Mark consciousness is still reorganizing inside his mind while his Kryptonian body is acting alone on instinct and take a step forward with a little growl indicating frustration to the attacks he is receiving.

Wonder Woman, with her indomitable spirit, summoned the Lasso of Truth, aiming to tether Superman emotionally. The golden lasso, glowing with ethereal light, looped around Superman's wrist. A brief moment of connection flickered in his eyes, hinting at the internal struggle within the Kryptonian. Wonder Woman, guided by empathy, sought to reach the core of Superman's confusion.

"Kal-El the last son of Krypton." She appealed to the humanity within Superman urging him to remember.Superman, conflicted but slowly regaining control over his emotions, paused.

"Remember who you are, tell me who you are."

Wonder Woman's words resonated, breaking through the haze of confusion. The Lasso of Truth glowed brighter as a glimpse of recognition crossed Superman's eyes.

Wonder Woman's words, filled with empathy and history, penetrated the haze of confusion clouding Superman's consciousness. The Lasso of Truth, a radiant conduit of sincerity, glowed brighter as a spark of recognition flickered in Superman's eyes.

Meanwhile, Mark, the new soul residing in Superman's body, gradually found calm within the storm of emotions, organizing his sanity.

Breathing a heavy sigh, Mark surveyed the chaotic surroundings. The Justice League, once adversaries, now watched cautiously as the situation unfolded. As Mark's awareness settled, he gazed upon the familiar characters that were previously only part of the movies when he was alive on Earth. It became evident that this was not his Earth. His soul had transmigrated into the DC universe, inhabiting the iconic body of Superman.

His eyes locked onto the Lasso of Truth, wrapped around his arm. A surge of memories flooded his consciousness, and he quickly recognized the significance of the enchanted rope. In a moment of determination, Mark, now in control of Superman's body, reached for the Lasso, intending to free himself from Diana's grip.

The tension in the air thickened as Mark pulled the Lasso of Truth away, a symbolic struggle unfolding between the Amazonian princess and the soul navigating a foreign vessel. The Justice League, uncertain of the outcome, stood ready, their gazes shifting between Wonder Woman and the newly awakened Superman. The monument, scarred by the recent conflict, bore witness to a pivotal moment that could reshape the destiny of this unfamiliar corner of the DC universe.

As the Flash surged forward in his super-sonic sprint, time seemed to dilate around him, granting him a slowed perspective of the unfolding drama. His keen eyes fixed on Superman's face, he observed the impossible: Superman's eyes tracked his movements with uncanny precision, followed by the swift motion of his neck as if adjusting to the speedster's trajectory.

The revelation struck the Flash with a mix of awe and realization. Superman, or rather Mark within Superman's body, seemed to be attuned to his accelerated movements. It was a moment of revelation that hinted at the profound depth of the powers now residing in Superman's form.

Before the Flash could fully process this revelation, Mark, using the Lasso of Truth still tightly held by Wonder Woman, exhibited a sudden surge of alien strength. In a breathtaking display, he lifted Diana into the air and, with a swift motion, turned her body into a living whip aimed at the approaching Flash.

The Justice League, witnesses to this unexpected turn of events, reacted with a mix of shock and readiness.

The Flash, caught off guard by the abrupt change in dynamics, faced the formidable challenge of evading the incoming Amazonian weapon while contending with Superman's newfound ability to anticipate his movements.

As the Flash stumbled and tumbled into the erected stone murals, Mark, now fully in control of Superman's body, assessed the incoming threats. Cyborg and Aquaman, undeterred, charged forward with determination. In a swift and calculated move, Mark utilized Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth, still in his possession, to strike them both, momentarily halting their advance.

Sensing the Justice League regrouping for the next clash, Mark took to the skies, ascending to a certain height. With the powers at his command, he gathered energy and descended with tremendous force, stomping the ground. The impact generated a powerful shockwave, propelling the Flash, Cyborg, Aquaman, and Wonder Woman into the distance. Despite hitting the ground hard, the determined heroes quickly rose, ready to resume the battle.

But Mark, now radiating authority and power, halted their advance with a commanding shout,


The resonance of his voice created a strong vibration in the surroundings. His gaze swept across the Justice League, stopping at Wonder Woman. With an air of dominance, he declared, "I'll be holding on to this for a while," referring to the Lasso of Truth still in his possession.

The monument, witness to the ebb and flow of this extraordinary conflict, stood silent. The Justice League, momentarily subdued by Mark's display of power, prepared for the next chapter in this unexpected and tumultuous confrontation.

A profound silence enveloped the surroundings as Superman, or rather Mark within Superman's body, held tightly onto the Lasso of Truth. His gaze, contemplative and introspective, fixed upon the enchanted rope that had played a pivotal role in the recent clash.

The Justice League members, momentarily frozen in anticipation, watched Superman closely. The air hung heavy with uncertainty, their readiness to spring into action replaced by a cautious stillness. The onlookers, both heroes and bystanders, held their collective breath, awaiting the next move from the Kryptonian with the soul of another.

In the quietude, Superman's features softened, a profound calm settling over him. The Lasso of Truth, a conduit to sincerity and self-reflection, seemed to work its mystical influence. Mark, now more in control and accepting of his new existence, contemplated the implications of his transmigration into this DC universe.

The Justice League, aware of the unpredictable nature of the situation, remained on guard. Wonder Woman, having let go of the Lasso, observed with a mix of curiosity and concern. The monument, bearing the scars of the recent conflict, stood witness to this moment of reflection that could potentially steer the course of events in an unforeseen direction.

As the stillness persisted, the weight of the Lasso of Truth in Superman's hands symbolized not only the binding of honesty but also the potential for redemption and understanding. The next move, whatever it may be, held the power to shape the destiny of this unconventional alliance between Mark and the Justice League.

Mark, deep in thought, gazed absently at the Lasso of Truth in his hands. The revelations of his rebirth in Superman's body and the circumstances surrounding this DC universe unfolded in his mind. The memories of his previous life on Earth seemed blurry, overshadowed by the overwhelming presence of Kal-El's experiences.

As he contemplated the situation, a sobering realization took root within Mark. The impending alien threat, the Mother Boxes, Steppenwolf, and Darkseid's looming influence—all elements of a narrative he now found himself entwined in. His internal monologue echoed with a certainty, "I am no hero."

The weight of this revelation hung heavy in the air, contrasting with the stillness that enveloped the monument. Mark, or rather Superman, now held a perspective that defied the traditional narrative of heroism. The Justice League, poised and watchful, awaited the next move from the Kryptonian with the soul of an enigmatic newcomer.

The monument, a silent witness to the inner turmoil and revelations, stood amidst the swirling uncertainties that defined this extraordinary moment. The fate of Earth, entangled with the complexities of Mark's newfound identity within Superman's iconic form, hung in the balance.

Mark's contemplation led to a decisive choice—to break away from the expected path of playing Superman's role in this new world. In a moment of self-discovery, he rejected the mantle of the iconic hero and chose to live life on his own terms.

This decision, born from a reevaluation of Superman's character and his own identity, marked a departure from the anticipated narrative. Mark, now liberated from the constraints of a predetermined destiny, embraced the freedom to shape his own story.

In a final realization, he critiqued Superman's perceived weaknesses, attributing them to what he deemed a "cringy" personality. The battle with Doomsday, in Mark's eyes, was a result of Superman's failure to utilize his powers strategically, possibly due to what he considered a lack of tactical prowess.

The Justice League, still attentive, witnessed the unexpected unfolding of events. Wonder Woman, Batman, the Flash, Cyborg, and Aquaman—heroes united against a common threat—now faced a paradigm shift in their understanding of the Kryptonian figure before them.

The monument, bearing witness to Mark's declaration of independence from Superman's legacy, stood silent. The fate of Earth, now intertwined with the choices of an unorthodox soul in an iconic body, entered a new chapter of uncertainty and divergence from the expected narrative.

Mark, now resolute in his decision to live life on his own terms, surveyed his surroundings. Aware that Batman, the Dark Knight, lurked in the shadows nearby, a dark scheme began to take shape in his mind. The tumultuous nature of this DC universe and its constant crises seemed burdensome to Mark, and he had no intention of being a perpetual savior.

His disdain for those in power, fueled by the memories of his previous life, especially government officials and their corrupt dealings, guided his perspective. Earth, with its recurring wars and political machinations, held no appeal for Mark. He decided to sever ties with the incessant struggles for control.

Mark's focus shifted to Batman, an iconic figure known for his strategic mind games and vast resources. In a moment of determined resolution, Mark aimed to confront Batman, challenging the very dynamics that had been set in motion. He locked eyes with the Dark Knight, harboring a determination to alter the course of this scenario.

Mark, now floating above the ground with an air of both power and calm determination, directed his gaze toward the four Justice League members. Crossing his arms, he ascended further, attempting to strike an intimidating pose that conveyed both strength and a newfound sense of control.

Addressing the heroes, he spoke with a firm resolve, "I have finally calmed my mind and intend not to do harm. If you persist in attacking me, I will show you and Earth a true despair, even if it costs me my life. I have experienced death, and I don't mind experiencing it a second time. But I assure you, Earth will not like it. Now, I will talk to the person who is one of the reasons I experienced it. Do not meddle in this."

With that declaration, Mark floated toward Batman, his intent clear. The Justice League members, grappling with the implications of Mark's words or Superman's words, watched as he approached the Dark Knight for a confrontation that held the potential to redefine the dynamics of this DC universe.

As Mark approached Batman, he became acutely aware of the crowd that had gathered – civilians, police, reporters, and suited officers. Batman's urgent communication with Alfred to bring the "big guns" triggered Mark's understanding of what he meant – Kryptonite, the one substance that could weaken him.

Displaying an imposing demeanor, Mark lowered his hand and levitated closer to Batman. Their faces mere feet apart, Mark projected an expression of deep hatred and anger. With a growl, he spoke the iconic line, "You!" The atmosphere thickened with tension.

Utilizing his X-ray vision, Mark scanned Batman, confirming his suspicions about the lead-lined container holding the Kryptonite. Returning to his character, he delivered a powerful retort,

"You won't let me live, you won't let me die."

"The world needs you!" Batman insisted with his mechanical altered voice.

Mark, unfazed expecting this line just like the movie, asserted, "But it doesn't need you! Tell me do you bleed?"

In a display of inhumane strength and speed, he swiftly grabbed Batman's utility belt, stripping it from his waist. With a forceful push, Batman tumbled to the ground, sitting on his butt. Mark pocketed the compartment containing the Kryptonite and tossed the remaining belt back to Batman.

Mocking him with sarcasm, Mark commented, "Nice to see your sincerity of the matter." Floating once again, he ascended into the air, casting an imposing gaze upon the people below. From this vantage point, he looked at them like mere ants, a godlike figure surveying the world with a newfound sense of power and detachment.

The scene unfolded in a dramatic crescendo as Superman, now Mark, floated above for everyone to witness his presence as the "big guns" Batman had referred to – Lois Lane, the one person who could evoke a myriad of emotions in Superman's heart, arrived in a car accompanied by Alfred.

Exiting the vehicle with urgency, Lois hurried towards Superman, exclaiming, "Clark!" Her voice carried a mix of deep emotions – sadness, happiness, longing, love, passion, and pleading.

Turning his attention back to Batman, Mark confronted him with an intensity that shook the crowd. "You revive me, for what? For help?" He demanded answers from Batman, challenging the notion of being a savior for a world that hadn't fully embraced him. The word "earthlings" hung in the air, emphasizing his detachment from a planet that had once been his home.

Descending to the ground, Mark walked towards Batman, who stood uncertain. Using his super speed, Mark swiftly lifted Batman into the air, leaving him bewildered. Mark brought Batman's face close to his own, questioning the vigilante's motives and demanding reasons to aid Earth.

With a sudden burst of speed, Mark unmasked Batman, revealing the face of Bruce Wayne with a black circles in his eyes. The crowd gasped in unison as the shocking revelation rippled through the onlookers. Bruce struggled to break free, grappling with the unexpected turn of events, while the Justice League watched in disbelief.

"Maybe consider to stop living in the shadows now that you are in the limelight?" As Mark whisper to bruce ear.

Descending towards the crowd, Mark threw Bruce among them, ensuring that media and spectators captured a clear image of the unmasked Bruce Wayne. With a final declaration, Mark asserted,

"The Man of Steel is no more!"

The words echoed through the air, marking a profound shift in the identity and purpose of the iconic figure that had once been Superman.