
I Remember Nothing, But I Have Four Husbands

Things happen for a reason. That's what the newly minted Isabelle thought when she realized she was left to become an amnesiac ghost in the back of a mountain. Luckily for her, four humble brothers shelter her, and give her the life she dreamed about. The gentle and caring Ethan! The quiet and honest Lucas! The sharp and intense Joseph! The cheerful and lovely Felix! Isabelle: I have no idea who to choose, so I choose them all! The four brothers: YES!

FLouGB · History
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153 Chs

Chapter 51

For some reason I was tense.

The air between Ethan and I was tense. 

People at the village had whispered and pointed at us when we passed through. Howver, I paid no attention to them, but to what Ethan had to say. It was a bit strange for him to be so adamant in coming to town with me.

I tried to be positive, like, 'he wants to spend time with me'. 

It did not feel like that. At all. 

The toasty sun beat down over our heads as we walked to town, the scenery was very colorful as flowers were budding and blooming, birds constantly flew up in the sky, filling it with melodious sounds.

And, he was as silent as a tomb. That was enough to tell me he had something in his mind he wanted to talk with me. 

I just had to wait.

Halfway on our walk – and after my first stop to rest – he decided it was time to talk. 

"Has something happened?" If Ethan used a proper way to ask, then it was serious. He was taking it seriously. Of course he would notice it. I had not intended to hide it, but I also did not expect for it to be addressed so soon. 

He patiently waited for me to organize my ideas.

I did not want to complain, but I also had to point out the issue. "I have only been with you for a fortnight… two weeks, more or less." Simple words, Isabelle, simple words. "I like you all." I confessed. 

Looking forward, I did not know what kind of expression he had on his face. Though, I did accept his hand when it grabbed mine. 

"It might seem hurried, rushed, and even pretentious to easily stay with you." He squeezed my hand. "I also thought that maybe my decision was made out of despair. I was alone. I cannot even remember who I am. And you were the only people I knew. To others, it might look as if I am exchanging sex for a roof over my head and food in my mouth."

"We don't care what others say." Ethan reassured me. I was thankful for his words. 

It was my turn to squeeze his hand. "I know. I also do not care. It is our lives we are talking about. What others think and whisper behind our backs should not affect us." I pursed my lips.

My stomach twisted in nerves, and my heart started quickly palpitating.

"Did they tell you what happened with those women?" I asked.

"Lucas did." He stopped walking and pulled my hand to make me look him in the eyes. "They told you something you didn't like?" His searching and worried eyes made me smile. I shook my head. 

"Only the flowers suffered." I tried to joke, but it flew over our heads. I sighed. It was not easy… Well, better go for it and suffer the consequences later. "Are we in a serious relationship, Ethan? The type that will lead to marriage?" 

I saw his breath hitch. I had no idea what that meant, so I waited for his reply. Birds chirped around us as we had stopped by a copse of woods. He deeply inhaled and loudly exhaled. 

"Maybe… maybe we haven't properly told ya that we like you, Isabelle." He blushed, his eyes trying to divert but making their best to stay on me. "Short time or not, we like ya in our own way. We'd love for you to marry us. It doesn't have to be soon. It's just so you know." He hurried to say, as if regretting voicing out his desire. 

I nodded. "So, because it is not going to happen soon, the Chief does not need to know?" 

Ethan's eyes widened, finally realizing the problem. "Sorry. It's my fault. I hadn't time to tell him." I stared at him; at his apologetic expression, his tense countenance. 

"You do know you do not need to do everything, right?" I slowly began. He seemed puzzled at my words. "Lucas, Joseph and Felix spend more time at home, close to the Chief. They could have gone." He frowned. "You do not have to carry with everything. Also, your brothers are not your children. They also need more independence from their eldest brother."

His troubled expression turned ashamed. He was aware of the problem, yet it was hard for him to let go. I do not pretend to know how he must have felt raising his younger brothers for so long. I could only help him with what I could. 

My thoughts halted when he pulled me to his embrace. "Thank you. I'll tell the Chief on the way back." 

Step by step.

Lives could not be built from one day to another. Changes needed time. As long as there was the desire and will to change, nothing was impossible. 

Two rest stops and one hour walking later, we finally arrive at Basin Town. The sun was at its peak, making me sweat more than the walk did. It was no wonder the brothers had clear tanning cuts on their skins. They spent long hours under the sun.

Will I also get them?

Mrs. Priddy happily received me when I delivered the order she assigned me. "Quite early this time." As always, she said something rather inappropriate. I was starting to see what kind of personality she had, so I let it slide. 

"Quite so." I said with a smile, waiting for her to approve my work to pay me. Ethan stood by the side, completely lost to what was happening. Once Mrs. Priddy nodded, approving my craft, she went to fetch my pay. 

"There are no orders for the time being." She said while giving me the 10 coins. "To earn your salary, you can make other embroidered crafts, like handkerchiefs, pillow cases, purses or anything you think could sell. I separate the crafts each of you make. You will be paid for what is sold." She commented. 

I did not show it on my face, but I was a bit indignant. Granted, it had been my mistake for not asking how I would earn my salary; yet, she also did not mention it. If nothing I embroider was sold, then I would not get any pay.

"Sounds good." I replied with my best smile. It was best to focus on more important things.

I looked around and saw the different wares the store had on display. 

Sincerely, I did not want to compete with the other embroiderers if I made handkerchiefs or pillow cases. However, I could not think of anything new I could make.

"I will make pillow cases, then." Thinking about the disastrous pillow cases I had added tassels to, I had an idea on what to embroider to make them look better. 

I could start with those. 

Mrs. Priddy, thankfully, provided me with blank pillow cases ready to be embroidered. They would be discounted from the selling amount. I did have to buy new thread colors because those were my personal tools. 

Seeing Mrs. Priddy lend me a bag for the pillow cases, it gave me the idea to make one for myself… That was it! Bags! I could make bags! For that, I would need to see the type of fabrics sold in town. After that, I could consider what type of bags I could make. 

I told Ethan to take me to fabric shops to quote the prices. 

The first shop we went to had very beautiful fabrics: colorful linen fabrics, quite a few bolts of cotton fabrics and wool fabrics. The prices though… They rattled my heart and the few coins I had. I almost ran away from that shop.

The second one was a bit better in prices, but they only had linen and wool fabrics. Not as varied as the first shop, I might also add. 

The third shop… I did not even dare to enter. The fourth shop was the same as the first shop. It seemed it was the direct competition because the lady that attended me badmouthed the lady of the first shop while presenting me the fabrics.

I definitely had to stay as far away as possible from these two shops. 

"Let's go eat." Ethan said, pulling me from going to yet another shop. My rumbling stomach reminded me that we really had not eaten yet. 

Going to the food market, I was assaulted by all kinds of delicious smells that made me even hungrier. Ethan, though, weaved through all the stalls selling all kind of food and took me to a rather humble one. A noodle soup stall. 

"Edris! Been a while!" A stalwart man boomed, seeing Ethan. He was very tall and bulky. Taller and bulkier than Lucas. He eyed me with his round eyes and laughed. "I see, I see. No wonder you haven't showed up! Eating good meat now, Edris?" He waggled his eyebrows at Ethan who only smiled. 

I had no idea how to feel at his words. I remained silent and took the seat Ethan gestured me to sit at. "Two chicken bowls with extra greens." Ethan ordered. 

"Coming right up!" The man replied, getting to work. Despite his straightforwardness, the man seemed hard-working. The stall was not full, but the customers all left happy and satiated. 

"That's Monthe. He's had this stall for years. The food is simple, but he gives big portions for a rather cheap price. Lunch's on me." Ethan grinned. 

I rolled my eyes knowing he was treating the outing as a courting outing, yet it made me smile. "I hope it is worth it. Our future marriage will depend on this bowl of soup." I joked. 

"Now, now! I assure you that even if you won't marry Edris, you'll want to marry me due to the taste of my soup!" The man, Monthe, tutted. I giggled seeing Ethan glare at Monthe. "My bad, Edris. You know I can only love my dear Vieve." He half-heartedly apologized. Ethan huffed and let it go. "Enjoy, you lovey-dovey couple!" 

I had to say, I quite liked this Monthe's personality and made me wonder who this Vieve was. Besides, the soup was delicious. It really was worth it.

"Hey." I called out to Ethan, touching his leg with my foot. "I will surely marry you." I whispered and winked at him. He laughed, catching my joke. He, then grabbed my hand. I entwined our fingers, to seal the deal. 

"Come again soon, Edris!" Monthe loudly said to Ethan when he went to pay for the meals. "And tell your brother not to laze around and bring me some good meat." So this man is one of Lucas' customer! No wonder he was very friendly with Ethan. 

"Will do." Ethan nodded. I waved goodbye to the huge man and extended my hand for Ethan to take. 

Our hunt for a nice shop continued!