
I Remember Nothing, But I Have Four Husbands

Things happen for a reason. That's what the newly minted Isabelle thought when she realized she was left to become an amnesiac ghost in the back of a mountain. Luckily for her, four humble brothers shelter her, and give her the life she dreamed about. The gentle and caring Ethan! The quiet and honest Lucas! The sharp and intense Joseph! The cheerful and lovely Felix! Isabelle: I have no idea who to choose, so I choose them all! The four brothers: YES!

FLouGB · History
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153 Chs

Chapter 50

Lucas had no idea it was possible for him to feel that way. 

He was hot all over, mainly his member. He had trouble breathing, only able to pant and draw short breaths. His control had totally snapped.

And that was all due to the woman who was sucking hard and noisily at his very red, very swollen and leaking cock. 

His throat had dried back when she had stepped out of the tub in all her naked glory. He had quickly undressed and gotten into the tub to hide his erection.

Right on time, he had to add.

To cover his nervousness, he resumed their conversation. 

And, only when he made sure his problematic member was down, he stepped out of the tub to ask Isabelle for his towel.

In hindsight, that might have been a mistake from his part. Not communicating was his shortcoming. The moment their eyes connected, his body charged again and reacted.

Her demure smile and teasing didn't help either. She had started drying his body from top to bottom, making a point in leaving his awaken member for last. 

"Sit." She had commanded. He numbly sat on the edge of the tub. What happened next was something he was sure he would never forget. 

She grabbed his chin and started a heated kiss. He wanted to pull her towards him, yet she resisted and instead, brushed her leg against his hard cock. A grunt was muffled between their lips. 

Separating from him, she kept kissing down, lowering more and more until she was kneeling on the floor and her face was right in front of his miserably leaking erection. 

It happened quite fast and slow at the same time. Once she had his erection in her hand, giving it a few pumps, it disappeared inside her mouth. 

"OH!" He slapped his hand over his mouth, startled by the debauched sound he let out. "Mm… NH..." However, it was impossible to remain completely quiet. Although muffled by his hand, his grunts and moans resounded in that kitchen.

No wonder Felix had been so loud!

The slurping and gagging sounds made him brave his gaze down. It had been another mistake. Her red cheeks hollowed when she suck, her eyes were watering from the excitement, and the dribble and precum that stained her lips were too much of a visual experience.

He came, choking a gasp. 

Her smiling eyes looked up at him as she swallowed and bobbed her head to slurp and suck until the last drop. His chest visibly went up and down, tremors racked his body as she kept on.

He had spilled everything in him, but she continued kissing and licking. 

In no time, his cock was hard and ready once again. But, more sensible.

He gritted his teeth, not able to take it anymore. Gripping the edges of the tub and planting his feet on the floor, he started thrusting his hips. Oh, it was a miracle he didn't come so soon again. 

He could clearly feel his balls slapping her chin, the tip of his cock sliding down her throat, the vibrations of her throat stimulating it even more. And she took it all so easily!

He didn't boast a cock as big as Felix's, however it was not small either. Yet, she gladly and smoothly took the width and length of his hard on. 

A few more thrusts and he was explosively coming in her mouth again. "Fuck!" He cursed and stilled, leaving all the milking process to Isabelle again. Once she was done, she let it go with a loud pop. It didn't stand again. 

He heavily panted, seated on the tub, looking at the ceiling and wondering if it had all been real. Her heavy breathing told him it had been real. She had given him head, as Joseph liked to call it. 

"Are you ok?" She asked, her voice a bit raspy. 

That alarmed Lucas. "I hurt you?" He worriedly asked.

Isabelle giggled. "No. It was good." 

"It was." He repeated. Because it had been. 

Doing things with Isabelle were always good. She was not afraid of sexual encounters. Lucas lacked experienced, yet he knew he would soon get the necessary one with Isabelle.

Only with her.

To be able to pleasure her until she was the one coming with loud moans. 

They silently put their sleeping garments on. Lucas drained and dried the tub. Then, they headed to the already dark house; the other three already sleeping.

As silent as possible, they got into the bed, got comfortable, and shared some quick kisses: on his chest, on her head, on his chin, on her temple, and on the lips before finally going to sleep.

Content and satiated. 

Morning found Isabelle alone in the bed.

She had not even listened when the brothers had woken up. After getting ready, she stepped out of the house to do her morning ablutions. The silent yard made her realize there was no one around. She thought it was strange.

The need to finish sewing the tassels to the pillow cases made her move. 

Once washed, she headed to the kitchen and found the usual pancakes in a pan. Far from being bored of the same food served everyday, she was curious.

Felix had come up with the idea of filling the pancake with different ingredients. Chicken, fish, pork and even sweet beans. Taking a bite, she found it was beans, just not sweet. 

The sweet one was the pancake! 

Oh, how she loved that teen!

He even made mint tea. He started making it when she was on her bleeding days. It was refreshing and it helped calm the headaches she sometimes got.

The herbs had been growing very quickly, soon they would start drying them to use for cooking. Looking at the yard, and the flower bed, she had the idea to also make lavender tea or little bags to scent her clothes. 

That also made her think they needed more aromatic flowers. The red ones didn't smell that much. Maybe she could ask David if he had those type of flowers. 

First, though, she had to finish her work.

At the pace she was going at, maybe she could deliver them at noon. The sooner the better. They needed the money.

She had to buy the fabric for more clothes, too. Perhaps from what she earned with this order, she could buy it. 10 coins sounded enough to buy fabric.

With those thoughts in mind, she finished sewing the tassels. 

As she stretched, Felix appeared from behind the house carrying a dripping basket. The teen was also wet all over. Seeing him, Isabelle guessed he had been washing at the river.

As he hung the washed clothes, she blushed embarrassed seeing her clothes and underwear among the pile.

Done with his task, Felix walked towards Isabelle.

"Good morning, Isabelle!" He greeted, embracing her. 

He was less shy than before, she mused, hugging him back. "Good morning, Felix."

"You ate already?" He asked.

"I have. The pancakes were delicious." She praised him. He beamed at her. "And the others?"

"Joseph's in the patch. Ethan and Lucas went huntin' from very early. Or, it's better to say Lucas will hunt and Ethan will carry the things." Felix grinned. Ethan knew many things, but hunting was one thing he couldn't do. 

"Do you think they will return early? I wanted to go to the town to deliver my work." She gestured at the things still on the table. 

Felix shrugged. "Don't know. If ya want to go now, I can go with ya." 

"Should we let Joseph know?" She asked the teen. She didn't want to worry the other brothers if they didn't find them in the house. 

Knowing the problem Isabelle and Joseph had, Felix wanted to say no, yet he also thought his brothers would worry if he didn't say anything. "I'll go tell 'im!" He offered and quickly made his way to the patch. 

Isabelle readied the sheets and pillow cases in the bag they came in. She also grabbed 5 coins from the money she had earned and placed it in a haphazardly made little bag she made with the strips of fabric from her dress.

The purse given by Mrs. Priddy was used to keep the money she earned. 

She hesitated before desisting in carrying the big box with her embroidering tools. Felix wasn't as strong as his brothers, so she didn't want him to carry a heavy load. Deemed ready, she waited for the teen to return. 

The one who returned first was Ethan.

He carried one big basket on his back and a smaller one in front. It wasn't noon yet, but he was heavily sweating, belying the weight of his load. He didn't stop until he was in the front yard. Unloading the small basket first and then the big one. 

"Morning, Isabelle." He wiped the sweat on his forehead and smiled at her.

Isabelle felt her heart skip a beat at the scene. "Good morning." She breathlessly greeted back. Then, she reacted and went to kitchen to grab a bowl of water for Ethan. "Here. You are sweating a lot." 

"Thanks." He said before gulping down the water. He glanced at the table and saw the bag. "You done with your work?" 

"Yes. I want to deliver it today because I want to make another purchases in town." She had no need to hide it, so she easily replied.

"Want me to go with you?" Ethan offered.

"Felix is coming with me." Isabelle said. 

Ethan kept silent for a moment.

The reason he went with Lucas to hunt was because he wanted to talk about the situation at home. Unfortunately, Lucas had no idea what the reason was, except that it might have to do with either Felix or Joseph.

With how she was willing to let Felix accompany her, then Ethan thought the problem was Joseph. 

He just didn't know what happened. Or if it was another matter affecting Isabelle. If he wanted to know…

"I'll go with you. Let Felix stay." He said. 

Isabelle didn't reply immediately. "He can come, too." 

"I brought some new flowers. It's best if Joseph and him plant them." He revealed the flowers he had been carrying in the big basket.

As soon as the lid came off, a nice aroma wafted out. The flowers were very small, with white petals and a yellow center. 

"Chamomile!" Isabelle quickly identified the flower. Just when she was thinking of making other type of teas and perfumes for the clothes! "They are perfect!"

Delighted, she pulled Ethan down for a kiss. He took advantage of her initiative and deepened it. 

With him working at town, he could not shower her with his affection as often as he would have liked. Now that he was at home, he would make sure to show his interest in her.

When they separated, she was beautifully blushing, her eyes were shining and her smile was that of satisfaction. 

As Felix returned, together with Joseph, Ethan relayed the plan. The teen pouted a bit at first, but nodded, accepting his brothers words.

Isabelle really wanted to let him go, yet she remained silent. It was best to work that individually: tell Ethan to not always order his brothers around, and tell Felix to not say yes to everything. 

Who knew if, in the future, he would be taken advantage for it?