
I Remember Nothing, But I Have Four Husbands

Things happen for a reason. That's what the newly minted Isabelle thought when she realized she was left to become an amnesiac ghost in the back of a mountain. Luckily for her, four humble brothers shelter her, and give her the life she dreamed about. The gentle and caring Ethan! The quiet and honest Lucas! The sharp and intense Joseph! The cheerful and lovely Felix! Isabelle: I have no idea who to choose, so I choose them all! The four brothers: YES!

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153 Chs

Chapter 145

"I'm still not sure this is a good idea." Vieve apprehensively said, her eyes not leaving her son's unsteady figure walking in front of her. 

From the day their son had started to walk, the little tyke wanted to explore nonstop. His only problem was his tendency to trip more often than not, and…

"Up…" The toddler walked up to Monthe and extended his little arms to be carried. His body still got tired after a couple of minutes walking.

Monthe easily carried his pudgy son and replied to his wife. "It'd be out of the blue for them, yes, but it's our only choice." Once they went around the mountains, they would be able to see Yellow Leaf Village. 

They had departed from their house quite early; it was already mid-morning and they had not arrived yet. It was all because their son, Jaye, wanted to practice his walking. At one year and two months, he was quite energetic. 

He was even more energetic at that moment, wanting to see everything around, since they were far from home. He was very curious, and once he had rested, he wanted to be let down again to continue with his own exploring. 

When the three finally arrived at the Edris' house, their curious boy was looking at a trail of ants. 

Lucas opened the entrance gate when Monthe knocked. Seeing them, Lucas immediately let them in. 

"You're looking well." Monthe patted Lucas' shoulder. Sincerely, he was expecting something more gruesome and not just a few bandages around. Those were wolves after all!

"Thanks." Lucas also felt better. A few more days and he could say goodbye to the bandages. The scarring would stay, but he didn't mind that. "Please sit. I'll go wake Isabelle." The bearded man signaled at the table.

"She's not up yet?" Vieve chuckled. She could remember how she also slept until late when she was pregnant. Monthe was very understandable, yet her mother-in-law sometimes scolded her for being 'lazy'. 

"Napping. She woke up early to arrange things for her job." Lucas grumbled. Isabelle had gone to sleep late and woken up early because she had rushed some clothes she had supposedly promised Mrs. Attile and had not made.

The brothers could not tell her anything as it was an order from her boss. They would have just liked her to not pull off the order in such a short time. Fortunately, she had accepted it was her fault and promised not to do it again.

"Oh. Let her sleep, then." Vieve waved off. 

Lucas hesitated for a moment before nodding. He just went to the kitchen and brought out a sleek pitcher that contained juice and new cups. The ware was a new addition, bought specifically for guests. 

Isabelle, Lucas and Joseph had prepared quite a bit for the past few days for Monthe and Vieve's arrival. They not only bought the spare sheets, they even acquired new plates and that pitcher and cups set. Isabelle even made sleepwear for them.

Of course, that meant she also made sleepwear for herself and her Husbands. 

That's why the order from Mrs. Attile was pushed until the last minute. Either way, it was just a few blouses, skirts and shorts made with comfortable fabric for the Summer. They were going to be displayed at the store, and hopefully they would be sold.

"So cute! How much did they cost?" Vieve eagerly asked. The cups were even painted! 

Lucas frowned in thought. "8 or 10 coins. Joseph knows." His brother bought them after all. 

Vieve's heart skipped a beat and carefully placed the cup down. She was not poor, yet she would definitely not give 10 coins for a set of cups! She wondered if the Edris were spending their money willy-nilly. 

Even if it was to keep the wife happy, the guys should know best!

Monthe was also shocked by the price, so he changed the topic. "Joseph's at the plot?"

Lucas nodded. "Has to train Zuzu, too."

"Zuzu?" Monthe asked, adjusting the grip on his dozing son.

"Our… dog." Lucas didn't want to alarm the family by telling them they had a wolf in the house. So he opted for the harmless option.

"Got a dog? Because of the robbery?" 

"Yeah. We were only left with two chickens, four rabbits and the horse." Lucas sighed. He could still remember the great quantity of chicks that had been born and he was ready to fatten up. There were also many big rabbits that were about ready to be sold.

Monthe opened his mouth to comment on that, but he was interrupted.

"Lucas!" From Isabelle's room, her voice suddenly came out.

The called out man reacted and strode over. He found her sitting on the bed, the sheet tangled at her feet, disoriented, and with fear in her eyes. He immediately climbed on the bed and embraced her.

She sighed in his arms. "Another bad dream." She mumbled in his chest.

Lucas hummed as his right hand cradled her head and his left arm coiled around her waist. It had been a recurrent thing for the past few days. That's what made Ethan's anger and Felix's wishy'washy attitude vanish like smoke. 

She had one night woken up sobbing and crying. It had woken up all four of them, and they had taken turns in taking care of her when she developed a fever from the shock of her dream.

She never shared what she dreamed about, but they had decided for one of them to always be around her so she would not wake up alone.

"You alright? Want to keep sleeping?" He asked her. She must not have rested if she had a nightmare, so he wanted to give her a chance to truly nap. She shook her head. "Monthe and Vieve are here." He announced then. 

"Should have told me sooner." She tiredly complained, rubbing her eyes. 

"Going to bring water." That way she could wash her face to best receive their guests.

"You are the best." She smiled at him and stretched up to kiss him. He stood and went to retrieve what he promised. Meanwhile, she combed her hair and changed out of her sleeping garments. 

When he returned with the water, she was almost ready. Moments later, she walked out of the room, and beamed at Vieve and Monthe.

"I am sorry I did not greet you before." She apologized to the couple.

"No worries. Are you fine? You look as if you've barely slept." Vieve took in Isabelle's countenance and frowned.

"It is nothing. I just irresponsibly left my work until the last day." Isabelle sheepishly smiled. "How are you? Need anything? Water? Snacks? Felix made candied berries some days ago."

"We're fine. Lucas gave us this juice thing." Monthe stopped her from offering more things. They had not asked to visit so they could eat anyway. "Is it a good time to talk?" And he directly wanted to go to the point.

"That depends. Do you want Joseph to also be here?" Isabelle rose an eyebrow. It seemed it was an urgent matter after all. 

"I… I guess." Monthe conceded. If a decision had to be reached, then it was best for everybody to be there.

Lucas went to retrieve his brother, who came with a bewildered expression on his face.

He didn't understand why his presence was needed. Isabelle or Ethan, or the two together easily resolved most of the things. Otherwise Isabelle and any one of them could also make do. Lucas was there in the house to take a decision.

What need was there for him?

However, when he heard Monthe and Vieve explain their situation, he was glad he was called.

"A diner at the fourth exit…" Joseph frowned in thought.

The fourth exit in Basin Town was the one that led to Lane Town and other places. Other more prosperous places. Understandably, that was also the exit that merchants used. So, all businesses in that exit easily thrived.

However… "A building in that place must cost a fortune." Joseph looked at Monthe.

"I'm aware. None of the buildings on the main road are for sale, anyway. Those on the alleys, on the other hand, are more affordable." The man explained.

"You already have one in mind." Isabelle guessed.

The couple nodded. "The couple we contacted is going to be taken to Silk Town by their son soon and want to sell the place quickly. I managed to convince the man to hold it for us. It's a bit old and rundown, but the location is good, so he didn't ask for a high price."

"How much?" Lucas inquired. If it was about money, he thought the only one who could agree or disagree was Isabelle. Out of the five, she was the wealthiest by far.

"250 coins." Vieve sentenced. She knew it was a high amount, yet she thought it was worth it. The place was bigger than at first glance, and she could easily see their family living there. 

"What other businesses are around?" Isabelle did not agree immediately, which made Monthe and Vieve sag.

"Mostly restaurants and drinking houses, one or two inns, and a bazaar selling miscellaneous stuff." Monthe replied. When it came to a business, food and alcohol were the best bet. That's why he wanted to put a diner in that building. 

Isabelle hummed. "Can I see the place?" That made the couple perk up. It meant she was interested! They had a chance to get a sponsor for their dream.

Jaye took that moment to remind his parents he was hungry with a loud wail.