I'M A REAL MAN! Real note here: This series doesn't have a giga brain mc or anything like that and they will be smart, but at the same times fairly dumb too. The MC will basically be unable to keep a train of solid thought hence his stupidity. Second thing, reason why being^^ something something cow. Something something past life problems and head trauma equals something something something.
The forest was in a bait of chaos, thankfully though no one from outside the forest interfered. A lot of changes were made and one of them was my new map room. Merli called it a War room, but truthfully it was just a map and a table. Well except we would have chair though... Some one stole those.
As it turned out the Red wolf clan were not really Orcs. It was a bunch of Kobold that were tunneling around and at this point the moment I got my hand on one of them I was gonna strangle them. They would be a fantastic work force, except for the fact they had their own rules and such.
They had Orcs among them that pretended to be the main force, but after several weeks of back and forth. Them stealing our chairs and such while we burned their walls down which uncovered the fucking pit they dug. Who just digs a fucking pit like that? Kobolds did a fucking trench 50 something ways down.
With Everin promising the lack of any soldiers presence and Merli being able to regrow the forest I had thought we could just burn them out for supplies. However with the new discover of a kobold Queen and their unholy tunnels I had less of an idea to deal with them.
They ate roots and bugs, so we couldn't really starve them out. Which left me looking at the map trying to figure out my new strategy. The idea of killing them was easy however they had too many of them. Kobolds didn't really have honor, however they had loyalty. So despite the lack of doing some sort of challenge to their honor. I could however kidnap their Queen.
The question was how? The orcs had come along way in terms of combat. The goblins became an amazing work force, however we lacked stealth which the kobold had in spades. Not to mention i couldn't fit through their tunnels. Hell I didn't even know where their queen was, they might not have one due to the fact they had orcs among them.
"Akira, Gnar has confirmed they aren't half-orcs."
Merli walked in and closed the door behind it. I nodded, the fact they weren't half orcs meant they were likely kobolds following either a matriarchy like most kobold folds. A Communist like structure was still possible however where they basically shared food around based on work and species. Kobolds were adaptive and the larger their fold was the more communistic they were. Which I found kinda funny, but it was the more difficult to deal with scenario.
Thankfully though if they weren't half-orc kobolds it meant the kidnapping possibility was still good. Merli looked at my map of the forest and the over layered pieces of paper where we knew the kobold tunnels were.
"Still going with the kidnapping plan?"
"Well unless we fill all theses tunnels with smoke or explosives..."
Merli nodded, "They really are annoying you aren't they?"
It irked me that they were, but they were. "They are smart, stealthy and worst of all they only steal things that inconvenience us. What's even worse is they just keep sending these stupid eviction notices."
Merli looked at the yellow piece of paper. "How did they even get yellow paper? Why not just talk to them?"
"I thought we did?"
Merli blinked, "My bad! I'm just kinda.... I don't know actually. I've been feeling funny lately and my back is killing me."
I looked up and stared at Merli. Studying Merli for a second I realized, "You look more slender and more.... girlish?"
Merli blinked and pink painted the white fur around its face. "Don't say that, it could be bad luck!"
I raised an eyebrow, "Why? Is it because you don't have a gender?"
Merli sat down, "Not really, its because I am still young. I shouldn't be going through my aging cycle yet."
I stared at Merli, "Why are Kirins so weird."
"Talk about it, I barely gained any mana still. The growth period of my species sucks! My class is basically providing all my mana growth."
I pointed out that, "Magic is indeed lame, but aren't you a half breed? Shouldn't your growth be different from other kirins?"
Merli hung its head, "Yeah, I have nearly triple the dexterity a my Mom had and I'm only level 51."
I was about to laugh, but then I saw it. before they had a chance I lifted the table throwing it to grab the little bastard trying to steal it.
Just before they scuttered off I managed to grab one of the Kobolds. Lifting it up from its tiny paw it dangled with its eyes close. "You can't see me! No no no!"
I had learned my lesson when i grabbed one of their tails. It popped of like a lizards and the kobold ran away. Now however I grabbed them from their wrists. The kobolds however acted dumb.
Merli however could prove them otherwise. "Its class is manager and has a wisdom of 77. He liekly has another note on him."
The kobold raspberry-ed. "Pffffth! Fuck you horse beast, your mother we take unclaimed land fairly we have the rights. You no own forest."
Merli frowned, "Neither do you?"
"Yet you fooled by name, by orcs, if it wasn't for other clans we destroy you."
I rolled my eyes, "I'm not gonna argue with another one of them. Imma string him to a tree like the others."
"That's evil! You are evil, don't belong in forest."
Merli responded, "You stole my sewing kit! That's evil!"
I rolled my eyes and I just walked out of the room. Merli started forcible collapsing the tunnel they created. What was I to do with these kobold though.