
I Reincarnated in One Piece as Sterry

So... It seems like I reincarnated in One Piece as Sabo's infamous step-brother, Sterry.

pGUTZt · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

The Plot Has Started

The quest didn't have <Accept> or <Decline> options, you could do them if you wanted, and that's what Ethan did, he decided to "accept" the quest, even though it doesn't have that option.

When Ethan started his training, his parents thought it was weird, but they didn't mind, they thought that exercising was just a new hobby, and let him do as he pleased.

And so he did, Ethan kept training, and, now, after 2 years since he started training, on his 7th birthday, his father went to talk with him.

"Hello Sterry, you are 7 years old now, aren't you?."

"Yes father, I am"

"I'll be straightforward, me and your mother have been planning to offer you to a noble, whose name is Outlook III, it looks like their child went missing 2 years ago."

'Is he Sabo's father?'

"May I ask why, father?' Ethan knew this would happen, but he wished it didn't, since he did feel grateful for his father, who treated him with respect, even though he was a bastard.

"You're a genius Sterry, and that makes you someone I must be careful with, since my wife and her family won't like it if the legitimate child doesn't be the heir, you understand?"

"So, you're saying I'm a threat to the legitimate child's position as heir?"

"Yes, I am, but don't be sad, think of this as an opportunity, in that family you'll be the only child, making you the one who will be the heir of their family, and in ours, you'll always be in danger, since you're a threat.."

"I see…"

'It looks like my father worries about me, and he is also really honest. I had been thinking this since I first met him, but he really is straightforward.'

"I'm sorry, I hope you have a better life than you had with us"


After talking with his father, Ethan went to a carriage, and thought:

'The plot is starting… I'm nervous, when will I meet Sabo?"

And, inside the carriage, he heard the almighty voice again…


You can now open the shop feature.




Shop (Unlocked)


'Wait, wait, wait! The shop has opened now?! Is it because the plot is starting?!'

'Let's check it!'


Due to your involvement with the story, the shop will now open, and, as a gift, you'll be able to receive 100 points to spend in every stat, variable or invariable.

'Isn't this really good?! I'll spend them now!'


The stats are F, from 1 to 15, E, from 15 to 30, D, 30 to 50, C, 50 to 70, B, 70 to 80, A, 80 to 90, and S, which is 90 to 100. You have 100 points to spend.

Variable Stats:

Strength: E (17/100)

Stamina: D (37/100)

Speed: D (37/100)

Perception: C (50/100)

Vitality: E (17/100)

Invariable Stats:

Intelligence: S (99/100)

Perseverance: B (70/100)

Luck: S (90/100)

Charm: F (1/100)

'If anyone saw what I am going to do now, they would kill me, but they wouldn't blame me, having 1 in charm is really bad….'

With all his might, Ethan wasted 99 points in charm and 1 in intelligence.

Invariable Stats:

Intelligence: S (100/100)

Perseverance: B (70/100)

Luck: S (90/100)

Charm: S (100/100)

Suddenly, he felt his body aching, burning, he was going to scream due to the pain, but for some reason, he couldn't scream, and, after some minutes, the pain stopped, and his appearance changed, he wasn't the ugly Sterry anymore.

He then heard the almighty voice again: "Congratulations, you've reached the limit in two stats, their respective abilities will be given"

'Wait, what?! Do I receive a skill for having 100 in the stats?!'

'... I guess it does make sense.'

'Let's check them!'

Please don't drop this novel because of Ethan's selfish decision.

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