
I Reincarnated in One Piece as Sterry

So... It seems like I reincarnated in One Piece as Sabo's infamous step-brother, Sterry.

pGUTZt · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

How Did I Forget This?

"I want you to be the king of Goa."

'What?! So suddenly?!'

"I know that you're confused, but, before my son disappeared, I planned to make him the king by marrying him with the king's daughter."

"But wouldn't the king's son be the legitimate heir?"

After hearing what Ethan questioned, Outlook looked at him with a confused look and asked:

"Your parents didn't teach you about the current situation of the kingdom? The king is severely ill, he can't give birth to another son, so the only heir is his daughter."

"I see…"

"From now on, I'll teach you the qualities of a king. History has seen many kings, many of them were selfish, some were entirely evil and brutal, fewer were selfless and possessed many qualities, and I'll teach you those qualities."

"Hum… lord Outlook III, may I ask why do you want me to be the king?"

Ethan already knew that Sterry would become the king, but he always thought it was his desire, not Outlook's desire, maybe both.

"Of course, it is because I want our family to become stronger, more influential, to have a better life, and much more!"

"Is that so?"

'So he is doing this for his personal gain, huh? I won't blame him, I also had many desires before I reincarnated as Sterry, but I never used another person to fulfil them...'

"Today will be our first class, and as I said before, I'll teach you the qualities of a good king."

"Integrity, Kings should have integrity. All the good kings never compromised on their honour and their country's honour, and that's why our king is planning to burn the Terminal Gray"

'Wait, what?! How did I forget this?! How did I forget about Terminal Gray being burned?!'

Ethan started questioning his memory, how could he forget something so important? He started to think if there was a way to stop it, but he couldn't find one.

With a determined look, he asked Outlook: "Is there a way to stop him from burning it?"

"There isn't, I see that you worry about those who live on the other side of the wall, but we received a notification that a Celestial Dragon will visit our kingdom next year."

"So as not to tarnish our reputation, we'll burn the Terminal Gray, it was already decided and there is no going back."

'Fuck! Is there really nothing I can do? I guess I can try to warn those who live there, but who would believe a ki- Is it really impossible for them to believe me?'

Ethan remembered the skill he got, Peak-Human Charisma, and thought that, maybe, with his skill, he would be able to save them.

After organising his thoughts, he made a plan in his mind and said: "It's a pity…" , and his new father replied:

"It's a pity, but it is what we must do to keep our reputation as a kingdom. I'll now continue our class. The second quality is being openhearted, a skill that you demonstrated to have by showing sympathy to those who are destined to die."

Outlook continued explaining the qualities of a king, such as being trustworthy, being proud of their country, brave, forgiving, and the most important, having great leadership skills.

While Ethan listened to what his new father said, he thought: 'The current king mustn't have most of those qualities.'


Half a year has passed, Outlook continued to teach him about the noble families, the current situation of the kingdom, and what Ethan could do to make the country richer.

Ethan didn't forget to continue his training, and, luckily, Outlook had the same reaction as his former father, he just didn't care whether he trained his body or not, because, in the end, that would make him look stronger, and more trustworthy.

And today, Ethan will meet the Princess of the Goa Kingdom, Sarie Nantokanette, the person that he was fated to marry in the future.

'I don't know how to feel about this, I'll be meeting a child who'll be my future wife?! This is weird on many levels.'