
I Reincarnated In G.I Joe

The MC is reincarnated in G.I joes/Fast and furious world with wishes I am writing this for fun and to pass time also English is not first language so the writing quality is going to suck.

Just_for_fun1997 · Movies
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100 Chs

Chapter 75 edited

Kage dragged the unconscious Mr. White to his car and drove him to an old haggar a mere block away, while he already contacted Breaker for recovery.

As they approached, Kage heard the distinct roar of the Quinjet's engines slicing through the night air. He paused, looking up to see the sleek, hybrid-wing aircraft descending like a predatory bird. Its two powerful jet engines flared, each turbine producing a deafening roar as they provided the thrust needed for the vertical landing. The aircraft's large, angle-adjustable rotors whirred with precision, stabilizing its descent.

The Quinjet hovered momentarily, then landed smoothly in front of Kage. The ground shook slightly under its weight. As the hangar doors slid open with a mechanical hiss, the imposing figure of Roadblock emerged, his silhouette framed by the harsh interior lights.

Roadblock's face split into a broad grin when he saw Kage. "So you did find him?"

Kage gave a curt nod. "Block, you might want to knock him out again, for safety precautions."

Roadblock's expression turned serious. He barked an order to two nearby Joes, "Take him and strap him up real hard."

The Joes, dressed in their tactical gear, snapped to attention. "Yes, sir!" They moved swiftly, lifting Mr. White and securing him with military precision.

Kage followed them as they carried Mr. White into the Quinjet, the vehicle's interior lights casting a sterile glow on the scene. The tension in the air was palpable, every movement deliberate and precise. The Quinjet's engines began to rev up again, ready to whisk them away to the GI Joe main base.

On reaching the base Kage and Roadblock was met with General Hawks, Heavyduty, Lady Jaye, Scarlett, Gisele, Snake Eyes and Breaker.

As they made their way through the base Kage recognized someone, with platinum blonde hair color and shoulder-grazing bob cut.tousled, textured hairstyle featured a mix of straight and wavy strands.She has smoldering brown eyes and her makeup was equally edgy, with deep blue smoky eyeshadows,her gaze is alluring.

Her angular jawline and high cheekbones lend a sense of sculpted beauty to her face, while her plush lips are often adorned with a hint of iridescent lipstick, adding a touch of sensuality to her appearance.

She was fighting three fighter in training ground, while dodging and fighting them off and knocking them out.

Kage mutters,"So she accepted the proposal."

That was La Grange master assassin and spy, she was well known killer in the world met Kage before, who tried fo recruit her. She finally accepted thr proposal after thinking abut it.

While on the other side, Obstacle training course, Kage sees two people were running through and urban environments obstacle course, one was Indian with his hair is dark, long, and slicked back. It appears slightly damp, adding to the rugged and tough look.

He has a medium to dark complexion, typical of his ethnic background. His face is strong and angular, with prominent cheekbones and a firm jawline. His eyes are focused and piercing, adding to his intense demeanor.

The other was a man standing tall with a muscular build that exudes strength and confidence. His s marked by noticeable scars, running along side his cheek and forehead. He has dark hair and cut short on the sides, with a bit more length and texture on top. It is neatly styled, contributing to a clean, military look.

They were scoping thr course with 3D HOLO-Projection terrorists lunging out at them. They take them out one by one, never more than a split second after they appear.

The HOLO-PROJECTIONS fritz and die. They reach the end of the and a BUZZER SOUNDS.

Alexander hummed and thought,"Two of them are good too."

Last one was Joe fighting a new recruit, who is an Indian with medium to dark complexion, a thick, well-groomed beard and mustache, contributing to his rugged and intense look.

His hair is short and neatly styled, with a slightly tousled appearance. It's dark in color, complementing his beard. His face is strong and angular, with prominent cheekbones and a firm jawline.

Kage recognized him and muttered,"Avik accepted it too."

Avik San or Lone Wolf mercenary, master assassin and spy.

The two circle one another with special electrified pugil sticks.

The joe thrusts with a standard bayonet style move, Avik side steps it, spins his pugil stick above his head and brings it down on otger joe's head with a sword-like stroke. A crackling shock is delivered and joe goes down. The other Joes watching grimace, feeling there comrades's pain.

The joe gets back up for round two, the pugil sticks crackling and sparking. the joe spins and attempts a stroke similar to avik' earlier move. Avik blocks it, drops, and sweeps joes's feet, taking him down hard before finishing him with another sparking hit. Again, the Joes react. Avik turns away.

Kage hummed following General Hawks and others to the interrogation room.