
I Reincarnated As Yamauchi in COTE

Struggling to make ends meet after dropping out of college, I work tirelessly in a production company until I pass out on the job from sheer exhaustion. When I wake up, surprise! I'm in the body of Yamauchi Haruki, a student at the prestigious Advanced Nurturing High School in Tokyo, Japan, straight out of the light novel Classroom of the Elite. Oh, and it's the exact moment when Haruki is about to be expelled during a special exam! Just my luck! Can I flip Haruki's doomed fate and carve out a new path for both of us? Or will I become just another casualty in this elite high school jungle?

wondering_boson_04 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Curd, Curd Maker, And A Broken Heart [1]

Preparations were over for the day. All that was left was to strike a deal with Sakayanagi, and lay over the groundwork. 

I talked big there, but actually I don't really have a solid plan yet. 

Surely, it is quite the predicament I have gotten myself into, but I feel much better now that I am free of any inter-personal relationship shit.

As I moved towards the toilet to make a phone call to Sakayanagi, there were few things that didn't make any sense to me.

Horikita Suzune is a very calculative individual. She doesn't let her emotions take over her decisiveness like this. The deal I stroke with the whole class might seem beneficial to them, but it is actually quite draining, if I manage to win this special exam.

From the way I spoke there, she must have realized that I am not just spouting nonsense. 

Does she still think that there is no way I can turn the tables on her? But that's the strange thing.

There is something that I am overlooking here, I guess. 

Well, that issue aside, I am surprised that Ayanokouji didn't do anything the entire process. No, it would be my foolishness if I think so. He must have already calculated my move to contact Sakayanagi, so, didn't bother to do anything.

That's because, he is not concerned with moving up to class A or anything of the sort. He is just told to have a match with Sakayanagi in this special exam. If that didn't happen due to the class condition and various things that happened today, leading to me as the commander, then he would just say so to her and they would have their match on a later date.

And that's the reason I can't strike a deal with Ayanokouji on something as trivial as this. I can threaten to expose his past or something related to 'white room', but in that way, I would be making an enemy of him, and my school life won't last much longer. I am not totally abandoning that method, but I am saving it for a more dire situation than this.

For now, I have a few cards that I can use. And the first one is Sakayanagi's match with Ayanokouji.

Let's see how it plays out.


I entered the toilet, closed the door, and called Sakayanagi. My contract with class C just prevents me from making any drastic deals, like obtaining 20 million private points, in exchange for handing over all of the 7 wins to the class I am making a deal with.

As that's not my plan, I am not violating the contract. 

Moreover, it's not like this deal would go that smoothly like the previous one.

When I called her, it was immediately answered. I had my call recording on too. Maybe I should record each and every call I make from now on.

"Hello, Sakayanagi?"

"Yamauchi-kun, I was expecting to hear from you."

Her voice was as playful as ever. But I have no time to play along with her word games.

".....I will get straight to the point. Don't you want to have a serious match with Ayanokouji?"

"....." She paused for a second there. Maybe that was unexpected bit of info coming from me. Well, that's good enough to keep her off the track while making the deal.

"Heh~ I thought you were going to apologize for turning down my proposal last time. But that's not it?"

"I need a 'yes' or 'no' as answer."

"Oh? And how did you get to that conclusion?"

"I heard you and Ayanokouji talking about that after the last special exam. That's all. Now just answer my question. We don't have much time for break."

"Assuming I do want, then what would you do?"

"I can give you an opportunity to have a match with him without anyone's intervention in this special exam. You just have to do two things."

"And what are these two things?"

"First of all, don't be the commander for your class. Nominate someone other than yourself whom you can instruct well."

"Yamauchi-kun, that's not a very manly thing to say, you know? At first, you rejected me, then when you are in trouble now, you are asking me for help?"

".........Why would I be in trouble at all?"

"Fufu. According to some reliable sources of mine, I came to know of your class's stance in this special exam. And, I heard that you are appointed as the commander, right? And knowing your position in class C, it's actually quite clear to visualize your future."

This brat! How the hell did she know, when this was something we just discussed? I didn't see any student around the entrance to our class either.

No, the topic of me being the commander was broached before the lunch break once too. Moreover, I know clearly that, her information network is something, I can't traceback at all.

Well, if I think about it deeply, then anyone would be able to deduce that you can ensure the events happening, only if you are the commander. So, it was probably my mistake. 

I was planning on revealing it after the class matchups had been decided.

Now what should I do?

"Yamauchi-kun? Are you there?"

Denying at this point would be futile too. And it doesn't seem like she know about the contract with class C. That implies she had spies around our class during the first discussion period.Not sure though.

So, let's play that card, and hope for the best.

"It's true that I am appointed as the commander without a protection point. However, keep in mind that, if you want to have a serious match with him, then it's a golden opportunity for you, that I am providing."

The bell rung, marking the end of our lunch break, which means, it's the perfect time to reveal that.

"As lunch break is over, I don't have anything to say, but keep this too, in mind that, I know about the tension between Director Sakayanagi & Acting Director Tsukishiro, and acting director's motive to expel Ayanokouji. So, choose accordingly."

After that, I hung up the call.

Seriously, dealing with her is a real pain in the ass. I am not really good at these things, but it seems like, I have to be adept and cautious from now on.

And with that, this matter is on hold for the time being. It all depends on Sakayanagi's decision.

I returned to the class and had to go through those thorny glares from my classmates again.

Classes had not started yet, so I relaxed a little and wrote down my future choices on a piece of paper. At the same time, I received a message from someone.

When I opened it, the account was anonymous. 

But, what struck me as strange was the content of the message.

'Gravure idol audition?'

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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