
I Reincarnated as I have got One Permanent Ability per Day

The MC looks is on the cover. -- He walks home from being a worker at a black company. an Otaku who wishes his life is more comfortable. He got his wish more than he expected. -- It's just for fun so if you have a problem with my story and grammar, just suck it cuz it's cliche and a lot of these inspired from other fanfic -- The MC is from a manga name Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi, or My Senpai is annoying, but only Takeda existed.

Kogokuru · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

The class 3-E

First-person POV.

When I walked in with Korosensei, the Interior of the school is exactly like in the anime.

'Ritsu and Itona aren't here yet. Itona is probably with that lunatic professor and Ritsu is probably in preparation by the scientist's government' it's still in the early plot so let's just have fun for now. Korosensei suddenly appears again in front of me and said,

"You're in the first period you know?" That shocked me. then I said, "Wait, aren't I in the third period after you finish the math and English period?"

He answered "Nope! I switch the period so you can introduce yourself to everyone"

I sigh and said "You probably all smiley emoji now but I can feel your grinning on me" My eyes became sharper when I said that. Korosensei faces then become green stripes.

"It's part of the fun you know~, Nyuhu~" Korosensei said that. It grated on me so I attack him with a jab but he's already avoiding me. I just sigh and got in from the back.

Everyone notices me and I just waved at them and then pointed to the front. The student turns the head at my pointing and Korosensei is walking in.

"Alright! quiet everyone! Homeroom it's going to start!" Korosensei said. when the bell rings, Isogai is leading the greeting.

"Stand Up! greeting!" then every student brought out a gun from their locker desk. "Start!" then the student starts shooting.

'It's still amazing seeing it in person. but my eyes can still see all of the bullets. plus if I activate my Sharingan, They are practically slow' that's what I thought when I see them shoot.

when the bullet gun initiation is done, they become a little frustrated but somehow looking forward to their next planning. I guess Korosensei has already given the student some early planning initiative to be creative.

"Now if that's done, a new teacher is going to join us on our assassination. Takeda-Sensei, would you please come forward?" Korosensei said and everyone looked to me. I sigh and just walked forward to the front and just put a grin.

"I am going to be your Japanese literature teacher. just call me Takeda-Sensei. Now you might say I am assigned to assassinate that octopus but the truth is I just want to land my punch or attack him. The killing is all of your student jobs"

When I said that everyone is surprised, even Korosensei. one of the students raises his hand. it's Maehara. I then said, "Yes, Maehara?"

Maehara and the other student got another surprise since I remember everyone's name by just Korosensei student's call. Maehara asked "Why do you not want to kill that thing? Aren't you an Assassin? and don't you want the money?"

when Maehara said that Korosensei become depress and pout in the corner for being call that thing. I answer,

"First, I just don't want to but I can guide you with Korosensei help. Second, No I am not an Assassin. I am an Author, but just love to train martial art. I don't want the money caused my job is basically already making me rich"

Korosensei becomes happy that I am going to be his partner, even though I just want to wreck you to death. The student received another shock that I am not an assassin, rather an Author. then one of the students raises her hand. this time it's Fuwa. she asked,

"What is your book since you said you are rich?" When she asked that, the curiosity of everyone is at its peak again. I answered, "It's Sword's Art Online"

That's when everyone received a shock again. because everyone knows that Sword's Art Online is the hottest selling book in the country. then Nagisa said, "Your that author, Takeda-sensei?!"

"Yes" I just blatantly answer that. and everyone brings out my novel book rather than their textbook. and suddenly everyone is asking for an autograph. Fuwa is the most fanatics of them all because she brings two books to sign. I just sigh and smiled.

"Alright, Break it up everyone! we can just do this later, but for now let's begin the period" when I said that everyone nod in understanding and immediately sits on their chair. (A/N: Not everyone going to Takeda for an autograph. The idiot Terasaka, Karma, and Okajima are in their sit. Okajima is probably just interested in porn)

When everyone is opening their textbook, then I taught them slowly. I am impressed by my teaching that I can explain everything smoothly and clearly. even I see Terasaka understand some of my explanations. when it's done, it's time for a period change. I just waved at them while smiling and said to them that I am meeting them again at P.E.


when It's P.E. time, Me, Karasuma and The student is changing clothes. The clothes that I wear are an oversized hoodie with black loose jogger pants. I then get out to meet everyone and Korosensei is still wearing his teaching clothes, but that change into a Hawaiian shirt for a split second.

Everyone then doing some shooting practice and later a team exercise. they're pretty good for starts up even if they are just doing it in just over a month. when it's done Korosensei announces something.

"Everyone! I want to fight Takeda-sensei! Who's going to see?" He announces it like a children promoter, which ticks me a little. I am sure everyone just wants to do their task quietly but on the contrary, the students said, "YES!!"

"..." I become speechless. I just sigh and forgot they are still a teenager with a big imagination, except for a few. then Korosensei said while laughing,

"Nurufufufu... It's going to be revenge for stealing my popularity!" he shamelessly said that.

"You're not Popular!" the students said.

"For such a petty reason you stoop so low!" I retort. Korosensei is almost defeated by our words but immediately gets up.

"Y-Your not going to defeat me with that word and the students!" Korosensei said.

"Sigh~ Let's get this over with. Nagisa! can you pass me your Knife?" I ask Nagisa and he passes it to me. We're going on stand by and Karasuma is going to be the referee. Then Karasuma starts counting.

Karasuma "Hajime!" when Karasuma said that, I immediately move to the front. not teleporting since it isn't as fast as a shunshin but it still fast. I swing immediately to his right tentacle and it hit!

Korosensei 'Nani?! that morning wasn't his fastest speed?! I better up my speed then!' Korosensei did that. He attacks me but with Haki on I can immediately react to it and dodge it while attacking his tentacle. I managed to slash his three tentacles but I see his face turn into that mocking green stripes again. he then ripped my hoodie and that's when the showdown stops.

Everybody is now seeing my body which is embarrassing but I tried to hide it. The boys are having a question of how I obtain this muscle while the girls just closed their eyes. Don't girls hate a macho guy? my muscle isn't that bulging, just ripped and thick. then Korosensei just nods because he thinks it's his victory. When I see that I became pissed and promised to rip all of his tentacles.

"Korosensei, That's a 15.000 yen hoodie. I am going to ask you to pay. no, no. hmm... Karasuma, Please reduce this month's wage for him since he already pays for my hoodie" I grin evilly. Karasuma just smirk and said Okay while Korosensei is trying to butter me up.

"Nyuya! Please don't Takeda! What am I going to do with my Food this month?!" he said. well, that just sucks for you since I don't care. when I ask permission to change my clothes again, Karasuma said okay then I just change into a big oversized T-shirt. It's amazing that the shopping-clothes have a bigger size than me and I am grateful for that. This is an anime world so anything it's possible. when I came back the P.E resumed.

When it's time to go home, The students and Korosensei chat with me for a bit. Although Korosensei chats with me to find some gossip about me. I just twitched my mouth and do a Karate chop which as usual he avoided. I then said goodbye to all of them. since it's still noon, I decided to just walked around aimlessly. then suddenly someone called me from the back.

"Takeda-Kouhai?" I turned around and see a beautiful girl with long black hair and busty. she wears a white jacket that resembles a coat with a black vest and black pants.

"Shizuka-Senpai?" The one who is calling me is my senpai and also an anime character, Hiratsuka Shizuka.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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