The MC looks is on the cover. -- He walks home from being a worker at a black company. an Otaku who wishes his life is more comfortable. He got his wish more than he expected. -- It's just for fun so if you have a problem with my story and grammar, just suck it cuz it's cliche and a lot of these inspired from other fanfic -- The MC is from a manga name Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi, or My Senpai is annoying, but only Takeda existed.
'Hmmnn, where am I?' he opens his eyes and seeing an unfamiliar room.
'I don't remember being this tall...' then he immediately scans the room. it's an apartment which has only bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and that's it. His Bedroom has a lot of video games and manga. He walks to the bathroom and see a mirror.
"This is not my body!" what he seeing is a tall bodybuilder men with a plain-looking but manly Japanese face. and he flexes his muscle like a fool.
'wow! this body muscle is big! I never have this healthy or this ripped body in my entire life if I want to' and he checked down there too.
'not too big. this guy is going to satisfy a lot of girls in the future if he wants to' while he thought that, A sudden headache is making him hurt. after the headache calm down, The sudden memory rush came in clear.
'My name is Harumi Takeda, 24 years old work at the white company. I live alone in an apartment. hmm... so this is just like the novel I read, a cliche reincarnation. But I never guess that my wish to be living a comfortable life is being fulfilled easily. I even work at a white company with a satisfying wage and the company forbid it's worker to work after 5 pm. and I am just an office worker'
he thought that this is going to be the life he enjoys.
'I should check some info about this world' then he searched on the internet.
'it's basically the same, but this world entertainment is barely good. how is this guy previously enjoy the game if the quality is this bad? wait a minute. am I going to draw a manga and write a novel here like those fanfic?' He thought. He thinks maybe there is some mission to complete. suddenly, an interface is popping out.
[You've got Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan (SSS). It's one ability per day so please wait for tomorrow's ability! Thank you very much!]
"Ehh?!!! What the hell is this! Is thi-, AGH!!" When he is still in surprise, His eyes suddenly become hurt and bleeding. a couple of minutes later the pain is gone as if it was never there.
'What the hell was that! why am I receiving a Goddamn Sharingan! wait a minute, I have to check it first if it's real!' and he ran to the bathroom again. since his eyes are a little bloody, he washed his face first.
"Alright, now I am done washing it.." he looked at the mirror. His eyes still look the same.
'Sharingan' when he said that in his mind, the usual black eyes turned into red color with dots and 3 tomoes.
'Wow! so this is Sharingan. as an otaku fan, it's so cool to see it real, or even having it. now let's change it to Eternal one' then the eyes morphing again into a star with 3 black point star.
'Hmm, So it's Sasuke huh. the abilities are....' he received the info about it. "Wait, Wait, Wait! why the hell I got all the Mangekyou abilities in these eyes?! isn't it supposed to be just two?!" he is shocked to receive all the abilities of it. Kamui, Amaterasu, Kotoamatsukami, etc, All of it is in his eyes. after another couple of minutes, he calms down.
'Sigh~, Why am I receiving this? Do I have to fight some evil organization or something?' He really wonders why he received this.
'Wait a minute. that interface says one ability per day. Then I am going to wake up every day to received ability?! why am I going to be so goddamn OP?! Am I destined to not be a human anymore?!....' after a couple of rants, he again calms down.
'Alright *Turning off Sharingan* now my eyes is being normal again, I need to take a walk to familiarize myself' he is getting ready for a walk. he's wearing loose clothes with jogger pants. with that, he gets out of his apartment. he takes a train, then walks aimlessly to the city.
'it's the same as my old world, except the air has less pollution. it's good' a couple of minutes later he suddenly feel hungry. Thankfully he sees a family restaurant.
'Wagnaria? where have I heard it?' Then he walks in and a little girl has greeted him which took him by surprise.
?? "Welcome sir, would you like a smoking or non-smoking area?" the little girl asked.
Takeda "Non-smoking please"
?? "Then please follow me" As Takeda follows that little girl to his table, He sits on that, and the little girl handover the menu.
?? "Here is the menu. If you want to order, please press that call button. Thank you very much" She bowed, then left.
Takeda 'This is the family Restaurant Wagnaria from the Anime call *Working!!*, and that little girl is a highschooler name Popura' He remembers that this Restaurant from that Anime has many weird people. well, Takeda thinks he can handle it since it's no more surprising than the ability he got. Takeda already decided on the order and press the call button. what greeted Him is a tall and long pink-haired girl.
?? "What would you like to order?"
Takeda "Ahh I would like 2 portions of Cheese Steak Hamburger with fries and a melon soda, That would be all"
?? "Thank you very much" and she leaves.
'Sigh~, That is Takanashi huh? He is already cross-dressing as a girl to cure Minami from androphobic. I gotta say I had to applaud to him to go for him this far.... except he has that lolicon tendency' he thought.
30 minutes later, the food arrives, and the waiter who is delivering the food is Yachiyo. a girl who has a Katana in her waist.
Yachiyo "Here is your food, sir. Please enjoy your stay" She bowed then left.
Takeda "Thank you" and he immediately eats the food and it was good. The melon soda is also delicious with the cream on top.
after he is done with the food. he goes to the cashier and paid.
Popura "Thank you very much, sir. We hope you come again!" As she bowed.
Takeda "Well that was good. is not really chaotic as I thought it would be" and when he said that, he suddenly stumbles a thug in a corner and a girl.
The thug "Come on pretty girl! we'll give you a good time if you hang out with us"
The girl "No thank you" she refused and try to run away but she is been cornered.
The thug "You will follow us whether you like it or not!" The thug then grab the girl arm.
The girl "N-no! Help!" as she screamed for help. Luckily Takeda is there.
Takeda "Would you please leave her alone" as he said that The thug suddenly turn around and saw a big guy.
The Thug "Huh?! what the hell do you want? You better go or el-" Before the thug finished his words. Takeda already punches the thug in the stomach faster than normal eyes sees. He kneels down fast and looks hurting
The Thug "Y-You bastard..." As he fainted.
Takeda "Sigh~, Are you okay?" He asked her
?? "Y-yes! T-Thank you very much" as she said that but she still looked scared and trembled. Takeda took her hand and said.
Takeda "Hey, let's get out of here first" He took her without her asking but the girl didn't mind since she felt that he wasn't a bad guy, even if his body is big. both of them then reach a park and sat together on a bench. Takeda then buy something at the vending machine and two juice is out.
Takeda "Here, Take it"
?? "Thank you very much. And thank you very much for saving me from that thug"
Takeda "Nah, don't sweat it. but please go to a much-crowded place okay? It's dangerous in the city after all" He lectures her a bit
?? "Un, I will keep that in mind. What is your name mister?" She asked his name.
Takeda "My name is Harumi Takeda. What's your's?"
The girl answered "My name is Yamauchi Sakura" said with a smile.