
Vs. Shion and Zekuu Kurenai: The Outcasts of the Kurenai

A few days passed...I killed the last guard and Ibu ran towards me and slid then smiled at me. I looked at her and looked at my hands then balled my fists. Ibu did the same and looked at me again. I lowered my hands and looked at the sky. It began to rain then I closed my eyes.

"Yui...are you still alive? Things aren't looking up for me here. Nymphira has personally targeted me. I hope you're still alive." I said to myself and opened my eyes.

Ibu walked towards me and was already soaking wet from the rain. I picked her up then went inside the tent nearby then sat down. I sighed a bit and Ibu sat beside me.

"Big sister? When do you think all this will be over?" Ibu asked.

"Either when I die...or I kill Nymphira. Peace is not an option anymore. This war was inevitable. I can't hide any longer." I said.

"You're right...you can't hide anymore." A male voice said and blew the tent away with an aura blast. I grunted and shielded Ibu then looked up and saw a male. "Yufumi Zoko...Better yet Yae, your judgement day is way past due. It is time for you to die!"

"Who are you?!" I yelled.

"I am Shion Kurenai...Master of the Chaos Element. The Emperor of Chaos. I have been summoned by Nymphira to eliminate you." Shion said and summoned his sword. Purple aura surrounded his sword and black cursed marks appeared around his body. Red and gold lightning cracked around his body.

"Ibu...go home." I said to her.


"No buts! Go home! Get out of here!" I said and let her go then stood up. Ibu looked at me worried then closed her eyes and ran home.

"Not so fast." Shion pointed at Ibu and Ibu froze. He raised his hand and Ibu began floating.

"H-Huh?! What's happening?!" Ibu squirmed in the air.

"Ibu? No- Shion don't do that!" I looked at him.

Shion smirked and his eyes formed the Yaoke then he laughed and snapped his fingers and an explosion in the air happened. Ibu's body dropped to the ground and my eyes widened. Shion looked at me and lowered his hand. My hair covered my eyes. Shion looked at me in awe as he felt my energy rise rapidly. I balled my fists and my dark aura flashed.

"You...hurt her...!" I growled and lightning crashed down to the ground.

"Kazaki! What the hell is that energy?!" Yayoi asked and looked at her.

"I don't know...but it's...powerful. It's beyond anything I've felt in my life.." Kazaki said.

I grunted loudly as purple lightning bursts from my chest and I pant heavily and my horns slowly grow more. I bellowed and my dark aura surged powerfully and I transformed into my Devour Form then my aura vanished. Shion's jacket flowed in the wind and he smirked. I dashed towards him and summoned my sword then slashed at him. He blocked my attack and slid back a bit.

"Heh! From that first step I know this battle will be legendary!" Shion yelled and dashed towards me.

We clashed multiple times and he kicked be back and summoned orbs of chaos energy then shot them at me. I summoned a void and devour them then shoot them back out towards him with twice the power. He dodged and summersaulted in the air then slashed down at me. I dodged and vanished then appeared behind him and went for a kick. He grabbed my leg and spun me around then slammed me on the ground.

"I refuse...to lose to you!" I bellowed and my aura shined then exploded and I blew him away. I bellowed then a demon and angel wings emerged from my back. "Die!"

I bellowed and shot a powerful blast at him. Shion looked at me and his purple eye glowed then my blast vanished then he appeared in front of me and punched my stomach then sent me flying in the air. He jumped up and grabbed my arm and threw me back down.

"Black Flame Overdrive!" He bellowed and shot a huge black fireball at me. I landed on the ground and growled then my aura sparkled. He looked shocked and I bellowed then the fireball exploded.

"Black Flame Overdrive." I said then shot a huge black fireball at him. He grunted and got hit by the fireball and crashed down on the ground, but recovered and threw off his jacket and smirked.

"Shion!" A male ran up and stopped beside him. He looked at me and summoned his blade then his eyes also formed the Yaoke. "You didn't think you were gonna fight without me did you?"

"So you did come also, Zekuu. Well the Dark Victory could use a little work out. Our opponent isn't someone we can underestimate. Surely equal or more powerful than Zaro...but this is our job! We will eliminate her!" Shion said and glared.

"Our brother isn't here with us anymore...but we will continue the legacy of the Kurenai Clan!" Zekuu bellowed and his dark aura surged.

Ibu grunted lightly and sat up. I bellowed and the zodiac symbols on my body shined then my aura shined rainbow colors. I glared and entered my Heroine of Origin Form.

"Divine Aura.." Shion said.

"Yeah...but our Dark Energy is enough to take her down!" Zekuu said and dashed towards me. He slashed and I dodged then he got hit by an invisible force and groaned then flew backwards and crashed into a rock wall.

"What the..?" Shion looked back. He looked at me then dashed towards me and jumped then slashed down. I dodged and he followed his first attack with a spin slash. I dodged that also. "Stop dodging!"

He rushed me with attacks and I dodged them all and grabbed his arm then flipped him over my shoulder then jumped back and palmed his back and he was sent crashing towards the wall also. Ibu looked at me and was in awe. Trickster and Akira watched the battle from a nearby cliff.

"You think you can amount to me..? Do you honestly believe you had a chance against me?" I said and took a step forwards and my energy caused the ground to shake.

"Her power...It's terrifying..." Trickster said and looked at me in awe.

"That Divine Aura of hers is something fearsome...When I fought her she never exerted this much energy.." Akira said in awe and fear. "How far does her power go..?"

"Big..sister?" Ibu said and wobbled as the ground shook.

The ground began cracking and the rocks rose in the air. I closed my eyes and my aura shined a light blue then I opened my eyes and my entire body shined brightly. Shion and Zekuu stood up slowly and watched.

"Pure Form.." Shion said and smirked widely. "It's the form...the form...similar to our Final Dream Evolution."

My aura burst and revealed my person showing my hair is purely white and my eyes were purely gold. I looked at Shion and Zekuu.

"I will destroy you Yufumi Zoko!" Shion bellowed and his aura surged powerfully and he entered his Final Dream Form. Zekuu did the same and glared.

Ibu looked at me and reached her hand out then Variska appeared and grabbed her then vanished. I looked at them and they dashed towards me. They slashed at me in a synchronized fashion, I dodged them and my afterimages vanished. Shion was hit multiple times by invisible forcea and groaned loudly then was blown away. I summoned clones of myself and pointed at them. They blocked and dodged my clones as best as they could. I was so free in this form. I had mastery of all my abilities. Mastery over myself.

"This power...it looks so flawless." Trickster said and watched.

Shion shot a black fireball at me and I held my hand out and the fireball vanished. Zekuu bellowed and appeared behind me and slashed. His sword rippled through me. He was shocked then was kicked away. I balled my fist and punched the air and the energy connected with Zekuu and he groaned loudly then was blown through multiple rockwalls.

"Die now!" Shion bellowed and his chaotic aura surged powerfully. "Disnomian Arts: Feral Chaotic Final Drive!"

He shot a powerful beam of chaotic energy that shattered even space itself. I held my hand out and snapped my fingers and time stopped completely. I looked at Shion and grunted as his attack broke through time itself.

"Alzt ILMONDA!" I bellowed and shattered space and time then began to reconstruct time and space. Time started and Shion fell to his knees and an invisible temporal blade became visible.

"What just happened..?" Trickster asked. "He just fell with a sword in his back.

I looked at Shion and he grunted and looked at me. I held my hand out to him and he looked shocked.

"Erase!" I bellowed and erased Shion's existence completely.

"This is how powerful Yae truly is. She's unstoppable...Only Yui, Sephora, and Nymphira can stop her. Shion, Zekuu, and I are the only ones who came remotely close to giving her a hard time.." Variska said. "Your sister can bend this entire universe to her will...rewrite the laws of everything with just a thought. Pure Form Yae is a force to be reckoned with. You're in good hands."

Ibu looked at Variska and back at me. I stood there and turned normal then fell to my knees and passed out due to exhaustion. Variska looked at me.

"She's the Final Hope of all species alike. The True Hero of All. She is the Hero Who Saves All...A hero will forever be remembered.." Variska said.