
Vs. NHS (New Shattered Heaven) Part 1

Variska dropped me and Ibu off back at home and bowed to Yayoi. Yayoi nodded and smiled then handed Variska a charm she made. Variska looked at the charm and held it in her hand. She looked at Yayoi and blinked.

"What's this..?" Variska asked.

"A good luck charm. I'm grateful you were able to return my daughters to me. Yae has been working very hard recently and I know you have a common enemy...My charm will prove to be useful in your missions." Yayoi smiled then bowed. "Do please be careful. You are one of Yae's good allies."

"I will." Variska nodded then vanished.

Yayoi looked back at me and Ibu then closed her eyes then closed the door. Variska landed on a cliff and Trickster and Akira appeared behind her. Akira got on one knee and lowered her head. Trickster crossed his arms and looked down the cliff.

"We got important information. There's an organization working with Nymphira called New Shattered Heaven. A group of Bounty Hunters...Godslayers. They all have low-omnipotence with the ability to go into a Transcendence Mode. Nymphira is really pulling all the stops on you and Yae." Trickster said and closed his eyes.

"We can be of assistance if you want." Akira said and looked at Variska.

"As long as I wield the Core of Trinity...I am way beyond low-omnipotence. I'm at most nigh-omnipotence." Variska said and summoned her lance. "They are most likely after Yae...I'm just small fry to Nymphira. I have to protect Yae...even though we aren't on equal terms, she's too important to lose. You two will stay back. I will go alone."

"Roger that." Trickster said and vanished.

"As you wish!" Akira vanished also.

Variska transformed into her Trinity Mode and jumped down from the cliff and spun like a drill and took down most of the fodder enemies.

"Who the hell is she?!" One of the soldiers asked.

"Charge at her!" Another soldiers roared and charged at Variska.

Variska hacked and slashed through the soldiers and threw her lance and warped toward the lance and slashed in a circle, taking out most of the enemies in the vicinity.

"Lord Uchisugi! We have an enemy combatant! She's wiping the floor with the army!" A soldier warned. "Should we call Master Neviro here?"

"No...Father must not be disturbed at this time. I will take down this fiend myself." Uchisugi stood up and grabbed his sword then walked out of the room.

Variska took down more soldiers and entered an enemy keep and looked around. The gates closed trapping Variska in the keep and a being was summoned in the keep with Variska.

"You there demon! Did you honestly believe you were gonna just freely take down my army?! You will die by the blade of my sword! The Itsusuki Clan is infamous for being the strongest in the lands!" Uchisugi said. "Dark Knight! Destroy her!"

Red dots shined from the knight's helmet and they bellowed as their dark aura surged. They dashed towards Variska. Variska got in a stance then blocked the attack from the knight and grunted, sliding back. The knight jumped and slashed down. Variska dodged then appeared behind the knight then slashed her lance at the knight. Their armor parried the attack and Variska stumbled back.

"Omni Defense...They are completely immune to all physical attacks." Variska said and her lance vanished. "Unfortunately I don't have even a quarter of the abilities Yae has...but I do possess Omni-Magic!"

The knight dashed towards Variska and slashed. She dodged and shot a Omni Fireball at the knight. The knight groaned and fell to the ground. They were incredibly weak to magic attacks. Variska dashed towards the knight and surfed on a wave and the wave hit the knight and caused them to crash into the gate and grunted. Variska landed on the ground and quickly did handsigns and slammed her hand onto the ground.

"Terra Arts: Earth Wrecker!" Variska bellowed and spikes of rock emerged from the ground quickly and hit the knight and exploded. She jumped up and grabbed the Knight's arm and threw her to the ground and raised her hands then Yaoke formed in her eyes. "Kurenai Arts: Omni Final Burst!"

She shot a powerful elemental blast at the knight and the element blast exploded and the knight was killed. She landed on the ground and the gates opened.

"Sir! She got passed the Dark Knight!" The soldier said.

"Dammit...Send out Lavina!" Uchisugi commanded.

"Right!" The soldier ran off.

Variska ran for a bit after slaying more soldiers and Lavina flew towards Variska and slashed at her blind spot. Variska heard a clash and looked to her right and saw a woman who blocked the attack for Variska. The woman had on a kitsune mask and her pink hair flowed in the wind. Variska was a bit surprised and the woman's Demon Code shined on her back through her cloak then she transformed into her Dark Lord form.

"Go." The woman spoke and Variska nodded then ran off.

"Playing hero are we mystery demon? Who are you?" Lavina asked and glared at the woman then jumped back.

"I am the Demon of the Night, my name is Kuniatsu." Kuniatsu said and her cloak flowed in the wind. Lavina glared and got in a stance. Kuniatsu took her cloak off and let it flow in the wind then she got in a stance with her katana in hand.

Lavina dashed towards Kuniatsu and slashed. Kuniatsu dodged and drew her dagger and slashed at Lavina then slashed with her katana and hit Lavina both times. Lavina spun in a circle a bit and Kuniatsu followed it up with a string of slashed and kicks then threw her dagger at Lavina and teleported to the dagger and slashed threw her. She withdrew her dagger and turned around. Lavina fell on one knee.

"That new girl...she's pretty damn fast and powerful." Akira said.

"There's something familiar about her." Trickster said.

Lavina stood up and bellowed and her aura surged as she dashed towards Kuniatsu and slashed. Kuniatsu vanished in a puff of purple smoke and reappeared kicking Lavina in her stomach and following it up with more attacks then clapped her hands together as her dark aura sparkled. Clones of herself appeared around Lavina then they slashed quickly around Lavina then Kuniatsu took off her mask then opened her eyes and Libra Symbols formed in her eyes.

"Your Judgement Day has come." Kuniatsu said and her eyes shined. She held her hand out towards Lavina. "Unity Burst."

A powerful magic explosion hit Lavina and she crashed into a gate and grunted. She fell to the ground and her aura vanished. Kuniatsu put her mask back on then her cloak appeared around her person. She vanished and Trickster had a flashback, but kept his mouth closed.

Variska finally made it to the main area and looked around. Variska dodged a slash from someone and summoned her lance then clashed with the person and dodged again then jumped back. The person appeared and pointed their sword at Variska.

"You will not make it past me. Variska Kurenai, your fate is decided!" The male said. "Ichisaki of the Reidama Clan will stop you!"

"Reidama Clan..? Now that's a name I haven't heard of in a while." Variska said and twirled her lance then glared at Ichisaki. "I, Variska, will eliminate you and kill your leader!"

Ichisaki and Variska entered a brief stare off before dashing to one another and clashing blades. They clashed ferociously and caused slight shockwaves. Variska dodged a slash and swung her lance at him, hitting him. She bellowed and dark aura surged from her eyes as she caused him to go flying into the wall of the base. She snapped her fingers and portals opened behind her. Dark spikes were shot at Ichisaki at high speeds. Ichisaki deflected them all and Variska was shocked by his speed. He dashed towards her and slashed at high speeds. A clash sounded and Variska was shocked. Kuniatsu appeared behind Ichisaki and kicked him away then caught her dagger.

"What the- You again." Variska said.

"You will be happy to know I am lending you a hand in this war...but I'm not here for you." Kuniatsu said and her cloak flowed.

"Why are you here then..?" Variska asked.

"I'm here for someone I love. I have to see her face." Kuniatsu said then watched Ichisaki stand up. "That's a talk for another time. Now it's the time for battle!"

"Hmph! Just don't get in my way, fox." Variska said and got in a stance.

"You don't stand in mine." Kuniatsu said then took her cloak off and got in a stance.

Ichisaki growled and bellowed as his aura surged and he transformed into his Transcendence Mode. His hair was white and his aura was silver. He vanished and slashed faster than light speeds. A clash was heard and Ichisaki was shocked. An invisible clone of Kuniatsu's appeared and pushed him back. Kuniatsu dashed towards Ichisaki and slashed quickly and swept him off his feet then Variska appeared above him and spiked him down. Ichisaki groaned and bounced off the ground then Kuniatsu palmed his stomach and blew him through the base. Variska landed and looked at Kuniatsu. Kuniatsu's aura blocked an invisible slash and countered.

"Unity Arts: Everlasting Slash!" Kuniatsu slashed multiple times and hit the invisible Ichisaki then snapped her fingers and an elemental explosion blew Ichisaki away. He turned normal and laid on the ground.

"Unity Arts..? Where did you learn that?" Variska asked.

"That's not important...what is important is dealing with New Shattered Heaven now. Eliminating their leader will cause them to disappear." Kuniatsu walked into the base.

"Who is that woman..?" Variska asked and followed her.