
I Regret The Past So I Will Change It Again

Asterio, who fought infinitely to atone for his past failures to forgive himself and try to find ways to go back but the worlds didn’t want him to be with peace. Asterio felt betrayed the moment he learned the truth about what happened that day. He wholeheartedly believed that there’s still hope as long as he’s alive but look at him his on the verge of death still hoping. "Is this where I’m going to die, I’m afraid of death and losing you…" Baku said while her teary eyed and Asterio tapped her forehead with his forehead and said: "Don’t worry, I’m here aren’t I, nothing’s gonna happen to you, trust me" "I trust you… Mister… even in the afterlife I will still choose to fight and die for you, no one can stop me from doing that" "This little brat is stubborn as ever" All of the scattered supreme beings have all gathered and surrounded the whole area and wanted to used a finishing blow that would surely erased their existence. "I will erased your existence, you ugly piece of shit!!" Asterio said. "If I’m a little bit more fast then I can make it but, I’ll make sure this will not be the end" "I’ll will make sure to take you all with me and this whole damn worlds" Asterio self-destruct. … *Ding ————————————— Hello!, I’m the author this is my first time writing novel because there’s a person I saw everyday reading novels, as someone who doesn’t read novels but I started to read when I planned to write my first novel and also english is not my first language but I’ll try to improve along the way. I’ll try to be motivated writing for my readers and keep to write till the end of this story I give you all a satisfactory ending. I am happy to read your comments so I will feel motivated to write even more. 1/2 chapters weekly, I’m busy for now but there will be a time when I’ll increase the chapters weekly. ———— Disclaimer: I do not own the book cover

TheBusiest_Author · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Through life and death

Asterio rested for a long time. the night they departed the rulers gathered at the floating palace. The [Bakunawa] will be coming as well requested by Asterio and the king approved. The [ruler of Sky] will be appointed to be the leader of expedition.

The sleeping guardian beast woke from its slumber, he roared at the sky and it echoed throughout the sky all the beings trembled by its majestic appearance. The floating palace was shaken as the beast continued to soar up, its once in a lifetime experience to see the guardian beast.

The expedition squad amazed and frozen at the size of the beast. They started talking if its fine to ride on the guardian beast but Asterio response:

"Don't worry about that he won't swallow you or anything, just ask him a permission if that ain't gonna work try to begged him and he might take consider"

After he said that all of the rulers tried to get his permission to ride on his back and got the approval of the guardian beast in a one condition…

"I give you my approval to ride on my divine body since my body was precious but, in one condition…"

Afterwards the guardian beast rose up to the sky happily, it's been so long when the beast came out so he took the chance wandering through the abyss.

Flying in the abyss for days and there's not a single day [the ruler of divination] divine, had never shut her mouth she talked all day long.

"Arghhh, hey aren't we flying so fast my clothes just fall off" she had spare of clothes in her dimensional pocket.

"Hey!! I said we're flying too fast you fu—"

"Did you just curse me right now!, you do really want to be eaten alive aren't you"

"No, I didn't meant that, I just wanted you to know that we're flying too fast"

"You little piece of meat!! You're giving me headaches" the Bakunawa set up a barrier for them to move freely in his body and to not fall into the abyss.

"Thank you sir!, what should I call you"

"Hehehe, you probably don't have a name do you want me to give you one, I'm good at naming you know. Back in my hometown they use to call me the goddess of naming"

"Just shut up will you!!, you're getting on my nerves, if I knew that there's this talkative individual, I wouldn't be here!!"

he's exhausted to listen to her voice anymore he's ears might not be able to endure it anymore because of this annoying girl.

"You can call me, Baku"

This was the last conversation they had and throughout the expedition no one's causing trouble.

And finally the ruins of time is on their sights, this was their first time seeing it in person.

At the top of the ruins there's a huge vortex that can take over the surrounding area but the ruins restricted its force, it can only move in the range of the ruins. Beyond the door of the ruins there's a Statue of a demons that are invisible in ruins of time.

Bakunawa was so eager to eat the vortex within the ruins of time he can't suppress the empty stomach he had. So he went to the ruins to eat the vortex so the others can set foot inside the ruins.

Bakunawa takes his time devouring the vortex and then moving to a place where he can digest the food.

As the Bakunawa slowly moves away from the ruins, the expedition begins to explore the ruins.

At the front of the gate there a various colors of light coming from the corners of the gate and the gate starting to open.

"Woah, so this what it looks like inside, as expected from the king he knows a lot" said by the ruler of light.

"This is different from I originally imagined" said by the ruler of darkness.

The first thing Asterio saw was the glowing stone covered with a cube shaped barrier and he didn't noticed the statues besides it the only way to get the relics is to defeat the giant Archdemons.

"That thing…"




"Hey!! Look out…"


In a blink of an eye the one of the rulers had died from a beam of light from one of the Archdemons.


Asterio looked away for a second and the other one is already in front of him.

"Why is this thing so fast!!"

They started clashing the Archdemons was much faster than him and it's still increasing tremendously. Within the span of a seconds they clashed for a thousand times and asterio got overpowered he was sent flying.

"What is happening?! Lusi died suddenly why this ear-" [ruler of illusion] Lusi, Divine said.


Something pass by and it was asterio that got sent flying.

And Sky immediately was a quick witted

"Fuck! Get ready for the incoming attacks!!"

"Dark, light, fool, and beast repel the attacks. Cosmic and space support them from behind and divine and I will be in the rearguard"

The Archdemon stretched its arm over his head and slashed a big one on them. They manage to repelled the slash of Archdemon. They all knew that this was the first and last time this chance will appear, they can't afford to make mistakes or this will be the end for them.

Beast take the initiative to goes behind the enemy and slash with his full strength while destroyer aims at the core of the enemy. Dark and light combined their power to doubles the damage and attack speeds.

Beast behead the enemy, Destroyer attack was strong but not strong enough to penetrate the enemy's core defense so the other two will going to finish off the enemy with their best shots.

"We will gonna finish this off!! This is for Lusi, you fuck—"


The other one was just get out completely from the covered stone state and it's cooldown for it's beam was in time.


"I forgot there's another one as well"

"HAHAHA! This is the end for us—"

The behead Archdemons sent its sword towards Sky and it's like using a knife on an ant, the sword weight was humorous for the enemies to handle.

Cosmic and space tried to defend the flying sword from the enemy and they were able to distorted his sword to the ceiling but, the demon jumped up to the ceiling to hold its sword and slashed it to the ground and he split Sky in half.

Cosmic and space were both in between the sword. The ground collapsed they managed to get away from the Archdemon.

The Archdemons stopped moving and they will proceed to phase two where they will combined and evolve to a new formed demon.

Beast and Destroyer goes to where Cosmic and Space were located.

—[Phase two will be complete in…]—




"Looks like this will be our last fight, at least where united" said by Cosmic.


"After a long time we were forced to unite" said by Space.


"I missed the day when we're all together fighting war daily to survived, no matter what the circumstances one's going through we lifted up each other" said by Beast.


"HAHAHA! I remember the youngest saying to everyone that she was an adult" said by Destroyer.

"Hump!! Older brother you always teasing me"


"In all of this years you're finally acknowledge me as your older brother" Destroyer felt warmth in his heart when hearing those words.

"I don't want to have regrets before we die" she suppressed her feeling for a long time and finally have the opportunity to say it, while saying that she cries.


"Let's give our all in this battle!!"

"LET'S GIVE OUR ALL!!" Cosmic, space, beast and divine said this while shouting.

—[Phase two will now commence]—

The Archdemons evolved into a new version with black hooded, three pair of wings, crown of thorns and two wielded sword.

The Grand Archdemon attack them with it's destructive power to destroy them with one attack.


At that time, Asterio was finally able to get up and in instant he repelled it's attack and quickly moved upward to his face and said:

"HAHAHA, you looked surprised!" Asterio, hysterically laughed and muttered a word before he slammed his face to the ground.

"You got my neck stiffed! You ugly creature!!" Asterio fixing his neck by moving it around.

Asterio came back stronger than he had showed before and now he's gonna used his full strength.