
I Regret The Past So I Will Change It Again

Asterio, who fought infinitely to atone for his past failures to forgive himself and try to find ways to go back but the worlds didn’t want him to be with peace. Asterio felt betrayed the moment he learned the truth about what happened that day. He wholeheartedly believed that there’s still hope as long as he’s alive but look at him his on the verge of death still hoping. "Is this where I’m going to die, I’m afraid of death and losing you…" Baku said while her teary eyed and Asterio tapped her forehead with his forehead and said: "Don’t worry, I’m here aren’t I, nothing’s gonna happen to you, trust me" "I trust you… Mister… even in the afterlife I will still choose to fight and die for you, no one can stop me from doing that" "This little brat is stubborn as ever" All of the scattered supreme beings have all gathered and surrounded the whole area and wanted to used a finishing blow that would surely erased their existence. "I will erased your existence, you ugly piece of shit!!" Asterio said. "If I’m a little bit more fast then I can make it but, I’ll make sure this will not be the end" "I’ll will make sure to take you all with me and this whole damn worlds" Asterio self-destruct. … *Ding ————————————— Hello!, I’m the author this is my first time writing novel because there’s a person I saw everyday reading novels, as someone who doesn’t read novels but I started to read when I planned to write my first novel and also english is not my first language but I’ll try to improve along the way. I’ll try to be motivated writing for my readers and keep to write till the end of this story I give you all a satisfactory ending. I am happy to read your comments so I will feel motivated to write even more. 1/2 chapters weekly, I’m busy for now but there will be a time when I’ll increase the chapters weekly. ———— Disclaimer: I do not own the book cover

TheBusiest_Author · Fantasy
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The unknown place

In a moment, He slowly opened his eyes and began to see the light of the sun rising from the sky, the celestial radiance of the moon, the coldness of the icy clouds, the stars that covered the space, the seas the source of all life, the dark misty forest, and many more. In every regions they're a palace standing slightly above the center of the region.

Besides the most breathtaking and majestic sight amongst all of them is, the floating palace that stands alone at the center of the great world with a chains around and its connected to the palaces of the regions.

The structure of the great world is different from the other great worlds. The floating palace is the core of the great world and the nine realms surrounded the floating palace to prevent the attackers from penetrating and the nine realms is surrounded with a barrier

There's five portals located at the sky, which one of the portal where Asterio came from was the [Chaos domain], the other four portals were unknown since the only one who can open is the King of the great world.

Asterio noticed that there's something wrong with each region. The rulers are the leader of each palaces, They are testing Asterio by the pressure they gave on him. Asterio was surprised by the sudden change of pressure however he withstand the pressures from all sides by using the [Gravitational Adaption].

The nine Rulers teleported at the top of their palace and accelerated to the [Portal of chaos domain].

"How could you come here, even though you're not one of our kind" said by the [ruler of the space]

"This is impossible!!, he didn't open the entrance from that portal, how was he able to get there??" Said by the [ruler of the beast]

"Wait a minute, is he from that place…?" Said by the [ruler of the divination]

"Follow us human, we give you privilege to the sacred land of the rulers" said by the [ruler of the space], the sacred land of the rulers is where they do meeting about the important things or when they are being attacked of the great worlds.

The sacred land was located at the beneath of the floating palace. The sounds of the divine water creates a beautiful atmosphere. The fairies sung besides the falls, the harmony they made makes the guardian beast asleep . The sleeping guardian beast [Bakunawa] was the pet of the first ancestor, the Bakunawa was a mythical creature that 300,000 km long he's guarding the floating palace, legends says he ate the moons and gone hibernating after he ate the moon and that's why there's an eclipse.

The talks will be held on a pavilion at the middle of the giant cherry blossom flower.

"Tell us human how long have you been there?!" Said by the [ruler of the sky]

"Tsk, are you seriously asking me that question! Are you looking for death!" While asterio said that, the entire realms vibrated.

The rulers stayed calm in the situation.

"How strong must one to be capable to shaken our worlds" [ruler of the space]

"I've been there for countless years, because of your King!! The ancestor of these great realms!"


All of the rulers were shocked by what they heard from Asterio.

"So it was real after all" said by the [ruler of the divination]

"The being that fought against on equal ground with the Ancestor" This story was once legends they never thought that there will be another one strong as their ancestor. Even in the surrounding great worlds dare not attack the ancient ancestor.

"Equal foot my ass, that guy wins because of his cunning nature"

"Where's that guy now, how come he's not here welcome me. The guest had arrived yet that shit was not here"

[ruler of the beast] said "I'm sorry, he died after the fight between you"

Asterio can't believe what he heard "I didn't even make a move that time, how could've he died"

"You misunderstood us great sir, he didn't die from your battle but he died from a woman he slept with" [ruler of the beast].

Asterio remembered the past that Mezo used to serenade a woman with an astonishing beauty, her white hair glows in the night and Mezo finds her attractive not because her beauty, it's simply because of her innocent eyes.

"HAHAHA, I get it now the woman he slept with must be his mistress, she's great that she endured his nature for too long" from that statement he know why he died from an illness.

"How many years since his death?"

"To be exact sir it's been… hundreds era's of Chaos has passed" said by the [ruler of the beast].

In the beginning, the battle between kings trying to expand their area by occupying a great worlds. The battle between the pinnacle of the abyss had been fierce since ancient times. Only the strong survive the weak shall perish.

"It's been that long already, why do I feel like it's more than that, never mind I stop counting the years I spent there".

"I've been wondering since earlier why is the current King! Isn't here!"

The nine rulers gazing upon each others to look for opportunities because this was the perfect timing for the plan they made.

"Your plan must be good to entertain me or else…".

The nine rulers rushed towards Asterio to execute the long awaited plan.

And the rulers got on their knees and asked for a favor "Sir, can we ask you a favor?".

Asterio was ready to take an action but he never expected the situation "We're not that even close to each other, even though I know your ancestor but still we've not reach that point".

"We will obey your wishes! please, just this one favor" [ruler of the cosmic] said the rulers were desperate.

"Ohhh fine, what is it?"

"Please save our King he's on his deathbed and we hope that the great sir will be able to save our King on behalf the relationship with the ancestor" [ruler of the cosmic] said.


After they said that, silent was created.

Asterio agreed quickly without any hesitation and they entered the floating palace where the king's live.

The inside of the palace was so huge. The chandelier's beautiful was incomparable to a moonlight, the luxurious furniture and a 3 huge door that leads to the King's bedroom, treasury, and the underground.

They've arrived at the entrance of the king's bedroom and they opened the door. Inside the door the energy that made Asterio disgusted and Asterio took glanced at the man lying down with an incurable disease that eats away the soul and vitality.

He used his ability the [absolute/death manipulation] have an absolute control and determine causes of death. Even though the disease have been cured his body was a soulless. Asterio then used the[Souls manipulation] but when one use of this the user will sacrifice some of his souls to another.

The King's opened his eyes and saw the light of the day. The king was so happy that after so long he was finally cured and thanks Asterio for his help.

"thank you!, if not for you I'm not gonna last a few years and gave me time. It must be tiresome doing all that"

Asterio replied "I'm not doing this for you, I did this for someone"

And they told the king what happened in the meantime he's gone to coma and they also told who was Asterio.

"Why didn't you said that from the beginning, are you an idiot!!" He asked the ruler of the destruction the idiotic ruler if he was idiot.

"M-My majesty, why didn't you say earlier that you're a friend of the Ancestor"

"Why? Is there a reason that I was suppose to say my relation with your ancestor"

"My apologies for the inconvenience caused by my lack of knowledge"

"If you don't mind, may I ask what is your plan now?"

"Ohh right do you know where's the ruins of time?

"Yes, please rest before you leave, rest assured my rulers will accompany you"

"Yeah let's do that"