
I regressed and became the Sword Ice King

Power ? is that truly what we desire ? Yes. Power that doesn't just consume but commands. An absolute source that controls all. That is what power is... Can someone truly achieve this feet ? Yes. Power is meant for those who call upon it. The Jun family are a family of Insanely powerful and skilful Swordsmen that have made a name for themselves through out their generations. They were the 3rd strongest family between the 12 families of the Kingdom of Lumbrica and their sole heir, Raffaelo Jun was a spoilt brat that never reached his full potential or at least that was the story until he died and regressed 21 years to when he was born. With all his memories intact, Raffaelo has made it his life mission to protect his family and become strong enough to resist the imperial family when the time comes. He achieves wonderful feats from an early age and acquires the Unique Trait, KING OF THE SNOW. Read as he grows to the pinnacle and saves Humanity from unprecedented danger. note: The storyline might be slow but I hope it becomes a book you won't regret reading

Tofi_ · Fantasy
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134 Chs

Chapter 20- Greenhorn

I could hear my name faintly being called as my focus slowly returned back to me. 

A yawn escaped my lips as I slowly looked up to meet the eyes of my sister. 

"Morganna…?" I muttered as she pointed out the window. 

'Oh….we've made it' I thought as the beautiful scenery before me stirred a nostalgic feeling within. My family may think this is my first time arriving here but the memories of my past life made it painfully clear that it wasn't. 

The capital was large and beautiful. It was adorned with numerous arts and sculptures because the first King was a fan of it. He intended on creating a city just for that single purpose of creating master art pieces though over the years, with each new King that reigned, a new dream aspired and as such, the Capital flourished in all aspects. 

The streets were always bustling with people and Carriages were the norm here. It was hard to find this kind of economy at this period of time making The kingdom of Lumbrica one of the Five great Kingdoms. 

"We'll arrive at our Mansion in a bit…" my dad said as my gaze slowly moved towards him. He looked like he had been overthinking again seeing the expression he had on his face. He was always transparent, it's no wonder my mum doesn't find him difficult. 

I nodded in response and continued to watch the scenery past us as we headed towards our Mansion. 


About an hour more and the floral white gates of our Mansion were slowly opened up for us by two guards.

My attention was fixed on their outfit revealing they were royal guards of the King. 'Till the end…this man is trying to get a grasp on us….well, I'll just have to handle it eventually'.

We passed by a water fountain before the carriage slowly came to a stop in front of a mansion far bigger than the one we lived in at Pasville. 

"When will Rebecca and the others get here ?" I asked as I jumped down the carriage. 

"We arrived quite a while ago" 

The familiar voice projected in our ears as we looked up the stairs. 

Rebecca, Thalia, Fiona and Gloria waved at us with a bright smile on their faces. 

They were each in their academy uniform and just as I thought, Rebecca got in seeing as she was putting on the greenhorn uniform. 

"When did you arrive?" My mum inquired as she climbed up to meet them while I turned around to my Father.

"Father….if you don't mind then I wish to take a walk around the capital…".

It is supposedly my first day and I was curious to see how the public was faring now. You can never tell how much you've changed the future, until you observe more. 

My dad stared at me with a disapproving expression. I could tell he was going to be reluctant when Rebecca stepped in."I'll go with him then…" she added as she smiled at me. 

I returned her expression with a sigh of relief. My Dad nodded his head as he went after Morganna and mother that were already heading to the mansion. 

"Is there a reason you want to look around ?" She asked. 

I shook my head while taking quick glances at the same time as we headed back to the gates. 

"Nothing in particular…." 

"....is there something on my face ?" She asked. 

I shook my head. 'Well damn…she's pretty in that uniform…'. Sometimes, I always get this momentary realization that my sisters are pretty during random moments like this.

"I can't wait to get in Homeric that's all" 

"..Oh…Well I'm sure it would be easy for you". She nodded her head when we stopped by at the gates for the guards to open it up. 

They stood like monumental statutes at both sides of the gate, each holding a northern style sword called a katana at the time.

'I remember these weapons…' it wasn't anything too noteworthy but the katana was an interesting weapon because of its structure. The sword was invented almost 50 years ago for a man whose origin was unknown. Well, the details don't matter. 

My sister was about to open the gate when a sigh escaped my lips. 

"Oi…are you going to keep acting like poles or should I remind you about your job". I said, reaching out my hand to stop her from touching the gates but as I suspected, there was no response. 

I still had not formed my soul weapon and it's something that would take place during my Jun Swordsmanship Training so I always carried a sword around my full body length on my waist. 

I drew out the Sword and walked up to the one on the left.

Guards at the gate only have one purpose. Hinder intruders and open up the gates for nobility.

They're probably doing this out of disrespect. 

"There's no need to go so far….." I  could hear Rebecca's calm voice but still, this was most rational for me. 

I sliced off his right hand and the pain was surely too unbearable for him to stand like a statue. 

"Oh…so you can move ?" 

"Are you insane ?!" The other guard yelled out as he rushed to the aid of the other one who was fumbling on the ground in pain while holding his bleeding hand. 

"You may have to get him to a clinic if you don't want him to die of blood loss. 

The man glared at me as he attempted to draw his sword. 

"You realize we are guests of the King right ?" 

The guard stopped for a second but then his contempted filled face only worsened as he said. "The King called you here to find a new dog. He couldn't care less about your wellbeing". 

I slowly turned to Rebecca who had been observing quietly. Her gaze jumped from the man to mine and she let out a defeating sigh. "Hmm…I thought as much as well" she muttered. 

The gates slowly creaked open as they walked out.

I shrugged and walked out with Rebecca.

"It's a good thing Father brought some of his guards with him". 

I always wondered why guards were considered important since the ones being protected are far stronger than the guards themselves. 

Well, these are matters that remain unquestionable. You need the guards to protect the noble, well most times it feels like nobilities are the one doing the protecting. 

"Should we check the market place ? I heard there's a shop where potions are sold" I asked my sister, noticing her thoughtful expression. 

Just like my dad, she was transparent with her emotions.

"If you let the weak bully you from the on-set, it'll get to a point when they feel entitled and getting back at them will become a headache on your part…." 

From the memories of my past life, the number of times I almost got expelled for findall standing up for myself against bullies was numerous. That's why this time, I intend on entering with a Bang. 

She shook her head as if driving the thoughts away. 

"Don't mind me…" she muttered as she held out her hand, grabbing mine.  

I stared at it, baffled and looked up at her. "....I'm…not a child anymore….". I've never mentioned it but my sisters were tall for a girl. No offense but they were. Gloria was 5, 8 while Fiona was 5, 9

'I was 6, 1 in my past life though'. 

She chuckled at my expression ignoring my remark and one-sidedly pulled me forward. "Let's go….we only have a few hours till we have to leave for the ball at noon. 

'A ball ?' I thought. 'The King intends on masking it as a party huh…'. We continued talking while walking while ignoring the human presence I felt on the trees. 


Just like I said, the streets were bustling with people and this was my first time coming out in the open like this since I've mostly been focused on getting stronger. 

My gaze moved around at the countless stands and the diverse number of people from all races. 

Eleves, dwarves, beastmen and all sorts of other creatures hiding behind their masks. 

My sister stopped when we got in front of a wooden hut with a potion sign on the front. 

'Oh….She found one so quickly…' 

I turned towards her. "You….you didn't come here with a guy right ?" 

Her expression seemed flustered to my question and she awkwardly avoided my gaze. "What nonsense are you saying ? It was only a friend outing". 

A wry smile appeared on my face. 'Clueless girl' 

She was about to open the door when a very unfamiliar voice called up her name in surprise. 

I turned around quickly and my gaze was fixed on a brown haired boy with hazelnut eyes behind his huge round glasses. He wore the same homeric uniform as my sister though the male version of it and on both of his hands were bags containing what I presumed would be herbs. 

"Oh…." I muttered, well he is cute. 

"Phestus ?!" She screamed out his name, her cheeks glowing red. 

'Oh…this seems good' 

"I didn't know you helped the blind too" the boy said with a bright smile. Well, as cute as he seemed I guess he was also clueless. Moments like this I don't even need to get angry because my sisters seem to like my eyes a lot. 

"What did you just say ?" Her voice came out colder than she probably wanted to but he got the message clearly. 

Shifting back a little while adjusting his glasses he said. "Wait ? Is this your brother ?!" 

'Oh….he's quick-witted too'.  I slowly looked up at my sister and whispered. "I like him…" 

Her face froze up and she looked away. I chuckled. 

"I'm Raffaelo, her younger brother" I stretched my arm up for a hand shake. 

He walked up closer and stoked it. "I've heard so much about you….it's nice meeting you in person. I'm Phestus Greenhorn" 

"Nice to meet you....GREENHORN!!!" 

My expression changed on hearing his surname again. 

My sister and  Phestus stared at me with a baffled expression and I quickly shook my head. 

"...is there a reason you're out here ?" He asked, staring at Rebecca. 

She looked away shyly. "Just came to check some of your potions out". 

He chuckled. "Then come on in…" 

He led us in, shutting it close from behind.  

The room was filled with the pungent smell of herbs and concoctions. On the shelves were all sorts of bottles of potions and some others had ingredients. There didn't seem to be any form of ventilation except for the air vent on the ceiling and the two windows at either side of the room.

A woman was a dark shade under her eyes and big gloomy glasses stood behind the counter while giving us a quick look down. 

"Hey mum, I brought the herbs" 

She gave the boy a bright smile as Rebecca and Phestus walked up closer to the counter 

"Good day, Miss Greenhorn" I heard my sister say as my thoughts slowly organized themselves. 

In my past life, in order to get better results while gaining strength, a potion was more than a basic necessity. Especially in battle, once vitality was the deciding factor in all. 

The top-tier Alchemy shop at the time was The Greenhorn household. They experienced the complete opposite of what we went through. What I mean is that they rose up from grass to grace and became future influencers of the King because of their astounding talents in alchemy. 

'For Rebecca to get in touch with the eldest son, Phestus Greenhorn ... .well this is good'. 

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